Elerienne finds Zundar

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Lanzi's Vision

The sun rises over the land, beneath a large cloud in the shape of a huge wolf reaching upward and across the sky. Its belly is a great storm cloud of muddy brown and purple. As his mind focuses on the wolf, from Lanzi’s right he imagines a strong wind blows against the wolf.

With his back to a vast forest, he looks out over a battlefield with many elves, men, dwarves and fell creatures lying dead. In the distance he glimpses 3 lakes, hidden between mountain peaks. As if ‘zooming in’ he picks out a female elven warrior running swiftly across the precipitous cliffs and ledges, skirting the lakes she comes to an old Dwarven door. Reaching into her pocket she finds a key, similar to that of Kagrash and opens the door. Once inside the vision darkens.

Lanzi stands in the darkness when suddenly a door opens and lets in the light from a setting sun outside. A small figure, dressed in a light grey toga sparks up a torch and enters. Throwing back his hood the figure reveals a young human face and a bald pate. He looks cautious and closely examines the floor and walls holding the torch aloft. Following him through the door is a man, not much taller than his predecessor but considerably fatter. This man wears Plate armour, carries a shield bearing the eye of Odin and has a large hammer strapped to his back. Lastly enters a short wiry man dressed light blue, a colour matching his curious eyes. The room reveals the scene from Ragnarak. The wall illuminated by the setting sun shows Fenris launching himself forward, despite being chained up. Opposite Fenris and next to the open door is a tree, in relief, on which Frey leans easily. Thor, again in relief, wildly swinging his hammer at an unseen foe can be seen in the torch light on the wall to Frey’s right. Opposite Thor, Loki’s outline can just be determined in the gloom. The vision moves on as Lanzi sees the same three leave through the door. Each looks wounded and troubled and Lanzi notices that the one dressed in blue keeps looking at a small black gem that he is holding. The fat, wheezy man in armour says something to him and with a scornful look he quickly hides the gem away in a pocket.