Hintzu is an oriental monk who was brought up in the monastary of Vorsakorai in the western lands of Amorsland.
As a young 27 year old who was given a vision that he needed to become part of greater things, he left the monastary, promising to return once he had fulfilled his prophecy.
Blessed with immense physical and mental powers as a result of continuous training from boyhood, Hintzu is able to perform incredible feats beyond that of most humans - moreover his martial arts training meant he is highly skilled in both armed and unarmed combat.
Hintzu wears absolutely no armour and is limited on the number of magical items he can carry. Furthermore, honour, wealth and personal possessions have very little meaning to him, relying on a simple uncomplicated existence where fulfillment is acheived through doing what is right and true.
In appearance, Hintzu is a handsome, medium height, but powerfully built individual who predominantly wears green and orange; typical of a monk from Vorsakorai. His head is completely shaven and he wears simple clothes which are only renewed when worn out or unusable. However, he is armed with two well maintained and fearsome weapons; a huge oriental bow known as a Daikyu which he can fire at incredible speed and with unerring accuracy with devastating results. The other being a dangerous looking staff with sickle shaped pointed ends, this being known as a Lajatang; a rare and unusual oriental weapon approximately 5 feet long, in which he is very highly skilled to wreak horrendous damage and physical injury.
His unarmed martial art skills often allow him to incapacitate opponents with a single touch or slap; sometimes not even requiring physical contact to cause his opponent great pain.
Able to detect traps, disable them and open doors; Hintzu can also naturally climb better than most and can easily dodge missiles and blows. He moves at exceptional speed and occasionally this speed can increase to almost supernatural proportion, although at penalty of extreme exhaustion if overused.
As the 'chosen one' - Hintzu has been tasked as the ring bearer of four magical rings; relying on his true, clear spirit to prevent corruption and he will not rest until those rings have met the destiny that will be determined one day.....