Journal - The Heart of Karmana

From Karmana
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A Plea for Help

The protection of Karmana was stronger than ever within the archipelago, so nothing was likely to arrive magically that shouldn't be here, and we knew that it was hard to reach by ship from the outside. The Imperial presence in the east was static according to Elvrabor, but they were busy fortifying and settling into farming to sustain themselves, and there were at least three legions within the region. There was an evil pall over the Saloroc homeland, and the few boats that left brought bedraggled, half-starved people. We spent the time training and learning more about the region, but Falcor was keen to relight the Forge when he felt ready.

Before we had the chance, though, a boat arrived from the Elvrabor carrying some unusual visitors - two of the Elvrahum. They were similar to Garrett but a little smaller and much older. One carried a carved bone staff, and the other wore bone encircling his head. There was definitely a theme, but I didn't sense death about them. They had come seeking us specifically, and approached Falcor first, bowing before him. The one with the staff addressed him as "Lord", and said that they needed him desperately. He seemed confused when Falcor didn't recognise him, and asked if he could touch his shoulder. Falcor agreed, and he did so, pausing for a moment, and then stepped back, saying that he didn't realise that Falcor's soul was incomplete - that he hadn't yet been reborn. He recognised that the time would be soon to relight the Forge, and hesitated to distract him from this task, but he was the only one that could help them.

He introduced himself as Olgarron, although the other spoke up at that, saying "Hinar Raksen Olgarron", which the older man waved away. The second one was Hinar Lonack Akallan. They said that the dead had invaded the Heart of Karmana, and that no others could hope to rid the place of the dead and ever leave again. Falcor's soul was free to travel there and back, and one born of the dead with no soul should be able to leave as well, or so he said. They would drain power from Karmana directly, so the matter was urgent. Falcor spoke of the tapestry, which the new arrivals called "Falum's Tapestry", and said that they would return in time but we should go as quickly as possible. With only two of us to stand on the right points, though, we needed some dweomer to balance the journey, but we had enough to do so safely, and transported ourselves to the island in the north, at a point that they indicated for us.

There were snow-capped mountains before us, but it was still warm and there seemed to be places we could pass through them below the snow line. I looked behind and I could see a great, fortified city that must be the home of the Elvrahum. It was clearly meant to be a fortress first and a place to live second, with concentric rings of walls, which were deep in their blunt construction and lined with battlements. There was a pillared building in the centre, which seemed to be holy to the Elvrahum. We had been warned that we were not welcome there, as only the Elvrahum could enter. We started our trek up the side of the mountains, which was hot work but otherwise pleasant.

About halfway up to the coll we meant to pass through, we saw some figures on ridge above us, maybe a mile away. We couldn't make out any details, so we headed towards them, making out four humanoids as we drew closer. They stepped off the horizon and quickly blended into the surroundings so that we lost sight of them. When we were a few hundred yards away we saw something angular occasionally sticking up over the edge - there was something else up there... something big. Falcor hardened my skin with his dweomer, as it had been so effective before, and I used the time to make it harder for him to be subject to scrying. Having prepared a little, we approached the narrow pass and as we entered we saw a bloody big, evil looking spider up ahead. It was scuttling around, but not approaching, so we got a little closer and saw that there was a second one with two of its legs stuck into the ground, seemingly sucking life from Karmana.

Falcor loosed an arrow at the life sucker, incensed by what it was doing, but it passed through it harmlessly. Undeterred, he loosed another, but this time a different kind of arrow and that one struck true... and the spider disappeared completely! Seeing he had it under control, I turned to scan around us, seeking any evil presence, and immediately noticed two dark elvrabor archers behind us! They loosed arrows, both striking me, but the armour we had taken from the last Sarn turned them both aside. Falcor loosed another arrow, causing the other spider to disappear, and then turned to face the new threat. One of their arrows finally found a weak spot in my armour, but I was saved from damage by Falcor's protective dweomer. Seeing that they weren't going to take us down quickly, the archers flipped their hoods up and moved away, all but disappearing from sight. Falcor managed to track one of them long enough to put two arrows into them, causing them to stagger backwards, but a moment later we couldn't see them at all.

I got a sense of great evil to the north, approaching quickly, but I couldn't see anything. I warned Falcor, who muttered a quick incantation. A splatter of glittering dust appeared in mid-air as it it had hit an invisible wall, and from the way it was moving we could see that there was something pressing against it from the other side, although it was unable to pass through. We closed up, standing either side of where the dust was, and stepped through. I instantly felt utterly fucker, collapsing to the ground barely hanging onto consciousness. The whole place was permeated with a positive aura, which should have been reviving, but passing through the barrier had almost completely drained me. We had definitely transitioned to another place, that much was clear. I quickly let Falcor know how bad I was, as he seemed to be unaffected. I reached for a pot of healing ointment and slapped some on to help revive me, and Falcor stepped over to help as well. I noticed then that I was drawing energy from the ground, and forced myself to stop (the first time I had been able to control it). More immediately a concern, now I was not so drained, was a tall, dark creature in front of Falcor, which was mostly corporeal but not completely. Falcor told me that the creature was being controlled and wanted to be free, but the only way it knew how was for Falcor to kill it! Apparently exhausted from trying to stop itself, it lurched into an attack, with one massive hand connecting heavily, staggering Falcor with the force of the blow.

I called on my benefactor to dispel the evil that was controlling it, moving around to touch it as it was focused on Falcor. It was instantly changed, relaxing and sinking to its knees before Falcor. It sounded grateful as it told Falcor that his "witch" had released him. He was only a guardian here, but had been controlled by another. He feared approaching the heart again, concerned that he would just be controlled again, but did indicate the right direction to find the Heart. He pointed towards a massive canyon that had come into view as we moved through the pass, and it seemed we just had to go to the centre of the canyon, although that was many miles from us. From the description of the foe, it was almost certainly Ilianna that had invaded the Heart. Bitch. She could not come here herself, though, or she would not be able to leave - instead she stood inside the doorway to cause chaos.

The guardian said that he would seek to remove other interlopers from around the edges of the canyon, but would not approach the Heart. We left and headed towards the canyon, and it didn't take long to reach the edge. There was movement within, but it must have been at least a thousand feet down so it was hard to make out what was down there. I had a vague sense of intrusion, as if I had turned up at someone else's funeral, and had I not been with Falcor, who seemed at home, I would have been uncomfortable. Falcor was angry, though, and he transformed into his Elvradrak form, larger again that he had seemed last time, and barely waited for me to climb on before launching himself into the canyon. I gripped the stave of the planes in one hand as he dived to pick up speed before gliding along the canyon towards the centre.

Karmana Suffers

As we got closer to the Heart we could see a set of six obelisks arranged in a hexagon, and between them was a glowing, golden Elvradrak laying prone. Rays, like lightning crackling, shot out from the Elvradrak into planes that looked like gateways into other worlds, each one situated between a pair of obelisks. Five heavy flying things, the anti-dragon beasts we had seen near Sulinassauri's tower, circled slowly above the Heart, and three floating shades hovered close to the ground just outside the obelisks. As we approached I prepared some vials of water, as we were likely to need a vacuum to help close one of the portals, and at his request I passed Falcor some rods from his pack. He sent a positive energy ball into the centre of the obelisks, aimed at the golden dragon of Karmana. It was big enough to cover the three shades as well, although one seemed unaffected by it. The other two were obliterated - the first instantly, and the second after it turn to try and escape but couldn't get away fast enough. Unfortunately, what we had assumed were the rear, opaque sides of portals were actually inactive and the energy unleashed within the area activated them all at once!

Giants stepped through from Itnak Aln'a slightly to the left as we approached, a fire-headed giant from Igsol's realm stepped through in front of us, and some flying creatures emerged on the far side, climbing - the Elvraeli. I jumped off Falcor, using my mind to land safely, but everything seemed to be converging on me! I called on my patron to protect me and dispel the evil that did not belong here, aware that I was being charged down, but also knowing it was my best hope of surviving. The last shade activated what was a positive portal (we could see the friendly dog thing on the far side), turning it jet black instead, and three ragged black bat shapes flew out. Falcor conjured another positive energy ball, avoiding the portals this time, and it caught all the bats within the blast, destroying them before they could cause any damage. The shade, annoyingly, just ignored it again.

As Falcor flew over the giants he breathed fire straight down at them, doing some damage but not enough for any to falter. He called out to the Elvraeli, asking them to help defend Karmana - they were a little awestruck to learn that they were in the Goddess' presence, although they feared for their souls. They would try to help, though. Falcor banked around as I ran forward, ignoring the foes and heading for the portals. As he wheeled back towards me he was able to send a bolt of positive energy into the shade, finally destroying it. I avoided most of the giants, but the fire-headed one smacked me from behind with a massive hammer, and I barely kept my feet. I was able to use one of Falcor's wands on the Itlak Aln'a portal, and then force it to close with the Staff of the Planes, but as soon as it disappeared a beam of positive energy (which presumably had been sustaining it) struck me, veering towards me as if seeking me out. I actually felt better for a moment, but quickly the sense of an extremely powerful mind almost overwhelmed me, and I staggered slightly.

There was a flare of energy from a portal on the far side that we couldn't see, but more importantly I managed to ask (rather crudely as I tried to hold onto my senses) how to free Karmana. She just wanted us to remove the devices that were draining her, and now I had a clear vision of where the positive energy was coming from - there were rods stuck into Karmana's scales, and these were draining her energy. I dare not touch such a thing, though, knowing it could release enough power to completely destroy me! Falcor dropped an iceball on the dogs before they could reach me, ripping them apart with shards of ice, but the giants had reversed direction and were coming for me too.

I moved round to the next portal, throwing a sphere from Igsol's realm at it, but a hand reached out and caught it! Ilianna was right in the doorway, as we had been warned. I tried to close the portal anyway, but I could feel her will battling with mine and neither of us could dominate the other to exert control over the staff. The heavy flying things were attacking Falcor by now, well some of them - they were slower than he was, and those that did reach him were repelled by his protective dweomer. The Elvraeli were fighting one of the creatures, and we saw a broken body falling from the fight, but they did seem to be winning. Just to make matters worse, I saw one of my father's two-headed giants lumbering around the obelisks to join the fight! I alerted Falcor to how Karmana was suffering, but that was as much as I could do, surrounded as I was.

Falcor was using destructive spell after spell, but was struggling to affect the flying creatures; they were, after all, created to fight the Elvradrak. Now that I knew Ilianna was in the portal, I used Falcor's wand again, intending to weaken the connection the portal had with Karmana. I then focused all my will on the staff and finally managed to cut Ilianna out and activate it. In a moment the portal was gone, and her sense of will with it. Phew. Well, I was relieved at the time, but it was soon to be clear that this would bring new problems for us. I was hit by the energy beam from Karmana, as expected, and this time was able to brace myself and keep my senses. That was why I noticed that four of the dark elves had slipped through the portal at the edge before I closed it. Two ran off to my left, but the other two attacked me with daggers, doing some damage but nothing that I notice after the energy from Karmana had started to knit my wounds anyway.

A massive Earth Elemental appeared between me and the death giant, but I was so surrounded now that I had no way out. I used dweomer to instantly move some distance away, but weirdly felt the death giant trying to catch hold of me as I passed, even though I was no longer really in Karmana as I did so. I managed to get there, though, and even though it just took a second it seemed like time had stopped for a minute! An iceball exploded where I had been standing a moment later... hopefully Falcor was waiting for me to move?! The fire giant was obliterated, and the Itlak Aln'a giants were killed as well, having already been hurt by Falcor's fire breath. One elf was killed and the other badly hurt as well.

Without the controlling influence of Ilianna the gates were activating at random, and all kinds of things were emerging now. Falcor fired a bolt of radiance at an evil-looking spider, then sent ice bolts flying into a fiery minotaur that had also come into view. A swirling elemental with lightning crackling through it appeared through the air gate, but stayed static as if guarding it. Another ragged black bat shade thing flew out of another portal. The death giant turned towards me as I took in all of this, and then turned that into a charge that forced me to my knees. It was unable to get a purchase to pick me up, at least. I drew Aramat in my one free hand as Falcor sent a radiant bolt into both of us, healing and energising us both! The minotaur had turned on the spider, killing it with powerful sweeps of his two large scimitars.

Falcor sent a fireball into one of the flying things, but it still had no effect. He did, though, order the Earth elemental to walk up to Karmana and pull out one of the golden rods. As the elemental passed between the obelisks it doubled in size, becoming even more impressive, but it didn't affect it's focus, and finally one rod was removed. Hopefully it gave Karmana some relief, and her wound knitted even as the barbed tip ripped the flesh on the way out. The elemental dropped the rod and started lumbering around to the next one. I released my protective dweomer, sending the death giant back to my father's realm with it, but only barely managed to stay behind as it tried to take me with it! I was just relaxing slightly, knowing that it posed the greatest threat to me, when another one appeared from a portal! Shit.

The elemental tore out another spike, so there were two removed from the six now, but I needed to close another gate if it was going to remove another. I coordinated mentally with Falcor, and he struck what was obviously the negative portal with a positive bolt just before I focused the staff's energy and it closed easily. That meant I was hit with a beam of radiant energy again, and I needed to be careful as I was starting to sweat from the heat inside me. The portal to my father's realm was still open, but I was wary of the giant there. Sure enough it lumbered forward and grabbed me just as Falcor landed behind it and transformed back to his human form.

The minotaur was just watching now, swords at rest, so at least we weren't being swamped just yet. I managed to force my way out of the giant's grip, and just in time as I could sense a portal growing around us. Falcor used his mind against the nearest flying creature, but that just seemed to enrage it. The black, bat-like thing screamed towards Falcor in an attempt to envelop him, but recoiled at the last moment. A flying creature grabbed me and lifted me up, which was actually a bit of a relief as it took me away from the giant that was trying to take me back to Kraldar! The giant struck out in anger as it flew up, causing it some damage. It's stony claws were painful on my shoulder, so I swung Aramat upwards and somehow found a weakness. Aramat bit deep and black ooze squirted out, and then it suddenly plummeted like a stone into the ground. We landed hard, and I was only just able to rip myself free and roll before the bulk of its body crushed me. Although I would normally have been badly hurt, the energy I had absorbed from Kamana protected me from harm.

As I stood up I felt a tug on my back, and sensed a mind searching - Ilianna must be back somewhere! I called on dweomer to protect me from evil, and Falcor summoned a massive hand in an attempt to hold the giant back and keep me with Karmana. I moved toward the fire gate, and for a moment thought that I'd seen Ilianna outside the gate! I realised after a moment that she wasn't fully corporeal, though, so it was a projection of some kind instead. As I approached, the scrub-like grass around me turned black and grew, trying to grasp at me, but I was able to force my way out just in time to avoid being held. The projection of Ilianna had been the source of the dweomer, so we had to do something about it.

A wraith emerged from Kraldar's gate, and the giant swiped at it as it slipped past, only for another one to emerge behind it. I concentrated and was able to take control of the staff despite Ilianna's influence, closing the fire gate. Sadly it wasn't the one she was using, but at least the bolt of energy from Karmana grounded at Ilianna's image instead of me. She seemed to be absorbing the energy from it, so I knew that she couldn't keep it up for too long. Before that mattered, though, Falcor was able to dispel her image. He was just too late to prevent her from casting one last spell through it, and that dispelled Falcor's Earth elemental. That meant we had to do something about the rods in Karmana ourselves, so Falcor ran over to grasp the one I had just exposed and pull it out. He was shocked by the energy suddenly flowing into him, finding himself briefly in a blissful meadow before he managed to focus and plunge back into the chaos of battle. Although the energy was almost overwhelming for him, he did manage with an effort of will to pull the rod out, which ended the effect. Again he saw Karmana's flesh knit quickly, leaving no trace.

The bat thing swooped down at me, but again was forced to recoil at the last moment due to the protective dweomer around me. A wraith also glided towards me, but the second one was caught by the giant; it reached out and grabbed it, and then drew it into its own body, absorbing it completely! Whilst doing so, it beat one fist down on the massive hand that was still holding it back, but it held firm. I ignored the wraith and jogged past, its sword sliding off my armour and feeling very wrong in some way. I ran around to the Death gate, trying to use the staff to close it, but it didn't work even with the crown's energy weakening the portal. Damn!

The giant saw his chance, closing on me quickly but recoiling from the protective dweomer. Unfortunately he had another trick up his sleeve, and tried to encircle me with his arms. I managed to duck backwards, but another giant stepped through the portal and tried to do the same thing. I could feel planar energy crackling within their arms, and used dweomer to enable me to fly - I had to get away! Falcor moved up beside me, causing the massive hand to hold back one of the giants, but then I was able to fly up out of reach. Falcor used dweomer to escape the area in an instant, taking a moment to catch his breath from a distance. As I rose into the air, the flying creatures that were still circling dived at me, but they were repelled by my dweomer before they could contact me.

One of the giants plucked the other wraith from the air, drawing it into himself like the last one - they really didn't like things escaping from my Father's realm! The Air portal kept flashing, but the lightning guardian obviously dissuaded anything from coming through. I was able to close the death gate with dweomer I channeled, at least temporarily, and the beam of energy that flew out from Karmana caused one of the giants to explode with radiance before it could get far enough away to escape. I was less smug about this when the beam latched on to me next, so I quickly moved away and waited. I needed to recover my energy before I could try to close another gate. Falcor changed back into dragon form, nervous that his protection was wearing off, and went on the offensive, ripping shreds out of one of the flying creatures before it could react. It fought back, but Falcor was able to finish it pretty quickly, and Karmana's energy meant that he wasn't left badly wounded.

The other two flying creatures had closed on him, though, so he had to fight on. He struck and bit one of them, moving unnaturally fast, and was able to avoid most of the attempts to hit him back. He tried breathing fire, but found that they were unaffected by it, instead having to finish the most badly wounded one with his talons, sending it falling heavily to the ground. He turned on the last one, ripping into that with talons and teeth, but then another foe joined it. The ragged, black bat joined the combat, and its wing scraped Falcor's wing, and where they connected it was as if tendrils were trying to suck the energy from him. Falcor finished off the last dragon beast as quickly as he could, and then went for the bat. His attacks were proving ineffectual, though, and he returned to his kit on the floor as it harried him. He retrieved something and sent a bolt of positive energy into it, which obliterated it completely.

I tried to get rid of the last giant with dweomer now that I had recovered, but it had no effect at all. I persisted, able to try just once more with my dweomer, and this time it worked; the giant was thrown back towards the obelisk and faded out of view before he reached it, returning to Kraldar I was sure. We landed, and when I tried to control the lightning elemental it instead simply asked "can I depart now"? I realised that he was an ally of Aergarnion and thanked him for guarding the path. He stepped back through, leaving us to use a water phial we had prepared with my dweomer to create a small vacuum. With that hopefully affecting the gate, I then used the staff to close the portal.

Falcor was immediately hit with a beam of energy from Karmana, so we both moved back to safety. Falcor was able to use his mind to rip the rods out of Karmana safely, and as soon as that was done the dragon form started to fade and sink into the ground. A sense of extreme and deep gratitude was felt by both of us intensely, although Falcor had a closer connection, and was able to have a short conversation with the Goddess. Just before she faded completely, I suddenly knew how to control the leeching of energy that before was involuntary, able to choose whether to take energy from around me or to keep my wounds and spare whatever place I might be within. Then, in a moment, we were in Falcor's temple on the island - Falcor had asked Karmana for a favour, he told me, and it was done. We felt energised after arriving, with wounds and mental exhaustion all gone.

Karmana Exploited

The sense of wellness didn't last long, though, and I noticed that the air was starting to tingle like there was a charge within it - something from another place was interfering here on Karmana. Suddenly, Falcor crumpled to the ground and I hurried over to see what had happened, dropping to one knee beside him. I didn't have time to do anything else, though, as the whole temple complex exploded violently, sending rubble and earth flying. It was lucky that I was low to the ground, as I managed to avoid the worst of the debris, but I was still lifted up and thrown a fair distance into the forest. I landed painfully in a clearing, but had lost track of Falcor completely.

The sky had started to boil with storm clouds, blotting out the daylight so that it felt like dusk, and a wind was building quickly and growing stronger by the minute. There were cracks of thunder as the storm grew rapidly, and I had to lean into the wind as I got to my feet. I was disorientated, but could see smoke rising from where I thought the village was, so I tried to head that way. The wind was so bad, though, that I was forced to take shelter behind a nearby tree. I thought better of the idea, though, when lightning struck a tree on the opposite side of the clearing, although it behaved oddly, seeming to dance and grow around the charred remains of the wood. The storm was still getting worse, so I backed away from the tree but used the trunk as a wind break and called down some protection from evil, anticipating an attack.

There was another loud crack as I started chanting, but the wind seemed to have stabilised a little, although still very strong. More lightning impacted the trees until there were four glowing with lightning, and the first one had taken a form and was starting to venture away from the tree. As the fourth bolt struck, though, I saw a body fall from the tree - was it Falcor? I ran towards him, using dweomer in an attempt to slow the formation of the latest creature, but without success. Another crack echoed around the woods, and a new form arrived in the centre of the clearing. This one was different, though, and one we had seen before. It was a swirling, lightning flecked, mini storm like the one that had guarded the portal at the end of the fight to save Karmana... could it aid me? The other lightning creatures looked like they might be avoiding her, so I grabbed Falcor despite the lightning crackling around him, and backed away slightly.

I used dweomer to instantly move us to the side of the new arrival. It was taking a chance, as I knew I'd be helpless for a minute after doing so, but it seemed like the best chance for both of us. It was not a smooth transition, though - instead of just arriving after a moment, I found myself surrounded by my Father's realm and a really strong force was pulling me back. I forced myself on by sheer willpower, and just before I stepped back to Karmana I felt my Father directly reaching out to pluck me away. I barely escaped his grasp, and suddenly was back in the stormy clearing as expected... I wouldn't be doing that again! The lightning creatures were starting to converge on us, but the guardian lashed out with a bolt that struck one and it simply ceased to be. I had made the right choice!

Two more of the creatures reached us, though, and they started to suck power out of Falcor's body, his arms and legs starting to rise slightly from the ground. One was almost immediately deleted by the guardian, though. I quickly tried to protect Falcor by creating a barrier to stop evil from touching him, and the lightning arced around him, his limbs dropping back to the floor. Our friendly guardian removed the other one that had attacked Falcor, leaving two more... but they were wisely hanging back rather than risk suffering the same fate. I finally had a moment to check Falcor, finding that he was still alive, although his body was cold, his heartbeat slow, and he was clammy to the touch. He had suffered some injuries from being thrown, as I had, but was otherwise intact. I used some energy to heal him, but it wasn't enough to revive him.

Instead I spoke to the lightning guardian, which unfortunately only served to confirm my fears. Falcor's link to Karmana had been broken because Karmana had been displaced... my Father had taken her place! I asked if I could find sanctuary for Falcor's sake, and to learn more of what had happened, and the guardian agreed to take us to the realm of Air. He warned me not to resist, and then I went rigid as I was surrounded by lightning before appearing in the air, with no land in sight. I thanked the guardian as he faded away, then searched Falcor's packs for the feather I had seen him use before to summon aid. I was able to make contact, through the feather, with Aergarnion who said that he would be with us when he could. I healed some more of Falcor's wounds, but again it was not enough to revive him, so I waited patiently with nothing more I could do.

I regularly saw things moving around, but they seemed to avoid us until about half an hour later (although time might be different in this realm) I saw a figure approaching directly, which sure enough turned out to be Aergarnion. He spoke of his fear that it was the Lord of Chaos that had blown a connection open for Kraldar to use to seize Karmana. How could he consort with Chaos? That wasn't like him... and Chaos would consume him like everything else! Aergarnion also confirmed that Karmana was not felt anywhere now, so it was worse than I had thought. I could only assume that Kraldar had taken the Forge for his own purposes.

My stomach knotted, but I knew that I had to return and try to face him. I could not leave Karmana, or Falcor, like this. Aergarnion was happy to look after Falcor's body, although his soul was no longer within it, and delivered me to Borarla so that I could start my journey. As soon as he left, I walked slowly forwards with my arms raised and head bowed, knowing I would not be alone. Sure enough, an arrow thudded into the ground ahead of me, so I stopped and looked up. I saw nothing, so I just said that I sought an audience with their Queen - as she would know the truth. A very green, armoured Elvrabor walked into sight and stepped up to me. He just wanted me to leave, which was hardly a surprise. When I said that I wanted to seek passage west with the Saloroc, he seemed slightly happier (not much, though), and said that he would pass work to them but I must leave at once, pointing the way I should walk before disappearing into a tree.

I spent the rest of the day walking, not wanting to risk stopping until I reached the coastline. I made it just as the day was darkening, and made myself comfortable on the grass between forest and sea, not making a fire as I didn't want to destroy any wood. There was a chill from the wind blowing out to sea... towards the Forge. That was different - life was being taken rather than created now, perhaps? I could sense... no, I could actually see if I concentrated, that souls of the dead were being carried towards the Forge. My father was taking all the souls from Karmana for himself, it seemed. One caught my attention, though - it was the soul of a Saloroc, but one of the lost Dragon clan... I could sense it! It came from the East, so perhaps within or beyond the mountains that lay that way, but was quickly pulled West towards the Forge.

I scanned the sea, noticing a faint light out to sea, so I used dweomer to cause Ulric's sword to glow brightly with light. I had intended to get the attention of the ship, but the sudden light revealed worrying shapes in the shadows around me. They quickly melted away into the darkness, realising they had been seen, and now I was worried that I was surrounded by the agents of death. I hid the sword's light before revealing it again to reveal the shapes again, so I charged towards one and reached out to touch it. I suddenly found myself in a nothing place with stone underfoot; the shape I had seen had looked like one of my father's giants, but what I actually faced in that place was one of the wraith things we had fought near Karmana and it turned with a snap to look at me.

I managed to hold it back by force of will, then took the Staff of Planes and again exerted my will to take myself back to the beach. Thankfully it worked, but now I didn't want to sleep in the darkness! I stuck the sword in the ground next to me and eventually managed to drift off into a fitful sleep. I only realised that I had managed to fall asleep when I suddenly awoke to find myself confronted by several Saloroc bearing the red hand mark. Two were holding bows pointed in my direction, but I realised that they had just loosed arrows at something behind me; the other one had their hands free. A black, ragged bat thing swooped past moments later, trying to grab one of the Saloroc but missing.

I urged them to get close and used a prayer to protect us all from evil and the next time a bat swooped it was forced to recoil. Then I took a few steps to draw the foe away from the Saloroc, knowing that only dweomer-infused weapons could hope to harm them. Sure enough, the next attack was directed at me and I managed to land a powerful blow. There was a second one, though, that grabbed me and I only just managed to shake myself clear. Then the first one returned to grab at me as well, and it took all my strength to break its grip before it lifted me too far! I did manage to land a blow on one of them, and thankfully my armour deflected the next attack.

Aramat struck true again, and a wing crumpled, forcing one to the ground, and I followed up with Ulric's sword. It was badly hurt, but not destroyed and I was lifted clean into the air this time. Again I managed to break free, although the landing was painful this time and my shoulders ached where I had been grabbed. I did manage to cut a gouge out of its belly as I dropped, but it kept flying. The Saloroc had been watching all this, but had stowed their weapons and claws had extended from their hands - they were itching to fight, and I asked if they could deal with the wounded creature as I fought the others. They were happy to, and engaged in melee as I focused on the flying one. This time my armour held and I was able to cut more gouges out of its underside, and on the next pass I easily finished it off. I turned to see that the Saloroc had ripped the other one apart with their claws, so we were out of immediate danger.

Their ship was nearby, and we rested there until dawn. The Saloroc homeland was infested with death, the temple island had been ravaged, and most of their people had fled to take their chances in the Empire. The seas were not safe, and the waters near the Forge were not navigable. I believed that I needed more information on how the flow of souls had been affected, what I could do about it, and what had happened to Karmana. Despite not having any previous contact, I knew that the Elvrahum knew most about the flow of soul energy, and that they had a fortified city to the north. Garrett had spoken about it, and I had seen it, so I asked if they could take me north. They were happiest to sail close to the shore, and if there was a chance of finding refuge then it could help us both, so they agreed. They would not approach too closely, though, and aimed to land a good distance to the east of the city.

I ended up sleeping in because of the poor light, and was shaken awake by a Saloroc as the Captain wanted to get underway. The seas were rough, even this close to the coast, and the crew was reduced. The sails were barely usable because of the strong wind towards the Forge, so it was slow going. After a few hours one of the Saloroc that was mounting a large crossbow at the prow shouted an alert - he had seen something in the water on the port side. I took a look, and sure enough there was a shape just under the surface that was keeping pace with the ship. I asked if they had bows, and was directed to a tarpaulin near the mast, finding and stringing a bow just before I heard the twang of a crossbow bolt being released.

I ran back and could now see two shapes in the water, and they both had riders on their backs, but I couldn't make out the details. They veered towards us, though, and two flying ray things leapt out of the water right over the boat, landing in the water on the other side. Their tails whipped at us, and one scraped off my armour, but they were gone in a moment. As they passed over, two humanoid wolf creatures, about seven feet tall, jumped off onto deck. They landed heavily, with one sprawled on the deck, so I asked why they were attacking us. All I got back was "Death commands it" and "you will all die", so they didn't seem likely to back down. Not waiting until they had fully recovered, I put two arrows into the nearest one, then dropped the bow and drew swords. I closed the distance and slashed at one, landing two blows but having to fight with Ulric's sword to control it properly.

To anyone watching it must have looked very dramatic, with a "glowing white maiden" (thanks to the crown) fighting a snarling wolfman on the deck in the midst of a storm, but things were going to take a dark turn. I finished the first wolf creature with Aramat, and it flashed as he dropped. The flying creatures jumped over the deck again, forcing the sailors to duck out of the way, and I engaged the second wolf creature. I felt a sense of energy from another place, and one of the Saloroc shouted that the dead creature moved, so I lay into my opponent quickly, worried that time mattered. Sure enough, I had a sense of a void behind me, which I had to resist falling into, and glanced at the dead body - it seemed to be getting fuzzy at the edges... what were these things?! I had badly hurt the other wolf creature, but it wasn't enough to stop it ripping the throat out of a Saloroc sailor. His shipmate avenged him, though, thrusting his short sword through the creature from behind, killing it.

I shouted at him to throw the body overboard, as what looked like a Saloroc Death Shaman appeared out of the other body, with hands reaching up out of the void below it. I swiped at him, but even Aramat passed through without harming him. I fought to sheath Ulric's sword, which clearly didn't want to be sheathed, leaving me free to concentrate on the new threat. The Shaman bowed slightly to me, which was a bit embarrassing, and the sailors were all shouting "M'rat" (Death, I think that meant) and pointing at it. I tried telling him to leave, and did establish a telepathic connection; it wasn't like the Elvra, though, just an exchange of information without any of the senses or emotions I was used to. He refused to leave, saying that Death could not be denied or defeated.

I commanded Aramat to flame and struck him, this time meeting some resistance. The shaman looked down at the wound, but then just turned away and lifted his staff. It seemed he was only partly in this world, so I sheathed Aramat and used Ilianna's staff to close the portal to the void beneath him, and noticed that he sank slightly and his knees flexed as he hit the deck. The Saloroc sailor that had fallen with their throat ripped out started to get to their feet... except it was a completely different Saloroc! If every dead body just became a portal to let another foe take their place then this fight might never end. I looked over at the second dead wolf creature, and sure enough the Saloroc dragging the body had leapt back as another creature of death began to climb from its misty remains, although I hadn't seen any race like it before even in life. The rays jumped out of the water again, this time near the stern, and one caught the Captain with its tail, although he didn't seem badly hurt.

I tried striking the shaman again, and this time it had more effect. He was still focused on his staff, though, and one of the skulls that adorned it came alive, staring at me and trying to summon me to the realm of Death (it felt like my father was beckoning to me). When I resisted, it tried to just snuff out my life, but again I managed to resist. This was seriously disturbing, and powerful. I still had the staff in my hand, so I used it to close the void that had opened in the wolf creature's remains, and struck two solid blows on the shaman's flank. He drew a nasty looking mace (the metal similar to Aramat's), finally turning to face me. The Saloroc were not idle during all this - they were trying to fight, but their weapons had no way of harming the foes we faced.

I swung one more, decisive blow on the shaman with Aramat aflame, and he finally dissolved into mist. Unfortunately, it seemed that the mist might form into something else. The Captain had ordered the crew that were out of the fight to row towards the nearby shoreline, still near Borarla, and I fought to keep them safe. The new Saloroc warrior had attacked me, so I retaliated but found him to be a tough opponent. I had been hurt again, and normally that wouldn't concern me, but with every fallen foe being replaced with another I couldn't keep it up forever. After a couple of minutes we crashed into the shoreline and the sailors started to jump over the sides. The Captain came forward for me, though, and I feared for his safety.

I tried something different; waving Aramat, still in flames, above my head I focused on my father's gifts, screaming at the foe to "Begone!" as I focused my will as a daughter of Death. Aramat's flames flared, and the cold fire jumped at the three foes - one winked out of existence entirely, and the other two collapsed, leaving the original dead bodies behind on the deck. I sagged with the release of tension, sheathing Aramat and gasping for breath. I wasn't sure we were going to escape that fight at all! The Captain was impressed, but he still looked pale with shock - he explained that the "shaman" I had fought was the actual Mrat - the Saloroc Lord of Death. It was said that he could be beaten but never defeated, and as long as his Lord ruled over Death he would always return to the fight. Now we had seen the truth in these words!

I respectfully suggested that we burned the bodies while we had the chance, which he agreed to, although we would somehow need to find dry wood. I risked using a little dweomer - after all, Kraldar clearly knew where we were right now, and removed the moisture from some driftwood that the crew used to build a pyre, and it readily caught. Once the bodies were aflame, and respects had been paid, we pushed the ship out into the waters and continued. I noticed we sailed a bit closer to shore this time, despite the risk of hidden rocks. It was many hours later, presumably when dusk would fall if we could see the sun, that the Captain ordered us to beach again for the night. The crew drove stakes into the sand to hold the ship so that we could rest, and I suggested that I sleep near one of the watch posts so that I could be awoken if there was a threat.

I couldn't have been asleep for long when I was shaken awake by a Saloroc sailor. Something big was moving just north of us, emerging from the water. I jumped over the side, using my mind to slow my fall and moved to intercept these new arrivals. There were several huge forms, looking like they had been lying on the sea floor for many years, but roused by recent events. They made clicking and squeaking noises when they saw me, which was no language I understood, and I backed towards the ship, shouting up for them to be cautious while we saw what these things would do. I got my answer soon enough, when the lead one vomited acrid seawater at me, which stung nastily. So they weren't friendly, then!

Shouts of alarm rose from the ship behind me as I drew my swords and advanced. Again, I had to fight with Ulric's sword, as if there was another hand upon it. Aramat made the first cut, though, slicing through rotten flesh and sending rotten seawater and puss oozing out. The revolting mix stank so much that I couldn't help retching, but still managed to land more blow. One of the things advanced towards the ship and bow fire arced towards it in response; the other creature engaged me. A sharp anchor struck me solidly, leaving a ringing in my head. I heard the sound of fire catching behind me, but was too busy to see why. It took several more blows before the first foe dropped, as I had to practically carve it apart until it couldn't resist any more. I heard "burn it" called from behind, and quickly glanced back to see that the Saloroc had set fire to the creature that had approached the ship, and a few of the sailors were pouring water down the side to protect the vessel.

I cut into the other one several times, and more pestilent gunk came out as I did so. It was just as disgusting, but I was getting used to it and didn't gag this time. I struck again, but then it vomited at me just as the first one had. I managed to dodge the worst of it, but the splash still stang and I was flagging. I managed to finish it off, carving it up as well, but the sea itself seemed eager to join the fight and had run up the shore towards us unnaturally - the Captain even shouted a warning from behind me. I was forced to use dweomer again, destroying the water in the bodies to see if that helped. It worked - the sea receded back to normal as soon as I had finished my spell.

I rejoined the crew, who were shaken by the encounter - there was so much wrong with the world! We hauled the ship even higher onto the shore, beyond the high tide mark, to seek sanctuary. We set a fire to sleep by, and took turns to watch - two looking out to sea and two inland. The wind was not quite so strong here, just slightly, but it did lift the mood a little. I got a full night's sleep before taking my watch, so the crew was starting to rouse as I saw a couple of figures approaching from the forest. I warned the Saloroc and watched, readying a bow just in case. They looked as if they were carrying something, which they dumped on the ground about four hundred yards away before jogging quickly back into the forest. I decided to go forward, a bit more relaxed, and found fresh deer that we could use to eat. I shouted thanks into the forest and with some of the Saloroc carried it back to the fire for us to eat!

The crew were in good spirits, as was I for a moment, and I spoke to the Captian of how the great Tree might offer the forest some protection from the Creator. The Captain thought for a moment, and then announced that we must build something in thanks - we had burned and destroyed so we should now build. He ordered the crew to gather stones and lash them together to make a crude altar. Once they were finished, I used dweomer to shape the form of the stone into a rough shape of a tree canopy with the trunks being the supporting legs. It wasn't brilliant (I was no Elvradhil), but it did bring order where there had been none before. I recalled the ceremonies I had seen on the island - the folk there had worshiped the Creator, so I took some time to dedicate the new altar to Creator formally, giving it a divine blessing... and when I did so, the stone changed again, this time into something that looked much more like the tree canopy it was meant to be, finely worked. Light glowed from it, making it a beacon in the darkness, and for the first time since the shattering of the temple it was as if we stood in daylight. I felt much better, with a strong sense of satisfaction, and over the course of a couple of hours the Saloroc came to take a moment at the altar; I hoped they felt the Creator's blessing too. There was an energy flow coming from the altar itself, which I could feel as long as we were close.

After that time, we reluctantly knew we had to leave and continue our journey. We were surprised to find we had a following wind to help us on our way, though, so the sailors didn't have to row as hard for the first half of the day. It was slower after that, but the crew were in good form and we were not far from where they planned to drop me off. The Captain offered to wait, but I urged him to take his crew to safety - only ill could become those that stayed within Kraldar's reach, so he thanked me for bringing hope in these dark times and offered me a gift of a small amount of healing ointment. I thanked him and his crew, for they played no small part in our victories, and we parted as equals as far as I was concerned.

Mountains to my right as I head west for the city. Dim light and low cloud make them seem ominous. Sense of powerful planar energy to the north, which sort of makes sense, but wary of the barrier in the mountains. Reach the top of the cliffs and walk between them and the mountains west. Some movement in the mountains, although not sensing a threat. After an hour or so, notice that the scrub is shot through with spiders webs.

Take hold of my serpent staff, and keep going but notice when almost trip on a thicker strand of web, so stop look around and then down. Looks like a lateral line, sort of, rather than a straight. Notice a disturbance some way off. Deliberately move back and activate serpent staff to create a barrier for small spiders. Move back towards edge to see what's there and notice a mass of exceptionally large spiders crowding around the barrier. Ok, so that's terrifying. Decide to fly instead and risk casting - going well above the scrub to continue. Get to within about four miles of the city before setting down, and thankfully don't see the webs here.

Walk towards the city until in the shadow of the walls but no entrance visible so start to track north a few hundred yards from the walls. Eventually see a gatehouse up ahead, quite grand so probably a main entrance, and a track leading towards mountains. Walk all the way to the track before turning towards the gate and approach under face plant an invisible barrier about 50 yards out.

Make a telepathic connection asking for an audience. Told to wait until the Lord Protector can meet (and judge) me. So sit. After twenty minutes or so gate opens and familiar Elvrahum figure approaches (one of those that asked Falcor for help) so bow as he approaches. Confirms what I know, but cannot help. However... the Guardian's soul is in the graveyard but being fed on by evil. Must go and retrieve it (Milada's artifact would have kept his soul safe) and bring it back to be reunited with his body. The Lords of Death must be defeated if we are to free Karmana:

M'ret - death of Saloroc Amat - death of Elvra Tingus - death to elemental Midhhil - death to divine (Kraldar's Deputy)

Blessing from him in the name of the Daughter, from Milada though (Karmana is absent). Highnar Lonak Acklan blessing. I am more vulnerable than I have ever been, walking in the land of Death. His blessing invigorates me and catch a glimpse of a wonderful garden with a beautiful feminine figure in simple robes, Milada, who suggests that "perhaps one day" I might be trusted, but have her blessing for now - if I bring him back to her!