Cursed House Poem
Together forever, one soul that we share
Split into two by the fire that bears all
Mine are the Skies, the Land and the Sea
And Mine is it all but I gift it to thee
So empty, so powerless... Where are you gone?
So cold, so lonely.... Where are you gone?
I still know your love from the skies up above,
Your voice is the one that fills all of my soul.
You speak to me from the skies up above,
Your voice is the one that I hear over all.
So empty, so powerless... Where are you gone?
So cold, so lonely.... Where are you gone?
I still know your love from the skies up above,
Your light burning bright fills all of my soul
You burn the skies in joy at our love,
Yours is the light that I see over all.
So empty, so powerless... Where are you gone?
So cold, so lonely.... Where are you gone?
I still know your love from the skies up above,
The touch of your fire fills of my soul
You tend to my children with care and with joy
Yours is the touch that I crave over all.
So empty, so powerless... Where are you gone?
So cold, so lonely.... Where are you gone?
Apart through the ages, one soul split in two
Born in the fire, a third can make one
Joined across time by bonds forged in stars
Together forever, one soul that we share.
This refers to He, which Falcor believes is a Dragon, and Her the Earth (not really) Goddess. She ‘gives birth’ to the Dragon, which rises out of the Volcano (assumed to be part of Her) – the Forge of Life? The third sentient beings might be more dragons that ‘inhabit’ land and sea too.
They are bonded strongly – more than mother child ‘His connection with Her is unbreakable’– but they are separated: She ‘leaves’ to escape One Who Seeks Dominance Over All and the chaos lord. His Voice or Her’s?
Reinforcing that He is a Dragon His importance is almost equal to Hers. He protects Her offspring; I wonder if there is a Norse and Oriental-style to this mythos – the Dragon is the Sky?
Not sure why they ask where they have gone as they are supposed to have unbreakable bonds; I think this is the Second Darkness when She withdraws from the World. ‘Her body is shattered repeatedly by the ensuing war, as the Gods battle with all the powers of universal creation’
Despite the fact she has left the World they are still together. Reassurance? He is re-born and the World is plunged into its Third Darkness – He is a beacon of hope. (One Who Seeks Dominance…is also re-born)
Not sure if this is Her fire, lifting him? He protects all of Her creations He needs Her support in the dark times.
He and Her have one soul – hence the bond Important: what/who is the Third that can make one? Is it another dragon – ‘born in fire’ - or a different ‘perspective’/alignment or entity...?