Minas Aarda

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Possibly in existence at the start of the 1st Age as measured by Elves? (Dafydd)


'The Sudden Darkness’ (Bragoldur). Dispater takes Minas Aarda, killing many of Hamar’s House. Hamar himself takes his Ring to Balem Mountains. Lastar creates the Pentogram Gates each leading to a Minas or to his tower at Sutur. (1st Age History)


Lastar creates the Palantirs so that his armies would not be surprised again. As Lastar retakes the land, they are placed as follows: Minas Tiris, Minas Morgul, Minas Maedus, Minas Emras, Minas Aarda, Minas Olga and Sutur.


Pincered by Lastar’s army in the west, Bavarik’s army in the north and the combined dwarven forces of Hamar, Balem and Maedus in the east, Dispater is defeated at Amras Aarda, his last stronghold. Gelmir and Maedus both die at the foot of the Minas trying to destroy Dispater before he enters the fortress. Gelmir’s son Gillire leaves the battle with his father’s body and Maedus is returned to Fangor Rodrus; both Kings leave their Crowns in Lastar’s care. (1st Age History)


The first attack on Minas Aarda comes from Hama Las but is poorly led and causes Balem to lose his life. The dwarves take the Crown of Light to Lastar. (1st Age History)


With the use of the Crown of Light, Lastar and Bavarik defeat Dispater in Minas Aarda. (1st Age History)

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