Hintzu Malek Vision

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“Where?” The voice was deep and resonant; it vibrated within Hintsu’s chest and brought him to a more heightened state, despite being asleep. Hintzu’s dream continued…

A quieter and less impressive male voice responded, “Over the seas, my King, far to the east.” The vision became clearer as if the monk awoke under a different sun, on a different land…

“Of what concern is that?” The deep voice was dismissive, challenging and full of contempt.

There was a short pause before the moderate voice continued, “Ahh, my Liege, I have seen the stones, spoken with the spirits, their vengeance will be upon us. They seek what is foretold to be theirs. The old bonds must be re-forged.”

As if the smoke cleared before Hintzu’s eyes he saw a wooden hall, such as those inhabited by the Norse folk to the north of Tiris, with whom the Party had spent time after killing Tun Mi Lung. It was vast and well made. Bedecked with the horns of huge beasts vanquished by valiant warriors through the ages, trophies of a forgotten time, the Hall was empty save the two deep in conversation. The younger was tall, dark and thick-set. He wore bits of plate mail well placed to cover vital organs. His thick, black hair was neatly cut and his handsome face serious and contemplative. He strode up and down the hall, deep in thought. “No! This is not to happen! Not when I am destined to lead our men in a final victory which will establish the Men of the North to be a power above all. No, Vetrianus, this is not true!”

“My Liege, the Gods have spoken. There can be no other reason for your visions and no other reason for the pain of your Oracle.” An elderly man responded. He was dressed similarly to his liege but in armour that had seen many battles and he carried arcane weapons with which even Hintsu was not familiar. His grey hair was pulled into a chaotic pony tail and his long beard was unkempt and long. His stance was resilient though not confrontational and his tone underlined his experience rather than frustration.

“No! We must continue with the alliance; we must see it through and end our subservience. I cannot betray my people and bring them to destruction. We have been there before. Constantly we have been the buffer between the evil and the elves. Well, no longer! For once we will reap the benefits afforded to the victor. To hell with the old bonds! What have they offered us, Vetrianus, what have they brought us but the shackles of imprisonment and the pain of death? No, I will not deliver my Kingdom to someone unknown, someone unseen – a usurper! By Ares and Athena, I will not!”

“Oh my Liege, I understand thy will and thy pain. This is no usurper; no, my understanding lends me to believe that we are offered salvation. We will not have to sacrifice our principals for the sake of our children. We need now, more than ever, to choose the correct side. Ares bids us join battle and Athena argues that we should choose the side that offers us most chance of success – not just the glory of a valiant death. No longer do we need to decide who to fight for and who to fight against – we fight for ourselves against those who would take our land, our children and our wives. We must find them, guide them, help them and shape their thoughts to our plight. No subterfuge is required, the prophecies are certain; we can reveal our true nature as one would lift the cover from the lantern.” Vetrianus confidence was infectious; it was obvious that his opinion was held in high regard.

“Oh how I wish to have your faith. My mind is so taken with what I believed to be the correct path – indeed what you advised but yesterday – it is difficult for me to visualize something different. By Zeus! Why is this so complex? Help me grasp the fundamentals of this change! You ask me to follow the path that leads away from the first born and now it seems I have come again to a crossroads. Which way now, Zeus? Where should we turn? Your daughter provides visions and dreams which we cannot decipher, your son a method to meet our most glorious end – but where should we turn?”

“Perhaps the Oracle, my King?” Vetrianus moves to the window and stretches out an arm, pointing into the distance.

“Yes but what of those of less enlightened religion? Perhaps we must entreat the Norse God Odin… should we not, Vetrianus? Some of our people would expect that. I can ill afford a clash of religions – we have bridged that divide already. Send for Haguar and Urkfell, I will seek their counsel – bid them bring their clerics.”

It was raining heavily when they met; the temples faced each other, once in opposition now in harmony. The rain beat down on the roofs of the nearby buildings but they were exposed, wet and cold.

“The winter hastens towards us,” the king whispers to his cleric.

“Yes but will it usher in a new beginning, the Spring rebirth you promised and that was foretold?” Vetrianus replies with supreme confidence.

“It seems I was hasty; there may be an alternative approach, something that we can all reconcile with our peoples.”