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|style="width: 100px;" |825-829
|Staff of the Draug - Erowin, the first castellan of Sutur and son of Bavarik, constantly puts evil to the sword throughout the land.  Eventually, he comes to Olga again, where he discovers Lastar’s staff; however, the pommel and the eagle’s foot are missing.  Understanding little of its power he gives it to Ynis Wydrin to study.  Ynis is a young half-elf druid and friend of Erowin’s son Imrahir.  He realises that it is part of Lastar’s staff but knows little of its power.   
|Staff of the Draug - Erowin, the first castellan of Sutur and son of Bavarik, constantly puts evil to the sword throughout the land.  Eventually, he comes to Olga again, where he discovers Lastar’s staff; however, the pommel and the eagle’s foot are missing.  Understanding little of its power he gives it to Ynis Wydrin to study.  Ynis is a young half-elf druid and friend of Erowin’s son Imrahir.  He realises that it is part of Lastar’s staff but knows little of its power.   

Latest revision as of 19:14, 12 February 2016

Year Remarks
825-829 Staff of the Draug - Erowin, the first castellan of Sutur and son of Bavarik, constantly puts evil to the sword throughout the land. Eventually, he comes to Olga again, where he discovers Lastar’s staff; however, the pommel and the eagle’s foot are missing. Understanding little of its power he gives it to Ynis Wydrin to study. Ynis is a young half-elf druid and friend of Erowin’s son Imrahir. He realises that it is part of Lastar’s staff but knows little of its power.
826 Imrahir, Erowin’s son, marries Lorielle from the Vikriain.
827 Minas Emras is re-built. Despite the death of Zem and the loss of their Ring, the dwarves manage to rebuild Emras under the leadership of Garag, Zem’s eldest son.
829 Death of Erowin - Erowin meets with his doom at the hands of the Lich King Ezollach, bane of his father, losing the 3rd Crown, in the process in the depths of Olga. Ynis and many of Erowin’s followers escape to Sutur.
829 The Gem of Life - Yosho Ishi travels to Sutur to explain what his master had discovered about the Gem. With no Mage in residence at the Castle, Yosho tries to explain the importance of the artifact to Imrahir. Grieving for the loss of his father, Imrahir pays scant heed to the oriental traveler. Yosho takes counsel from the Monastery’s Grand Master, Hakari Do and is tasked with finding other such shards.
830-845 Death of Ezollach - Imrahir, Erowin’s son and only heir, takes up the quest to rid the land of evil. He starts with the nemesis of his ancestors, Ezollach. Trapping the Lich King in Olga, Imrahir finds the hidden passages from the Ruby Mountains. With the advantage of surprise, Imrahir defeats Ezollach, banishing him to the planes of the Abyss. Imrahir takes back both the 2nd and 3rd Crown but failed to find the shard of the Gem that lay hidden in Olga. He retrieves both the bodies of his father and his grandfather. Bavarik’s sword, broken into 3 pieces, is recovered to Sutur.
832 The Gem of Life - During Imrahir’s absence Yosho gains entry to Lastar’s Tower and discovers a great deal about the Gem. He decides to make it his quest to re-unite the parts. Having many discussion with Ynis Wydrin they realise that the Shards are somehow linked with the Dwarven halls. Both travel to the Minas closest to Sutur- Minas Emras to seek counsel from Garag.
833-837 Help from Zem - Intrigued by Yosho’s tale, Garag assigns a small group of trusted dwarves from the House of Zem to accompany Yosho Ishi and to help him search for the other parts of the Gem. Harried constantly by Balor’s forces the search finds nothing. Yosho and Ynis are convinced that the Balrog has already discovered it.
836 Minas Morgul - Dwarves and Gnomes of Ishtur strengthen Minas Morgul and led by Sallasor, attack Yeanoghu’s forces, constantly striving to recover the Ring.
837 Both Yosho and Ynis return to Sutur and try to convince Imrahir of the seriousness of their endeavour. Imrahir agrees that Balor is dangerous and assures Yosho that he will try to discover the Balrog’s hiding place. The Gem of Benevolence - Kûlar, Lord of Fangor Rodrus, discovers the Gem in the mines beneath Minas Maedus. Seeking counsel from his aging father, Grundoil, he keeps the Gem hidden whilst deciding what to do with it. Grundoil remembers the fate of Frastor in Olga when he used the Gem to defend his home and stresses the need for caution.
845 Balor (A Balrog) - Knowing that Balor had fortified his labyrinth well and suspecting that he had some of the Artefacts somewhere in Kaled Zem, Imrahir strengthened Alon and sent patrols deep into the Mts.
845 Eomere son of Imrahir is born in Sutur.
(West-0) East- 845 Dor’s Bargain - Barass inherits the Ring of Water and the Gem (later the Jewel of Incharan) passes on. The dwarves of Dor come to a truce with Rantor who, in the absence of Demogorgon, had become less powerful. Many leave Dor Vale through the port at Malen, heading west to the New Lands (Amorsland). Dor himself dies without an heir and the Ring and Shard pass to his brother Barass (married to Mandur from the house of Findor).
(0) 845 From the perspective of the Men of Amorsland, their history records the migration as: The reckoning — Elves and Dwarves arrive in Amorsland from different directions but co-exist, elves in the vast forests and dwarves in the mountain ranges.
(2) 847 Orcus Returns - The Ring of Earth passes to Dordraug. Deserted and in ruin, Orcus finds an entry on to the Prime at Minas Aarda. Here, he discovers a young mage, Dordraug - a Drow elf searching for Lastar’s artefacts. Dordraug had already discovered Hamar’s Ring of Earth. Impressed by the Demon, Dordraug is easily convinced to assist Orcus who in turn learns much of the history of the 2nd Age. Fascinated by the artefacts, Orcus makes a base at Minas Aarda and tasks Dordraug with the recovery of Lastar’s magic.
(2) 847 Dragor bargains with Rantor to save Dor Vale Named after his uncle (from the House of Findor), Dragor, born to Barass and Mandur, becomes renowned for his diplomacy with the Red Dragon and earns the dubious title Dragon Friend.
(3) 848 The Swords - Imrahir, again with the help of Orodruin’s folk, makes three swords, each containing a part of Bavarik’s Holy Avenger. He takes one for himself (for men) and gives one to the Dwarves and one to the Elves, cementing the old relationships: Agan (the deliverer) – Given to Taneth (Sea Elf) for his part in the Battles of the 2nd Age. Rakos (the destroyer) – Given to Hangar, Lord of Findor (in exile at Balem). Fastlor (flame) – kept by Imrahir (later Brandt in common).
(10-20) 855-865 Death of Balor; Ring of Air; The 5th Crown; The Gem of Law - After years of searching, Imrahir’s forces discover Balor’s hiding place. Supported by Ynis Wydrin, each of the Sword Bearers unites in support of Garag’s wish to free his home. They descend upon Kaled Zem and, with the full might of their armies, they break into the labyrinth. After a lengthy siege and a tumultuous battle, the last of Demogorgon’s powerful demons is banished. Garag takes his Ring of Air back to Minas Emras. However, a young Demon, Gulak, smuggles away the Crown. The House of Zem start to repopulate the mts from their home in Emras. At 60 Yosho Ishi, by now a renowned sage, discovers the shard he had been looking for. Aided by Garag’s folk and Ynis Wydrin he returns both Gems to Sutur. Here Ynis Wydrin discovers more of the staff’s power but realises that the eagles claw is required to bind the Gem and that there may be another part of the Staff missing. Ynis calls the staff Erowin’s Force in recognition of the Great Lord.
(10) 855 The Dwarves populate Keffendir Leaving from Malen, Dwarves from the House of Dor led by Prakast, use Taneth’s ships to travel to the north of Amarsland and soon discover a suitable home in the Mts. They name it Keffendir (land of echoes).
(11) 856 Marilliath discovers the Ring of Fire and the 4th Crown - Marilliath returned from her banishment to assist Orcus battle Demogorgon’s forces on the Prime. She defeats Yeanoghu swiftly banishing him to his own Plane and spreading her forces across the Forgotten Lands and into the Old Forest. She takes up the Ring of Fire from Yeanoghu’s hoard but knows little of its power. During her conquest, Mariliath came across a Sylvan Elf named Girith who wore the 4th Crown, without realising what it was. Marilliath discovered part of the history of Olga from Girith, who managed to escape with his life but not his Crown.
(13) 858 Marilliath enters Olga and discovers the Gem of Truth. In her search for the 2nd part of the Crown, Mariliath enters Olga and discovers a shard of the Gem. Frustrated that she is unable to use the Gem she hides it from all waiting for a suitable moment to hunt for the other pieces.
(15-25) 860-870 Siege of Minas Aarda and Death of Ynis Wydrin - Having restored law to much of the land, and driven out Demogorgan’s evil forces, Imrahir discovers that Minas Aarda is occupied by Orcus. Having re-forged Bavarick’s sword and wearing both known parts of the Crown, Imrahir leads a large force up to the gates of the ancient Minas. Having not reckoned with the power of the Demon, assault upon assault is thrown back. The siege ends in disaster for Imrahir. Ynis Wydrin is killed during the battles and Lastar’s staff is delivered to Orcus.
(17) 862 Dordraug enters the Ruby Mts - Remembering that Erowin and Hangar had used the mountains as an escape passage, Dordraug believes that he will discover more about the ancient artefacts by following the secret labyrinths beneath. Dordraug quickly unites the evil within the Ruby Mts.
(20) 865 Dordraug enters Balem - Building up a considerable power base within the darkness beneath the Ruby Mountains, Dordraug plunders deep into Findor. However, he is pushed back by a force led by Hangar (Lord of Findor) emanating from Balem and the Sylvan Lands.
(21) 866 Dordraug meets Marilliath Under orders from Orcus, his minions join forces and plunder the Iron Mts. Orcus calls upon the Tanar’ri to aid his acolytes.
(25) 870 Siege of Minas Aarda and Lastar’s Staff - Dordraug, together with Marilliath’s forces, free Minas Aarda from Imrahir’s grasp. For his service Orcus gives Dordraug Lastar’s Staff and supports him as he strikes north into Kaled Zem. Imrahir, with his son Eomere, flee through the Vale of Alon and into the Vikriain.
(25) 870 Hangar is made Lord of Zundar Having already married into the House of Balem, Hangar (Lord of Findor in exile) is made Lord of Zundar.
(25) 870 Marilliath takes all of Findor - Having united forces with Dordraug, Marilliath controls all Findor and starts to expand south into Dunland and the Madûr Mts.
(25) 870 At just 25, Eomere meets and marries Sorienne of the Vikriain.
870 The Gem - After years of trying and with the help of Orodruin’s Folk, Yosho Ishi fails to join the parts of the Gem. Having befriended Hakari Do and the monks of the monastery, Yosho sets about determining a suitable candidate to take up his quest.
(26) 871 Iki Moko is born - Iki Moko is born in Alon to the son of a Samurai who had settled there.
(27-30) 872-875 Dordraug plunders Kaled Zem - Using the Staff well during years of conquest through Kaled Zem, Dordraug clears out the last of Demogorgon’s forces and those dwarves foolish enough to have ventured out of Minas Emras. Gulak, the last of Demogorgon’s Demons, sides quickly with Dordraug and manages to hide his Crown.
(28) 873 Orcus puts Alon under siege - Having routed Imrahir’s forces, Orcus surrounds Alon. Iki Moko’s parents are killed and he is looked after by the Monastery.
(29) 874 Eomere relieves Alon - Imrahir retreats to Sutur, tasking Eomere to muster what forces he could to relieve Alon. Asking and receiving assistance of the Samurai from the South, elves from the Vikriain and Orodruin’s folk from Sutur and Malek, Eomere pushes the Tana’ri back into Kaled Zem.
(30) 875 The Gem - Yosho travels to Alon with his acolyte Mariku Hinguru, a highly intelligent master of the east wind. They seek counsel from the men of the south and discover that there are rumours that Marilliath has such a stone, although she too cannot use it.
(30) 875 Ythanos, son of Eomere is born.
(31) 876 Dordraug finds the 7th Crown and the Gem of Mischief and Strife - Understanding much of the Lore regarding the Rings, the Staff and the Gem, Dordraug realises that he must travel swiftly to each Dwarven house and collect the artefacts before they can be united against him. Having discovered the Portal in Kaled Zem, Dordraug uses it to reach Minas Morgul secretly, a place too far to go to by normal means. Unobserved, Dordraug travels through Ishtur’s dark labyrinths until he discovers not only the Crown but also the Gem of Mischief and Strife. Understanding the importance of his discoveries, he hides them from Marilliath and Orcus.
(33) 878 With the Ring of Earth, the Gem of Mischief and Strife, the Staff and the 7th Piece of the Crown, Dordraug understands the power of the artefacts. Knowing that Imrahir wears 2 Crowns, Dordraug prepares his forces for a swift assault upon Sutur.
(33-45) 878-890 Marilliath sieges Nega - Angry by his defeat at Alon, Orcus seeks revenge on the Southern Warriors, dispatching Marilliath to take the mighty castle at Nega. Yosho dies of pneumonia whilst defending Nega and Mariku takes up the quest.
(35) 880 Death of Barass - Knowing that the Gem must have safe passage away from Dor, Barass passes the Shard to his grandson, Kagrash, currently residing in Keffendir. Barass dies of old age and passes the Ring of Water to Dragor, Lord of Endor. Dragor was ill equipped to take on the responsibility. Rantor’s demands become more taxing in exchange for safe passage to Malen.
(35) 880 Dordraug attempts to take Sutur Forewarned of his approach Imrahir and Eomere trap the evil Mage’s forces between Alon and Sutur, forcing a retreat back into Kaled Zem. Here he joins again with Orcus and harries the forces of good.
(35-40) 880-885 Siege of Minas Emras - Orcus tries to expand his influence by laying siege to Minas Emras. Dwarves from Fangor Rodrus, led by Kûlar, men and elves from Sutur and Pelanor arrive to free the embattled House of Zem, breaking the siege after years of hard fighting.
(40) 885 Of Kagrash - Perverted by the shard, Kagrash kills his uncle, Prakast, and takes control of Keffendir. Aware that other parts of the Gem may lie within the other great Dwarven and Elven Houses, and without access to either Palantir or Gate from Keffendir, he sets about discovering their secret entrances. Imprisoning and torturing many of Orodruin’s folk he has keys made which not only grant access to the Minas and the halls beneath but also point out their location. He was surprised to discover that Gulcar, one of Orodruin’s descendants, had been commissioned to assist with the construction of a great Drow city – Nagrad. Kagarash gained a Key to Nagrad and used it to open up very lucrative trading routes with the Drow.
(45) 890 Relief of Nega - Eomere takes his growing force south and, skirting Malor Marsh and the Iron mts comes to Nega’s defence. Eventually the siege is broken and the Tana’ri retreat into Findor. At just 15, Ythanos leads his men into combat. At 19, Iki Moko tastes his first real battle. He tarries in Nega, learning much of his own culture. Here he meets Mariku and is intrigued by her. Iki understands little of her quest but has been given his first insight into the artefacts. The end of the 3rd Age sees Orcus contained to Kaled Zem, along with Dordraug, and Marilliath back in Findor. The Evil hold both Minas Aarda and Minas Olga.