First Age - Men of Amorsland

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Year Remarks
0 The reckoning — Elves and Dwarves arrive from different directions but co-exist, elves in the vast forests and dwarves in the mountain ranges.
111 Men arrive from the east and clear the forests. Elves and men avoid war by the skilful diplomacy of the half-elf druid, Haemrandir.
115 Guerin follows the Men across the seas and gains popularity amongst those who feel hard done by, losing land to the elves. Guerin leads the First Rebellion, which is crushed by Haemrandir. However, Guerin survived and fled north.
122-133 Guerin plunders Dwarven hoards in his search for wealth and power. He surrounds himself with dour men of the north who build the Ratorain Tower. He takes a tithe of the surrounding land and enforces harsh laws. Men, desiring a share of his increasing wealth flock to his side.
135 Open warfare with the Dwarves of Keffendir provides Guerin’s first victory. He destroys all but a few of the Enrodire Clan and takes their ancestral home for his own.
135-151 Guerin builds the Dragorald — a citadel built over the halls of Keffendir. Here he studies the dark arts and perverts the Dwarven artefacts of the Enrodire.
155 The Second Rebellion, the War of Levolyan asserted Guerin as a major power in the land. Haemrandir was severely wounded and forced to flee with what remained of his army. However, Guerin’s advance was forced into reverse by the intervention of the Men of Farass. Their leader, Silmar, rallied the combined armies of elves, dwarves and men and threw back the assault at the pass of Infallion.
156 Haemrandir passes on the duty of Protector of the three nations to Silmar. Having never recovered from his wounds, Haemrandir dies. Guerin retreats to the north and continues to plunder the Keffendir mountain range. Here he finds the Jewel of Incharan — the Demon discovered on the 1st Plane of the Abyss. Incharan’s hoard inspires a fresh evil in Guerin who enlists the aid of lesser demons. He uses the Jewel to control this new evil and assembles a vast army.
165 Silmar, warned of Guerin’s new powers assembles his own vast army. He sieges and destroys the Ratorain Tower and positions his armies around the Pikes of Arnur. The loss of the Ratorain Tower caused Guerin no real difficulties as his power base had shifted to Keffendir.
167 The poor weather and the long wait for battle cause Silmar to withdraw from the Pikes of Arnur and return to the forests of Efforendil.
168 Guerin strikes south retaking the ruins of his old tower. He assembles his forces and bypasses the forest of Efforendil, making for the ford at Haverel. He takes the fortified bridge and presses his advantage east to cut off Silmar’s retreat at the bridge of Girenshon.
169 Skirmishing occurs along the banks of the Cloof. Silmar constantly seeks a place to cross, which Guerin denies him.
170 The bridge of Girenshon falls and Silmar retreats deeper into the Efforendil forest.
172 Guerin, strengthened by his success, turns away from the pursuit of Silmar and pushes deeper into the Amarsland.
174 Sea Elves rescue what is left of Silmar’s army and smuggle them across the Cloof. Surprising the occupiers, they retake the bridge of Girenshon. Milai , a Sea Elf captain, destroys one of Guerin’s greatest demons — Maleb — a giant Squid. Silmar presents Milai with the Sword of Agan.
175 -180 Silmar , with the assistance of the sea elves, creates the Castle of Fontainver. Guerin dominates Amarsland up to the western edges of Merloy. Here many valiant defensive manoeuvres are conduct by sea elves, men of the coast and the dwarves of Yarlug.
184 Guerin’s armies are defeated at the ford of Haverel, cutting his armies in two. Despite numerous counter attacks, Silmar’s wedge holds for the next 5 years.
189 Silmar confronts Guerin’s armies in Amarsland at Jorliksen, a small fortified town. Guerin sorties and tries to drive a wedge into Silmar’s forces aiming to cut him off from the sea. The wedge holds until Milai’s Sea Elves counter attack from the natural harbour at Findorsveldt. Silmar retreats to higher ground at Vorsaykarai. Here his army is surrounded and even the relief offered by Milai comes too late. Besieged and without re-supply, many of Silmar’s men desert. Silmar himself suffers a mortal wound and, in his dying moments, passes his command, not to his son, but to a man named Valourin. Silmar judged his son to be fickle and not ready for such a grave responsibility. Valourin was a battle-hardened warrior who had won the respect of all nobles.
190 Valourin rallies Silmar’s waning forces and succeeds in counter-attacking in order to join Milai’s elves. In so doing he divided Guerin’s over-stretched army and succeeded in opening a much-needed supply chain. Trapped, Guerin had no choice but to withdraw. He could go no further north, so he retreated into the hostile heart of Amarsland.
192-195 Yorinksen , son of Silmar , became increasingly annoyed with Valourin’s caution and began taking his own guards into battle against Guerin’s forces scattered throughout Amarsland. Valourin repeatedly counselled against hasty skirmishes and, preferring open warfare turned his forces north. He made swift gains, securing all of the forests of Efforendil ultimately encircling the Pikes of Arnur
200 Yorinksen was captured by Guerin at Locklustar, deep in the south of Amarsland. Having vowed to protect the house of Silmar , Valourin marched south again.
210 Valourin personally rescued Yorinksen . Unfortunately, Yorinksen, perverted by the smooth tongue of Guerin , betrayed him. Valourin’s army was routed and he was decapitated, his head placed on the gates to the Barbican at Locklustar. Having no further use for him, Guerin assassinated Yorinksen. He then marched his army across Amarsland virtually unopposed.
212 Guerin’s forces clash with the Sea Elves against the Castle of Fontainver. A l0-year siege ensues that is only broken by the intervention of Walorin .
222 Walorin was a little known wizard more attune with nature than the world of men. In his pollution of the river Cloof and his destruction of the neighbouring forest, Guerin made an enemy of Walorin and the Sylvan folk.
225 Guerin’s forces are harried all the way to Keffendir. Having freed Amarsland and driven the evil back to its home, Walorin returns to his forest. At home, Guerin had not reckoned with the power his acolyte, Malor , had amassed. Far from being welcomed back, Guerin had round himself skilfully out manoeuvred and in fear of his life. Malor built up his evil empire, enslaving Guerin’s armies and turning their leader into a Lich-like creature. Nenye of the Sylvan Folk was sent by Walorin to become the Protector.
230 Unaccustomed to the ways of the other races, Nenye struggled to retain control and the United Nations fell apart. Irresolvable squabbles broke out and skirmishes between elves, men and dwarves occurred across the land. The influence of Malor was felt in every incident and his anarchy spread like wild fire.
233 Judging the time was right, Malor sent forth his armies and captured all of the north including the Castle of Fontainver. The noble seat of the Protector was sent south into the protection of the Sea Elves at Findorsveldt. Here she partitioned for help from all nations and Gods who would listen.
236 Despite having his own troubles, Astorin , Elven Lord of Helfellin came to Nenye’s rescue just as the siege began. Malor outnumbered and defeated heavily at sea, withdrew his forces to Vorsaykarai , bane of Silmar. Here he remained building a huge defence of the high ground commanding all the lands to the north,
236-249 Findorsveldt is besieged. Milai keeps open the vital sea lanes and Astorin commands the armies in and around the castle.
250 Yagitamo , an oriental adventurer and traveller, witnesses the plight of Nenye and brings his considerable army out of the east to her aid. Yagitamo’s disciplined army of Samurai crush Malor’s poorly disciplined evil host. Securing Findorsveldt, Yagitamo marches north and lays siege to Vorsaykarai.
250-275 After 25 years of siege, Vorsaykarai is abandoned by Malor’s force who, demoralized, flee back to Dragorald. Yagitamo throws down the walls and builds a temple on mount Vorsay.
275-3OO Yagitamo embarks on many construction projects throughout the land including his vast castle, Oshika. The land heals and free trade begins. The nations are joined and are content.
301 Malor sends an Efreet, Frayseer, to capture the beautiful daughter of Yagitamo - . Frayseer captured her and fell in love with her. He put her in a bottle for her own protection and took her to the Planes of Fire.
301-312 Yagitamo sends his most loyal men to find Yishmay , to no avail. Eventually, he gives up and returns across the Andelovian Sea. Senforn , son of Astorin , leader of the first guards of the temple of Vorsaykarai , heartbroken at the disappearance of Yishmay , embarks on his own quest to find her.
330 Senforn is rescued from imprisonment in the mountains of the North, where he was possibly being held by Hel.
331 Lan Zi, Merc and Hintsu: defeat Ranak, an ancient Red Dragon; retrieve the Orb of Dragor; retrieve the Book of Effrain.
333 Lan Zi, Merc, Hintsu and Morwath defeat a Gnoll Demon, one of Demogorgon's lieutenants at Vorsaykarai.
333 Lan Zi, Merc, Hintsu and Morwath travel to the Plane of Fire and rescue Yishmay
334 Lan Zi, Merc, Hintsu and Morwath travel to Everinstar and return Yishmay to her Throne
334 Lan Zi, Merc, Hintsu and Morwath free Sutur
336 Sorien is killed by Orcus