Code for Dor
The dwarrows are seldom used by our kin though their popularity groweth for trade now that the fear has dwindled. (Verily Malen grows strong on the back of this plied trade.) Mind yea, thou wilst need thy wits should this venture be of profit! The second born are canny in their trickery of the unsuspecting – not just in trade neither. Griann tells of folk spending days lost in eternally dark caverns better suited to troglodytes than those enjoying the sun and air. Griann also reminded me that thou would need the numerals that once he had supplied, lest thou hast forgotten:
7, 9, 14,
1, 13
5, 16
Look lively to the dwarves’ needs and remember their ancient place underground. Griann’s best wishes go with mine and we pray for all haste and hearty success.