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Saloroc (Orcs)[edit]

The orcs we have met (near Freeport) were fighting against, and fleeing from, the evil that drove the goblins. The Red Skull clan acted with honour, and came to the defence of a human village that was raided. They probably don't like Falcor much, though...

Since then we have learned much of the Saloroc Clans:

Tiger Clans

The former ruling class of the Orc Clans, they are honourable and intelligent, worship Korman but seek an independent, free and civilised Orc Nation. Gold, Black and Green.

Dragon Clan

Haven't been seen for centuries are thought by many to be the stuff of myth and legend. The stories tell of highly intelligent Orcs who served the Dragon King with honour. Said to have produced many powerful mages.

Red Skull

Stayed true to Korman and are good allies to the party, fortifying positions around the Temple of Light and Custor's tower. Proud sailors and warriors with Shamans supporting them.

NOT ALLIES - Listed here for completeness:

Black Hand Clan

The new rulers, but turned to darkness by the Snake clan and the influence of the lizard folk, worshiping Kraldar.

Panther Clan

Fierce warriors with a dislike of magic. They have very few shaman and no mages. They are highly xenophobic but cover a full spectrum of behaviours from those who respect life, law and order, to those who would happily follow Kraldar. They are normally found living isolated from other clans in hills and mountains. Red Skull tend to avoid them to minimise conflict. In the homeland, they are found in the Western half of the central mountain range

Red Hand Clan

Foot soldiers that support the Black Hand - not clear if they also worship Kraldar or are just willing to follow the strongest Clan that take a leadership role.

Snake Clan

Worshipers of Kraldar, and allied to the lizard folk (who worship Kraldar as a creator), they seem to be behind the takeover of the Saloroc nations by the Black Hand and Red Hand clans. Seem to be a (dark) priestly order.

Wolf Clan

Xenophobic, highly organised and excellent warriors. They don't worship any deity and live largely separate from the other clans. They supported the Black Hand and Snake clans in overthrowing the Tigers but then withdrew again.


The Watcher, tasked with awaiting the return of "He" - the king of the Elvradrak - and teaching him in the ways of magic. The last of an order that has passed the task down through the ages. Human who might dabble in necromancy and creature control.

Found almost dead, Custor had suffered an immense ‘out-wash’ of power; when touched by Falcor, he drained all the warrior’s magical energy, nearly ending his life. Custor was unable to explain why this had happened. It was not linked to the recent occupation of his tower by the Orcs, which is what the Party had expected. Indeed, it seemed to have happened a while ago – was it coincident with the passing of Malek?

Custor was ‘the Vigilant’ because he watched and waited for the Dragon King. Human in appearance, he seemed to have been watching for longer than a normal human’s life span. The ‘Watchers’ (there had been many) normally took an apprentice to train to replace them and so continue the vigil. Custor, however, had learned that his ‘watch’ was over. Something – about 20 years ago – had made him believe that the Dragon King had come (to the Prime?). As a human, and a mage, Custor had to hide from the Imperial College of Mages, otherwise his watch would have been over – and his magic no-doubt drained.

When the Dragon King arrived, Custor was meant to educate him in the ways of the Prime and of dweomer – without bringing him to the attention of the Emperor. He thought Malek might have been waiting too and that his was a similar task. They (Custor and Malek) had been friends and both were on good terms with the Red Hand Clan. When questioned, Custor knew little of the obelisk, stating that it was more the realm of Malek, although he did know that Malek had used it to travel. Indeed, Custor knew very little of the World beyond his Tower.

In response to questioning, Falcor also ascertained that Custor knew of his armour, albeit he was somewhat confused why Falcor should be wearing it and why it was incomplete. He had presumed that Falcor was here to train the Dragon King as a warrior. It transpires that Custor had simply accepted his quest from a very early age and had lived in the tower – like those before him – waiting, watching and was expecting to train his successor. Custor attempted to explain the different ways dweomer would be brought to bear on the Prime. Members of the Imperial College were channelling their powers directly from the God Creator, Treddar, whereas Falcor’ s energies – similar to Custor’s - emanated from the elemental forces that surrounded him.

Falcor surmised that the tower was on the island for a reason and that the map, which Custor produced, showed the proximity to what Falcor took to be the Forge of Life (at least the dormant Volcano’s Caldera). Custor knew a little of the of the Wraith(s) – Sarn – explaining that they were once human kings that had been turned to the dark side. They each possessed a crown of some power and possibly other artefacts. They also lived on the Island chain that surrounded the sunken caldera and they too were watching and waiting for the return of the King.


Falcor (only male: "Him")



Allied with Seledor - probably not best friends right now.


Hanrick Semdhil - Capla Ubradhil 1st amongst dwarves, Lord of all Rock

Helrig Draksaron Curmcordrak - Dragon Heart

Dreillik Camtellum Cordrak

Nadik Draksaron




Arak - tricked by lizardmen, but now reaching out for allies; tried Krasgord but warned to leave by Falcor