Journal - The Crown of Intelligence

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(Clearly not meant for us)

A New Way of Travel

After the tragedy in the temple it took a few days for Arad to discuss how the people's needs would be catered for with the acolytes remaining. We also spent time with our respective mentors to learn more and practise our skills, which took a few weeks. There was plenty of time for contemplation, and I mourned the passing of Gilrad, resolving to follow the laws of the Creator a little closer as a small offer of contrition. I also learned as much as I could from our Saloroc friends about their homeland, Rozdyrevdoy, and its current state under the War Chief King Muddar the Undefeated.

Falcor had been studying how to use the tapestry and pyramid device, and visited the Elvradhil to speak about how they could help. They had restored the star room with the four statues that we had found by chance when we first followed the goblins what seemed like an age ago. Apparently the star was important to the use of the tapestry, and it was now functional again with the star design inlaid with gold and fist-sized gemstones at each point. The statues still turned to face Falcor at all times, which was no less creepy, but at least didn't suck the life out of him anymore.

When we finally came together and were prepared to travel again, it was to the star chamber that Falcor brought us. He had breathed fire into an Elvradhil brazier in preparation for the ceremony, and some magical force kept it burning whilst containing the heat so that it could be moved easily. Falcor placed the tapestry in the centre of the star and then used the pyramid to mark a place in Rozdyrevdoy near Mirgord. Strangely it stood firmly on its point as if fixed and could not be accidentally moved. We stood on our respective points, except for Falcor - his place was taken up by the brazier so he stood on the "intelligence" point as that is where we were moving to. Arad focused on the pyramid, willing us to move, and it did seem to work but there was a sound from our packs that suggested something might have broken in the process!

Despite this we were instantly transported to another place, although the pyramid was still stood on its point in front of us. Falcor urged Arad to take the pyramid, as he was the only way we could get back now that he had used it. We were at the edge of a relatively sparse forest, and we could see a fortified city along a coastline to what must have been the north of us. A road was in front of us, about a hundred yards away, that wound towards the city but also split to our right as we looked at it, with one road almost wrapping around us. Beyond the road there were some rolling hills to the east.

We started to rope together as Falcor turned us invisible so that we could stay together without being seen. Once we were ready we walked west along the treeline parallel to the road, intending to get closer to the city. I reached out for Karmana, just to see if she was present here... and I immediately felt a powerful draw of power to the southwest that I had to pull back from quickly. Karmana was there, but something was siphoning power from the land. After continuing for a little way we noticed some dust up on the road ahead and a mounted company of Saloroc, about a hundred strong with a Black Hand pennant, rode past on the road. They were light cavalry with spears and bows and seemed to move purposely on some kind of mission rather than patrolling.

Arad noticed that something was flying overhead, large but far away, and seemed to be right above us which worried us slightly. There were no squirrels in the vicinity to ask about it, though... perhaps they were afraidof it? Falcor was slightly annoyed by my calls to see if any were around as we moved on. Not that I would keep making squirrel calls just to irritate him, of course, that would be totally unnecessary. He he. I stopped as we got closer to the city, of course, and the forest fell away to the south giving way to more arable land that was kept to some extent, although it still seemed deserted.

The Price of Information

The city wall wasn't a regular shape, as if added some time after the city had grown, but it was in good condition. It rose about thirty feet high in most places, but with manned guard towers and a fortified gate facing our way, so roughly southeast. We kept to the forest and found a spot to meet again once I had (hopefully) made contact with the resistance. This seemed like a good time to reveal to my friends that I had learned how to take the shape of some animals and birds I had encountered, and my plan to change into a bird and fly into the city. It saved them from having to help me over the wall, and reduced the chance I would bump into any Black Hand patrols significantly. Falcor didn't seem impressed, though, muttering something about how I could have flown here on my own and saved them the walk. Typical teenager!

I took the form of a thrush and flew above the city. It was stone-built for the most part, with narrow streets within the outer walls. The exception was in the centre wher a flat-topped hill stood; the buildings there were much finer, almost like a palace or other place of importance. I could see the docks on one side, looking significantly more shabby. Next to the walls was an open area - a place to exercise or a defensive killing zone depending on your perspective. I wasted no time and headed straight towards the docks, finding the "Sailor's Delight" where I was to meet our contact in what was clearly the shittiest part of the docks, which itself seemed to be the shittiest part of the city. A poor residential area indicated the type of clientele I would likely meet inside, so I would need to be wary.

There was a narrow alley next to the tavern, so I found a place out of sight to change back to my normal form. I moved around the front and ducked inside as quickly as I could, getting some looks from those inside. Unfortunately there were three Black Hand Saloroc that wanted to pick a fight. I tried to avoid it, but the barmaid tipped me off that they wouldn't let me off that easily, but that she wouldn't be too bothered if they ended up dead. After I cut open the first two a lady appeared looking slightly amused and said "don't mind me"; her appearance seemed to terrify the last Black Hand who begged for mercy, but I couldn't let him go and I knew that I would be judged by the resistance on my actions so I just tried to make sure he died quickly.

The lady had me drag the bodies to dump in the sea using a well concealed door in the back of the tavern, stripping them of anything useful first. She was indeed my contact, and unsurprisingly from what I had heard of her seemed to know quite a bit about us, including Falcor and Arad. As I expected, she wanted us to do something for her before agreeing to help us, and asked that we fetch a powerful artifact for her from the "swamp people", one that granted the ability to exert control over reptiles. She offered in return to put us in contact with one who had been touched by dark magic and was most likely to have the information we sought. I agreed, seeing little choice at this point, and then returned to my friends by swimming out of the harbour in otter form and then making my way to the forest as a squirrel.

Falcor was still invisible, so I couldn't chitter in his ear when I got there. Instead I used our mental link to check that they were still in the meeting place and then relayed the result of my meeting to them. I remained as a squirrel as we started the journey south into the forest, where my contact had indicated we could find the swamp we had to enter. After five miles or so there was a colder feeling in the air, and the wind had shifted to behind us giving a chill on the back of our necks (I was grateful for my fur at this point). The sky seemed to have darkened as well, more so than the time of day alone could explain.

The trees had become draped in vines and fungi sprouted from them, under foot the ground became increasingly soggy, and we could make out scurrying noises from things unseen in the gloom. I decided to turn back into my normal form, more worried at that point about being eaten as a squirrel than I was about being seen! The darkness increased, and we knew that night was approaching so we decided that we would have to rest despite the oppressive surroundings. Arad took first watch and after a couple of hours he noticed snakes slithering down the tree we were resting against towards us! Three tried to strike at Arad, and he "yelled" mentally; this yell somehow penetrated my dream and I woke to realise the shout was real and we were in danger. Falcor, though, slept on. Arad had snakes on him, which spurred me into action, although he was throwing one off as I looked.

I called on Karmana to protect us from serpents, which was good timing as out of the darkness from all sides came some serpent creatures with legs, at least human sized, advancing on us. I put a circle of protection around the tree, not knowing exactly where Falcor was, and one of the creatures dropped dead as it tried to reach us - three others were clearly in pain. Arad handled the snakes well, grabbing them and bashing them against the tree. I asked him not to wake Falcor, aware that the protection I used might anger him, and to stay close to the tree. Thankfully he heeded my advice and the last three creatures died trying to get through Karmana's barrier. We thought we could hear some chanting in the air from somewhere off in the distance, but it was impossible to say exactly where in the dark.

We stayed on a defensive watch for about half an hour, but nothing else could be heard. Arad finally settled down to get some rest and I remained on watch, the time passing peacefully despite the unsettling sounds in the swamp around us. I handed over the watch to Falcor, reassuring him that the bodies around us were nothing to worry about but to be wary of trouble. It was nearly morning, but still quite dark, when Falcor heard noises around us that seemed more purposeful than usual. He moved out from the tree a little way and saw some snake-headed humanoid warriors. He shouted a warning and closed with one, activating a staff that seemed to have no effect. He also summoned magic missiles, though, which struck true. Neither of us woke at his shout, though, having had a rough night!

Falcor was attacked, but his armour returned just in time to protect him from the blow. Part of the tree above us transformed into snakes and dropped onto Arad and me! I was bitten, which definitely did wake me up, but thankfully its venom didn't affect me. I sank into the earth beneath me, dragging one snake with me and leaving it there, then emerged a little to the side free of the snakes for the time being. Arad had been bitten, and he used the power of his crown to purge the venom from him, then managed to kill a snake by bashing it against the tree.

The snakes were not the only things to worry about, though, and the snake warriors advanced on us. Falcor conjured a lightning bolt, the shock killing one of them. Arad killed a snake or two, but had to defend himself with his sword against the new threat. Falcor struck one, but being farther out had been surrounded by four of them. Thankfully his skill and armour kept him in good shape, only suffering a glancing blow. He called on everything he had to defend himself, and an ice bolt struck one of his attackers, turning its flesh black where it was struck, and it keeled over dead.

I landed a series of stabs and cuts to kill one that had attacked me, and I saw Falcor fell one with a powerful blow. Perhaps the odds were about to even out a bit? Yeah, shouldn't have thought that. We heard the voice in the air again, like last time, and as I moved to help Arad the ground suddenly erupted with spiders! I was bitten again, but managed to resist whatever venom they might have injected. Arad was killing another snake, but now he also had spiders all over him! I did manage to finish my attack and kill the snake warrior, but it seemed more of a distraction now that we were being swarmed with spiders!

I dived into the soil again, emerging away from the spiders, as Arad stoically ignored them and instead strode over to aid Falcor, striking with both his weapons. Falcor cleaved the other attacker down, so there was only one now. I called on Karmana to create water and dumped a load on top of the spiders nearest me. I would have done it on Arad, but he had moved away. I'm still not sure if he would have thanked me or not, though. I then ran to help the others, finishing off the last of the snake warriors that Arad had injured. Arad was able to squash the last of the spiders; I checked with him about bites and any potential venom, but he seemed happy that he had it under control.

We took a moment to check our equipment, finding that Arad and I had lost a potion each due to the glass cracking during the transfer through the tapestry. Also, having slept on it and now with a moment to reflect, I discussed with Falcor my concerns about the implications of handing this artifact we sought over to a third party if we did find it. I was concerned that it might affect the Elvradrak, and if it did what it might be used for. As we were speaking and looking at our equipment Falcor cooked up some snake for breakfast, which was delicious. As I used Karmana's power to dry the wood, however, I felt a presence that noticed me and was contesting for Karmana's power - I suspected that it was this that was drawing on the land. Arad took time to bless one of Falcor's swords for use against Sullinassauri, offering to do the same for me at some point before we reached our goal.

We continued our journey, and we knew that we were well into the morning by now but it was still dark and murky. After an hour or so I heard something slightly unnatural up ahead, so I warned the others and offered to sneak forward to investigate. With Falcor's blessing I pulled up the hood of my cloak and sneaked forward.

Definitely sounds on other side of pool of swamp water. Some language of lizard folk as well.

Close until see four lizard things. They notice me and come running, so I dive into the earth and move away. Stay still and watch - something called them back. Return to others to report what I had seen.

Arad has a plan to influence the lizards so we advance confidently together, but their rush still takes us by surprise with its alacrity.

Falcor uses a mental assault in a reaction, not waiting for Arad's action. They all suddenly crumple and collapse to the floor within a few steps. Seem harmless now - not very powerful minds.

As we approach, start to notice shape of trees and worry it might be a sacred grove. Call out in druid tongue and get a response.

Is this a sacred place?

Beyond your imagining. Leave and never return The Dragon is not welcome

My apologies, we did not mean to invade such a place, or harm your people without knowing you were of Karmana / Korman.

Korman is no friend of ours and nor is her guardian. leave now

May I ask, before we leave, who is your guardian spirit if not Korman?

The Queen of the Damned - in her name we banish you from this place

Tell others that it is a sacred place and we should leave, but have information for them.

Arad, though, uses staff to influence their behaviour as Falcor and I are ready to withdraw. We walk away, talking about the situation, but Arad is attacked from behind as he lingered.

Arad entangles two foes, I call on Karmana and form a wall of vegetation between us and grove, trying to catch Arad's attackers in the corner.

Try to encourage them to leave whilst trying to reassure the druid here that we will leave. Say that they have given us the information we need. Must leave.

Convince others to move west for a couple of hours before turning south - Falcor wants me to use sense of drawing force to guide us from there.

Probably being followed. After away, touch a tree and reach out - Karmana holy below, poison and badness above. Thanks.

Try a small prayer and get mocked by evil presence - do get a sense of direction, though, just before I pass out. 240 degrees.

Arad revived me with crown, so filled with Karmana's energy and come to. Crowns on then!

Move in that direction, emerging into drier deciduous forest, but getting darker again. Keep going for about four hours, forest very thing now and see brightly lit city up ahead.

See the lights of a city ahead. Falcor turns us invisible and we camp for the night, using string to keep track of each other.

Reasonably pleasant, forest sounds returned since leaving the swamp. Rest, shrieking bat flies over during the night, but that is all.

When fully rested continue towards city, still invisible. Fine stone outer walls with gate on the four sides. Very robust double towered defence on each gate, with figures manning them. Huge iron gates.

Large fortified towers in corners of walls. Western edge has massive stone tower, but outside the walls about a hundred yards from gatehouse on that side.

Arrow slits only for five storeys and then an open layer with pillars about six storeys up, brightly lit. Bat perched in one of the openings there, and then another couple of storeys above it. Windows at that level.

Saloroc guards near gates, moving on foot. Some humans around, though. All of those not in armour guarding are not armed and are finely dressed.

Fly into tower as invisible Thrush - swoop through archway into internal courtyard. Oak doors (3) closed, about a dozen Saloroc with no clan markings. Well appointed, armoured and carry medium sized swords.

About twenty feet to ceiling of stone. Double doors not used by Saloroc, but when civilians approach let through quickly with a nod.

Most of the light sources seem to be magical. Humans and Saloroc on the walls, 2/3 human. Only Saloroc in tower.

Go back to others. Bat leaves so go for a look. Figures in there... vampire?! Turns into bat and shrieks, chasing me as I dive for floor. Others notice movement and start to move, Falcor offering to fly with Arad (but not as an Elvradrak).

Arad casts levitate and Falcor casts something to make him fly. I cannot sink into ground so flit over to tower and press against wall. Bat shrieking but seems to have lost me for now. Bat spiral climbing, shrieking slightly less frequently.

Arad calls the Creator's protection on Falcor and himself as they approach, although I don't know that they're there yet.

Lightning bolt lights up sky as Falcor appears, then again! Crazy fools. I'd better go and help...

Mental battle going on between it and Falcor. It launches at Falcor aiming to slam into an attack but repelled by invisible barrier.

Arad calls another blessing on Falcor. Bat very angry, cannot touch either of them. Arad throws spears at thing, striking it.

Falcor casts something on my foe - apparently enfeebled and certainly looks like she's struggling.

Female I fight - weapon just passes right through! She stabs me and grabs at me, feel a pull on my essence but just manage to resist it.

Shake free of her grip, thanks to Falcor's weakening her. She misses me a couple of times and then thankfully Falcor arrives to engage her. Arad is also there with holy symbol chanting.

Falcor becomes a dragon as he runs at her and screams, freezing her with terror and striking her in some way that might be with a rod and shoots bolts of energy at her.

Light floods the chamber from Arad's holy symbol as he finished chanting, but doesn't seem to change anything.

Falcor unusually returns quickly to human form. She seems helpless. Not, though, evil creature in disguise.

Falcor continues to bludgen her to death even as Arad tries to bind her and urges us to relent. No - she's evil.

She turns into gas and disappears through the floor. I move towards stairs, but both go down. Arad pours holy water into sarcophagus, then says blessing.

I run to corner and leap into air and create a pocket of Cernurros' realm, calling Arad but then disappearing into it. Trying to breach the ceiling.

Arad can't get high enough to join me. Falcor flies outside to look into windows.

Jump out into dark room lined with bookcases, study tables. Book of vulnerabilites of dragons - take it. Bed chamber in next room, huge four poster bed, warderobes, etc.

As I step in, sudden sucking drain of energy from mind, taking Karmana's power from me. Warn the others!

Falcor finds alchemist's laboratory.