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The Creator - LG?[edit]

Also known as "One Above All" in the Elvradrak language.

Protector of Life[edit]

Not much known, but believed to be reborn as the human "Sarn" in the land of Maladan.

Karmana - N[edit]

Treddar - LE[edit]

The region of Treddaria is linked to him – Capital of the Empire, heart of the civilised world. Highly developed urban areas with a well educated populace. Centre of arts and science. Home to the Imperial College of Mages, the General Staff and the primary Temple of Treddar, the living God king.



After the destruction of Maladan by the First Legion and his near death experience, Falcor found himself in the serene perfection of Malada's garden; the fear and loss of the preceding terrifying minutes were somehow pushed to the back of Falcor's numbed mind, not forgotten but suddenly not important against the beauty of his surroundings. The Goddess herself was there to greet him, as an old friend and ally. The Goddess took Falcor to another garden where the Obelisk stood, and said to him, "My dear daughter Karmana is always closest to my heart here, more than any other part of my beautiful garden. Place your hand on the stone and tell me what you feel."

The region of Maladan is the only nation (a Duchy) within the Empire to retain semi-independent rule and resist full occupation by the legions (outside the Imperial highway). A rich nation thanks to the mineral wealth in the north and the trade that flows between Olgharia and Bel’adan. A fierce and independent people, with a proud military history. Nominally contains the Dark Forest of the Elvrabor but does not exert any rule over it.


Referenced as being "in the Land of the Dead and the Lost" in a letter we found signed with the mark of Ulric. Linked in some way to the undead powers on Karmana.

There is a region "Kraldaria" in the empire that is known to Falcor: Kraldarians are normally the butt of jokes - a backwards and under-developed nation, or so the stories go. You have never met anyone from Kraldaria or even anyone who visited in person. It is a place known only by reputation and stories.


The region of Melrach is a remote but integral part of the Empire. Home of some of the most famous generals in the history of the legions. Explorers and travellers by culture.


The region of Olgharia has fiercely loyal subjects of the Empire, great merchants, and is the homeland of many of the bureaucrats who run the Empire.


The region of Kelditch is not often discussed in the Empire. It is a poor province in the far south of the Empire. Often associated with sea-farers (fishermen and even pirates)


The region of Soldar is officially part of the Empire but discussed only in dismissive terms by anybody loyal to the Emperor. Considered to be an irrelevance in either trade or military might but rumours persist of open rebellion against Imperial rule.

Bel'ada??? Name Not Known[edit]

The region of Bel-adan is a major trading partner and ally of Maladan. The people of Bel’adan are nomadic by nature. Though loyal servants of the Empire, their primary interest is trade. Unlike Maladan, Bel’adan is fully occupied by Imperial forces.

Lord of Chaos - CE?[edit]