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The Characters find a range of containers:

A large iron chest 4’x 3’x 2’, covered in fine gold tracery of a ship. [500]

Gold Coin: 150 lose

A wrought silver ring of exceptional workmanship [2]

12 Stones, rich Gold in colour, in a small silk purple purse [12]

A spherical copper container holds a lilac-coloured, effervescent liquid with a luminous yellow appearance and a salty taste. [10]

A red ceramic pot with a wax seal contains thick pink paste. [25]

A metal jug with a cork bung contains thick transparent oil. [25]

A simple earthenware flask holds a yellow-coloured oily liquid, opaque appearance. [10]

A cut-glass bottle contains a translucent gold-coloured, syrupy, liquid with a buttery taste. [15]

A toy warrior, bronze with silver trim and blue crystal eyes [5]

A silver necklace with a bright blue gem depicting an eye [2]

An ornamental silver inkpot with moonstone gems [5]

In an ornate ivory box inlaid with a carving, in jet, of a dragon whose eyes are rubies, is a cut glass bottle shaped like an orb. In the bottle is a thick transparent liquid. [20]

2 Loosely tied bundles of parchment, each sealed with wax stamp of the wheel [5]

8 Orange to reddish brown stones lose in the chest [4]

3 Clear blue-white stones in a 3” cube, silver box inlaid with gold filigree. [5]

6 Deep, bright-green gems and 3 Fiery Orange stones in a red silk pouch tied with thick gold thread. [5]

2x Wooden scroll cases, capped with a buckle fastener [20]

Leather scroll case, with gold filigree and a silver buckle [25]

A good quality, thick cotton dark blue robe, line with red silk [100]

A heavy gold chain which carries a large star sapphire [25]

A gold medallion with a bright red gemstone [3]

A thin silver bracelet decorated with azurite charms [1]

A medium wood and iron chest, 3’x 3’x 1 ½’, trapped with poison darts guarding 3 different lock mechanisms. [300]

Platinum coin: 20

7 Deep purple stones, in a stubby cylindrical, metal box [5]

4 Pale blue-green gems, in a blue silk bag [4]

2 Lustrous black stones with glowing highlights, in a small black lacquer box resting on red silk [10]

A clear glass, 2” tall bulbous vessel contains an indigo-coloured, syrupy, liquid with and oniony odour and taste, opaque appearance [5]

A green glass phial contains a mauve-coloured watery, translucent liquid with a honeyed odour and taste [10]

A black ceramic pot with a cork stopper contains creamy white oil. [25]

A pair of agate and gold earrings [2]

A clear glass, expensive-looking flagon contains an ivory-coloured watery liquid with a sour taste [25]

A leather scroll case, with ivory inlay in the form of an oriental dragon [20]

An ivory scroll case capped with silver and fastened with a platinum buckle [40]

A small book loosely tied with silk. The front is leather inlaid with a gold portrayal of Athena. [35]

An electrum bracer with mock scales and four citrine gems [5]

An eyepatch with mock eye of sapphire and moonstone [2]

8 Black or white stones with bands in folded velvet [4]

4 Stones, pale blue with green and golden mottling and 7 Rich purple stones in a small ivory tube capped with silver and fasten with a leather strap with a gold buckle. [8]

10 Lustrous white spheres in a black wooden box covered in black silk, resting on deep blue satin. [5]

A fiery yellow corundum pendant on a fine gold chain [5]

A plain brown cloak, of low quality. [50]

A small, 2”x1”x1.5”, model boat made from balsa wood

A silk bag containing 50 sticks of incense. [15]

10 pots of fine smelling oils kept in 3-gill size gold pots found together in an ivory case. [20]

A goold medallion with black, silvery gemstone [3]

A platinum bodice pin, sleeping unicorn, with a chalcedony horn [1]

A large metal and wood chest, 4 ½’ x 2 ½’ x 2’, inlaid with fine woods and covered in gold and silver tracery, intricately woven into leaf patterns; trapped with acid bottles which destroy content whilst causing injury. [600]

Gold coin: 267

Mercury-like fluid in a pewter bulbous pot with a metal screw top. [40]

A small leather pouch with a draw-string containing black powder. [15]

A black velvet mask with numerous lapis lazuli gems [10]

An empty carved ivory scroll case with jet caps [20]

12 Rich olive green gems contained within a glass jar with a silver top. [10]

5 Clear red and deep crimson gems, contained within a locked ivory box 6” long, 3” deep and 3” wide. The box is inlaid with gold, silver and fancy stones and shows a gold dragon coiled around a hoard of treasure. [10]

5 Translucent, medium blue gems in a purple lacquer box, 8”x4”x4” inlaid with gilt showing a water dragon rising from a river [15]

A ladies choker, made of wrought gold [3]

Jeweled fan with exotic feathers [10]

A small white silk pouch with a draw-string containing a silver powder. [15]

Thick white oil in an earthen ware pot with a large cork stopper. [20]

2 Loosely tied bundles, sealed with wax and tied with string. [2 each]

2 leather cases with metal caps [5 each]

A hard metal band inscribed with Celtic patterns and studded with 4 small gems: sapphire, emerald, diamond and ruby.[2]

A wooden stick 1¼’ in length. The tip is a black precious stone.

Three stone are placed in an ornate ivory coffer, 12”x6”x6”, inlaid with sapphire in the shape of the Ankh. The stones are sat on a silk bed: Scarlet and Blue sphere, Pearly white spindle, and vibrant purple prism [30].

A silver necklace containing 6 large pearls and one black peal [8]

3 wrought gold and silver rings lose at the bottom of the chest [6]

Made of platinum and studded with gems this flask is designed to be kept in a coat pocket and hold spirits. [10]

A medium iron-bound chest, 4’x 4’x 2’, trapped with poison gas bottles, studded with gems and inlaid with precious metals. [500]

Gold coin 220

A miniature scabbard, is fastened with a stopper and contains a sky-coloured, oily liquid with an earthy odour and taste [10]

3” diameter 1” deep, ivory jars of thick white cream. [3x5]

A solid gold flask, studded with 4 sapphires (value 6000gp) and inscribed in elfish: “To the Happy Hunting Grounds, over the horizon and beyond to the Greylands, lift thy head, for it is all but a blinking of the eye.” Contains a tawny-coloured, vaporous liquid with a fiery taste. [50]

Scrolls rolled up together, tied with red ribbon, sealed with wax. [5]

An ivory band inscribed with a chain-link pattern inlaid with gold studded with 4 sapphires.[2]

13 Translucent deep crimson gems with white star centres, and 4 Translucent, medium blue gems with white star centres in a white silk purse tied with thick silver string and a gold clasp. [8]

5 Rich brown gems with golden centre under-hue lose in the chest [5]

8 Light blue-green stones, lose in the chest [8]

9 Clear pale blue-green crystals in a small, velvet-covered box [9]

An ivory shaft 1’ in length …The pommel is silver and gold set in which is a green gem.[10]

A large pewter flask contains a thick, syrupy, blue liquid [50]

2 Bracelets; These bracelets are beautifully made in wrought gold and studded with gems. Each has a carving of a minotaur. [8]

A large metal chest, 4’ x 3 ½’ x 2’, inlaid with ivory in the form of a quetzal whose many colours are derived from gems. [700]

Platinum coin: 380

One gold necklace with diamonds woven like a length of ivy with diamonds as drops of water on each leaf. [2]

A clear glass bottle rests on a silk covered layer inside a small, locked silver box (value 500gp). Inside the bottle is a violet- coloured smooth liquid with a tart taste. [25]

A bright red liquid contained within in a polished glass, long necked bottle. [35]

Thick purple liquid in a cut-glass, long necked bottle. [35]

A clear box, 2” cubed, contains a highly viscous liquid (which needs careful application). [15]

A large platinum cloak pin, sphinx design [5]

A small metal box with gold filigree contains a crystal phial in which is a deep purple, thick, liquid with a bitter taste.[25]

A small flagon made from jet contains a carmine-coloured, syrupy liquid, flecked with gild and with a vinegary odour/taste [20]

5 Green and White crystals in a small silk purse [5]

7 Blue, Black and Brown gems in a draw-tie, leather pouch [10]

6 Light and Dark blue stones with yellow flecks in a small wooden boc [15]

5 Stones of Pink or yellow white, with greenish ‘moss markings’ lose in the chest. [5]

A gold ring, with strange gems is conatined in a small black box, wrapped in silk [2]

Intricate coral phylactery [20]

Silver polished metal scrollcase with patterned etching and gold inlay [25]

A Metal scroll case studded with small fancy stones [20]

Gold scrollcase studded with jade and tourmaline capped with a platinum screw top. [20]

3’ long metal shaft with a diamond shaped end made from mithril and a silver cap at the other. [45]

In an ivory box inlaid with jet, in which 5x 4” long sticks rest on a bed of silk.

5 large black pearls in a leather pouch [10]

A simple platinum cloak pin [2]

A necklace; the great wheel, whose hub is a book, is suspended from a platinum necklace studded with opals. [12]

Other items not in the chests:

5 sacks of coin: platinum and gold.

A 5’long, polished metal staff engraved with Oriental runes saying ‘Through me nature’s wonder is harnessed” is capped with large diamonds which protrude from each end.[100]

A long, bronze horn, battered and worn. [50]

A Greek-style golden helmet [150]

An artists palette covered with bright strangely coloured paints.

An unremarkable small stringed guitar-like instrument.

Ornately decorated Platemail. The breast plate is highly polished silver decorated with 2 rampant unicorns facing each other over the eye of Odin. [0]

Carved in the shape of an Oak tree without leaves, this buckler is inlaid with amber and gold to highlight each limb.[0]

A body shield embossed with a Gold Dragon; having taken to the air, it holds a large Jet anvil in its talons

Dwarven sized Battle Axe with ornate carvings and runes which read: Swift Yea to Asgard

A beautifully made long sword with elven runes asking for a swift passage to the happy hunting grounds. The scabbard is inlaid with emeralds and jade to make a vine which weaves around the sword

Romanesque breastplate made from mithril. On its back is an owl made from gold with black sapphire eyes.

This five-shot, light crossbow with a bandolier for ease of carrying.

In a leather quiver which is decorated with semi-precious stones in a celtic pattern are 20 bolts.

Solid gold, statuette of Nenye 6” tall and only partially clothed exquisitely carved; 2 emeralds are used for eyes. [80]

In a black leather quiver, capped with a silver top inscribed in elvish which reads ‘swift to fly’, are 20 arrows

7 Bolts of Ermine, all of excellent quality fur. Neatly stacked in a small wood and ivory box with a 30lb capacity [300]

In a leather quiver decorated with gold and gems, which depict 2 entwined oriental dragons are 20 arrows.

A 5’ long, two-handed hammer is entirely made of metal except for the pommel which has sapphire the size of a man’s fist clasped by giant fingers furnished from ivory. The runes along the haft are in the ancient dwarf tongue of Orodruin and read: Topple yea from thy height

Tapestry 6’x8’, beautifully worked in silks and thinly woven precious metals. Bavarik’s entry to Sutur showing him entering the great gate with the streets lined with cheering peoples from all the nations [800]

A beautifully worked, large, platinum bowl with leaf tracery around the top. [100]

Silk, gold, silver and gems waistcoat with a hidden pocket. It is traced with silver interlocking dragons perched on a golden outcrop, each with ruby eyes. [15]

A beautifully made, full-length sable coat with 10 pockets and a hood. [200]

A silk lined, ermine waist coat with small hidden pockets and gold clasps. [50]

A finely woven 4’x2’ rug depicts a woodland scene in the Sylvan lands showing centaurs, brownies, elves and Pegasus. At the centre is a Halfling doing battle with all manner of foe: Ocs, trolls, goblins and the like. He appears to stand his ground well judging by the carnage at his feet. Made of fine silks and precious metals, edged with mink studded with emeralds and rubies. [200] Platinum book bindings, encrusted with alabaster and a chrysoberyl clasp [30]

A small painting of Athena on a throne [50]

A small painting, of a sea scape – Milai’s Ship [50]

A wrought gold picture frame [200]