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Slipping slowly, silently through the forest dressed in the dark greens, browns, yellow, umber and gold that mark her as a half-elf from the Old Heart Forest, she approaches the glade. The early morning light, pierces the forest canopy and illuminates the layers of mist that surround her in gently glowing gold. Briefly struck, light bounces from her partially hidden mithril shirt and gem-studded crown. The circlet of platinum that sits on her long, blonde hair bears a point shaped like a cross-hilt sword, holding a violet gem. At her sides are the customary long and short swords carried by her folk and on her back is a long bow and four swollen quivers.

The same ray briefly touches another woman who stands, motionless as if waiting for some sign or sound. She is Yishmay, the most beautiful of her kind and the most precious.

“Who is there?” the oriental asks, “I mean you no harm.”

The morning quiet returns after its brief interruption. Lanzi sees the elf has stopped moving and appears bemused, tilting her head to one side as an animal who shows a desire to know more.

Again the calm is broken, “I would entreat with my Lady Elerienne, Queen of this forest.” The oriental moves slowly to her right, holding up a hand as if to signal to others not to follow.

Lanzi’s gaze is brought to tree line directly behind his beloved, where he can see a samurai, adopting the same motionless pose as Yishmay.

Suddenly, they are surrounded. All manner of sylvan creatures appear – centaurs, unicorn, ents, elves, giant antelope, oversized birds of prey above and insects below. “Who would entreat with me?” Asks the female half elf clamly.

“I, Yishamy noh Hirumatsu, noh Minawara, of the Yagitamo House. We come in peace as our lands are now forfeit to the great demon that walks this plane unopposed. If you are the Queen of the Old Forest, Elerienne, I ask only to have safe passage through your land. In return I offer you such assistance you might require in the fight against the darkness in the North.”

“I have heard of you; you have friends of significant power in this land. Celinas has spoken to me of your coming. Perhaps it is the will of the Sylvan elves that I should give you aid, but what is there for me? Do you not bring the troubles of the South with you?” the elf is relaxed but there is a thinly veiled threat in here words.

Surrounded in a territory that they were not familiar, Yishmay’s force, despite being far superior in number were nervous.

“My Lady, I wish us to be friends. I would not bring the enemy to your door. All I seek is clear passage through these woods. If, in return, I can be of assistance in your struggle in the North, I will.”

“And how would you bring back to me the one I have lost?” Elerienne was forceful.

“That I do not know; however, you may have need of greater strength in the days ahead – certainly to help in the defence of this realm. We would not tarry or disturb you further if you need us to leave immediately.”

“What do you know of the North?” Elerienne seems distracted.

“Very little, but an army would be of use in any place or time. My folk need free passage and nothing more from you; however, we would welcome your friendship. If there is something we can do to help you bring back your beloved, we will discuss it. I cannot envisage an immediate call to arms to defeat all the evil in the North. Instead we must determine a strategy to unlock this land and set it free from its imprisonment. I would hope to help all so imprisoned, not just the one to which you are so bound.”

“I am only concerned about one, provided my land remains free.” Elerienne regards the Bloom closely.

“Then perhaps that will be my end of the bargain- to help you keep your land free?”

“In exchange for clear passage? In those terms, I have little choice. You are free to pass.”

Elerienne’s words deliver and instant reaction from those of the forest – they seep into the forest soon leaving little trace of their ever having been in the glade. Indeed, Elerienne herself turns away from Yishmay before the oriental queen calls her back,

“I thank you Lady; I value your counsel – it is seldom seen on the Prime where women can occupy such seats of power. Gwendolyn is lost to both of us and I’m sure you miss here wise counsel as much as my husband.”

“I do,” Elerienne turns back, “you have more wisdom than the youth of the last born would more normally display.

“Thank you, but I’m sure your knowledge and wisdom is of far greater value than anything I have to offer. Perhaps, with your grace, I could share my thoughts with you again? I value your understanding for this land – not just the North- is strange to me.”

“All is strange to me beyond this forest. Of more worldly issues I would value your counsel also. How would you have me proceed? I have such a choice to make – this land or my heart.”

“My Lady, I do not think that your decision can be made against such stark choices. I will do all I can to ensure that you have both – I do not know how, but I will try if you will allow.”

“You are wise; I would that you tarry a while. Perhaps we can put aside our fears and eat of the forest, drink of the rivers and allow our thoughts to become aligned. I would hope you remember this day, and our mutual friendship will be allowed to grow.”