Bavarik's sword

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Bavarik's Sword was a Holy Avenger; as such it was a divine artefact, not one created on the Prime.

A Holy Avenger is earned by a Paladin following a quest in the lower planes. It is a gift from the gods.

Two 'divine' artefacts have had a de-stabilising effect on the Prime. These were, Unglak's stone aka the Sarnim Stone and Bavarik's sword.

When Ezollach defeated Bavarik, the Holy Avenger was split into 3 parts: Hilt, Blade and Tip.

Imrahir used the Efreet Hearth to re-forge the components of Bavarik's sword into 3 'lesser' swords:

The Hilt became Fastlor for the Humans, The Flame Brandt (Good)

The ...... became Agan for the Sea Elves, 'Balance' (Neutral)

and the ....... became Rakos for the Dwarves, The Destroyer (Evil)

Regardless of his own alignment, Imrahir realised that the swords had to be in balance.

At present, Milai wields Agan and Guerin wields Rakos. Fastlor was broken when Silmar died and the hilt passed to Merc. Following Merc's capture, Inwe now wields the Hilt of Fastlor (and thus of Bavarik's sword. The blade of Fastlor was reforged into an evil vorpal sword.