Planar Travel

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The party first encountered planar travel in the pre-Ragnarok dwarrowdelf that appeared to combine dwarvish and Gnomish elements

The parchment that Tak received from the Lord of the Sea arranged the elements in a specific order (clockwise from top: Water, Earth, Air and Fire)






Day/Night or Positive/Negative also had an effect - we were in a positive room and so used fire in its positive form. Therefore, we used brazers, lit in order, to indicate where we wished to travel from and to (eg From Air to Earth)

In the next room we encountered a circle in a pentagram and the direction in which the circle was inscribed by the Gnome (clockwise vs anti-clockwise) seemed to affect the plane to which he traveled. In this room there was a prevalence of chaotic imagery and we had to change things to bring the room into balance. Initially, the order was also different when we arrived in the room:






We brought balance to law and chaos, by calming the sea. When we flipped the room from night to day the murals for Earth and Fire returned to the same orientation as the first room we encountered.