Not yet at full strength, Demogorgan visits the Prime for the first time. Unwisely, the demon stretches his forces, attacking the Elves to the south of Kaled Zem, Orcus to the southeast of Fangor Rodrus and the dwarves east of Balem Lakes. (1st Age History)
After the Battle of Pelanor, where Orcus is defeated, Demogorgan seizes the opportunity to press into Gorgoroth. (1st Age History)
Dwarves, Elves and Men, led by Lastar and Bavarik, unite to defeat Demogorgon. By attacking along an entire front from the Balem Lakes in the south to Minas Morgul in the north, they drive Demogorgon’s forces back. The evil fled, hiding in old caves, dark forests and deep marshes. The battle mainly takes place around Minas Maedus weakening the fortress further. (1st Age History)
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