History of the Second Age

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Year Remarks
670 Rantor attacks Minas Tiris via the gate to the Plane of Fire; he discovers a Palantir and Gundleus’ 6th part of the Crown. Gondoloin, Gundleus’ son retreats to Ashore.
670 Mercantir Carass is born in Efforendil, Amarsland in the peaceful time.
670 Astorin - Astorin is born in the Sylvan lands to Noble parents
670 The Gem. Dor discovers a shard of the Gem in Endor mts and hides it from all. He becomes aloof from his folk and does not take a wife.
671 Demogorgan Returns - A vast army of evil is arrayed on the waste lands of Amras Aarda. Findor is attacked from the south and boats land in the Bay of Ashore. A large force of strange creatures never seen before march through the gap between Fangor Rodrus and Kaled Zem, on the Planes of Eriador.
671 The Second Battle of Amras Aarda - Bavarik leads an army of dwarves from Hama’Las, men from Alon and Gorgoroth and elves from Vikriain against the foe at Amras Aarda. The Battle is lost and Bavarik’s forces scatter.
672-680 The Siege of Ashore -Gondoloin, the half-elf son of Gundleus, defends Ashore with a mixed army of sea-elves, dwarves from Dor and men from Ashoria and Gorgoroth. Rantor sides with Demogorgan and attacks from Minas Tiris. Dor uses his Ring wisely and turns the battle; though Ashore does not fall many good men die.
672-690 The Siege of Findor - The Dwarven House of Findor received little aid during the siege of their realm. Many of the Ruby Mountains are taken and the great house of Findor retreats to Olga.
683-720 The Siege of Alon - Also known as the False Siege. Demogorgan constantly appears to be in readiness to attack Alon, just as Dispater had. Therefore, Bavarik keeps a large garrison at Alon whilst he maintains a constant vigil over the Vale.
684-705 Rantor the Red terrorizes Dor and Ashoria. It is understood that the Dragon is in league with Demogorgan, who is annoyed by the failure to gain Ashore.
685 The Battle of Calahar Bridge - Demogorgan sends an expeditionary force to take the bridge that crosses the Whitewash River situated at the foot of Olga. The force was defeated but many Numenoreans leave the Vale of Alon to return home and defend their lands.
685-700 The Siege of Minas Aarda - Demogorgon, like Dispater, realises that this mighty fortification has to be destroyed. Dwarves that protect the eastern edge of the Vale of Alon are called to defend Minas Aarda.
686-700 The Siege of Celin - Having been warned of an imminent assault by his patrolling vessels, Taranack sends his vast fleet north to the Bay of Ashore where Gondoloin provides more warships and a strong force of sea-elves. The first assault on Celin lasts for many weeks but has little impact on the defending garrison. Unable to land and cut off from retreat by Taranack’s returning fleet, Demogorgan’s last marine battle is a complete failure
686 The Death of Boffur - Boffur II, 2nd Lord of the Ruby Mts, died during an early attack on Olga.
700 The Glory of Malor - Demogorgon’s forces, trying to cross the White Wash near Malor, are cornered by Bavarik’s army and an expeditionary force sent by Taranack up the river, all were destroyed.
710 Lastar’s Staff - Kalasar discovers Lastar’s Staff in Olga but is not sure of its origins. Realizing its value, rather than its power, he hides it in his hall only discussing it with Anduril, his brother.
725 The Fall of Findor - The depleted House of Findor fully retreats to Olga.
725-740 The Siege of Olga - With the fall of Findor and the success at Amras Aarda, Demogorgan manages to concentrate his power on Olga. The many secret passages through the Iron mountains become Olga’s only supply route. Sylvan elves led by Girith (bearer of the 4th Crown) help defend Olga. Kalasar discusses the Staff with Girith who explains that it was once the Great Mage’s staff although it appeared damaged.
732 The Fall of Minas Aarda - Despite the aid sent from Balem and Kaled Zem, the noble house of Hamar crumbles as Demogorgan grows in might. Hamar, Lord of Aarda, dies during the battle. Demogorgan takes his Palantir but overlooks his Ring.
750 The doom of Amras Aarda - Bavarik leads an ill-timed assault upon Demogorgan’s vast army as it prepares a westward offensive.
751 Numbers attacking Olga are doubled after the victory at Amras Aarda.
752-761 The Siege of Alon - With the Vale no longer defended, the army of evil is uninterrupted on its journey to Alon.
757 The death of Gildorian - The High-Elf Chieftain of Vikriain is killed leading his army against the evil hoards laying siege to Alon. This is the last force that the Vikriain send against Demogorgon in the 2nd Age.
758 The Journey of Fandor - Fandor leaves Olga to marry Liandor of the house of Dor. This marriage is designed to enlist the aid of the house of Dor in the defence of Olga.
759 The Betrayal of Fandor - Under torture, dwarves of Dor tell Rantor of the imminent arrival of Fandor. The house of Dor bargain with Rantor: if the Dragon would no longer attack Dor or Dorvale they would deliver Fandor to him - Rantor agrees. As Demogorgon believes that Fandor may have one of the old artifacts, he is prepared to pay handsomely for him. However, Fandor manages to escape the Dragon’s clutches and, together with some of his House and Liandor, he discovers a good hiding place south west of Endor.
768 Rally at Olga Bavarik arrives at Olga with men of Celin led by Taranack’s son Taneth, men from Gorgoroth and Pelanor, led by Bavarik’s son Erowin and the remnants or the mixed army that were defeated at Amras Aarda 5 years earlier. Girith, suspecting Demogorgan will attack Numenoria, leaves Olga.
780 Numenoria is attacked - The Dunedain, half-elves and high-elves leave Olga, Malor Marsh and the Vale of Alon to defend their homes.
781 The Gem of Truth - A shard of Lastar’s Gem is discovered in Olga and, against Bavarik’s counsel, Frastor uses the Gem against Demogorgan’s forces. The last elves leave Olga and head north.
782 The Gem of Life - The Gem of Life is discovered in Ochin forest by a young Sohei called Namura Shinzo. He takes the Gem to the monastery at Ochi to study. Realising that it was more than a mere trinket Namura was allowed to keep possession of the Gem provided that he discovered its purpose.
783 The death of Bavarik Ezollach the Lich King, lured to Olga by the Gem, kills Bavarik during a vast assault on the Dwarrowdelf. He fails to discover the Gem or the Staff.
784 The death of Frastor Frastor dies soon after Demogorgan arrives but realising his error he managed to hide the Gem from him. The second piece of the Crown is given to Kalasar, who narrowly escapes death with all artefacts including the Staff.
780 The 5th Crown and Balor - The Crown lay hidden at the foot of a large waterfall that fell out of Kaled Zem into the Old Forest. Here Kallon, a Half-Elf of the Dunedain, found it whilst he recovered from a long pursuit of a band of Orcs. Kallon was caught between breaking off his hunt to head towards Sutur to learn more about the Crown and finding the hiding place of the cursed Orcs. Unfortunately he chose poorly, deciding to chase the Orc band back to their home. As he entered an old dwarven hall he was surprised by Balor. Balor was the servant of Demogorgon who had slowly discovered many of the dwarrowdelfs in Kaled Zem. He recognised the Crown immediately and slew Kallon for it.
790 The Fall of Olga - Taneth and Erowin lead their men in escape through the Iron Mountains; Taneth heads south to Celin and Erowin crosses the embattled Numenorea. Erowin crosses the mountain divide into Vikriain escaping firstly to Alon and then to Sutur. Hangar, the last surviving lord in Olga, follows Erowin and escapes to Balem.
791 The 2nd part of the Crown - Kalasar is killed by Ezollach as he attempts to escape Olga through the Iron Mountains and the Lich King takes his Crown. However, the Staff remains buried in Kalasar’s hall.
794 The Fall of Alon - Hot on the heals of Erowin and Hangar, the evil power turns its attention to Alon. Despite the aid of the dwarves from Balem and high-elves from Vikriain, Alon falls. Many men from Gorgoroth and Pelanor flee north to Sutur where they elect Erowin as their commander.
812-850 The Defence of Sutur - Erowin asks assistance from all aligned for good from across Everinstar. Elves, dwarves and men rally to his cause. Samurai and other warriors from as far a field as Nega answer his call. Erowin proves to be a great leader and manages to keep Sutur from Demogorgan. Having realized that the Gem has something to do with a great Everinstar mage, Namura travels to Sutur with his Gem.
812 The House of Hangar Hangar marries Emily of the house of Balem. Hangar is the Lord of Findor in exile.
814 Orodruin enhances the defences of Sutur by using fire from Malek, the western-most mountain of Kaled Zem.
816 The First castellan of Sutur - Erowin marries Helen of Gos and is named Castellan of Sutur. The proviso is that should an Arch Mage of Lastar’s character return, the castle will be handed back.
818 Imrahir, son of Erowin, is born
820 The Third Part of the Crown - The 3rd piece of the Crown is found by Inuik of Oroduin’s Folk during the reconstruction of Minas Maedus. The tower is rebuilt but, realising Fangor Rodrus was not strong enough to withstand the armies of Demogorgon, the Crown is delivered to Erowin, Castellan of Sutur
821 Siege of Minas Morgul and The Ring of Fire - Minas Morgul is attacked from the northeast by a huge army that had skirted around Fangor. Ishtur is killed during the siege and the Ring of Fire is taken up by Yeanoghu, Lord of the Gnolls and ally of Demogorgon. The dwarrowdelf falls a year later.
821 The fall of Minas Emras and The Ring of Air - Minas Emras falls and Zem dies in his great hall, buying enough time for his depleted house to escape across Kaled Zem, many coming to Sutur. Balor, a great Balrog and servant of Demogorgon, comes to power in Emras taking up Zem’s Ring. Elves of the Old Forest counter attack but fail to retrieve the Minas.
822 Battle of Pelanor - Men of Gorgoroth, support by the Samurai warriors of Nega and Madur, fight and hold the gap between Fangor Rodrus and Minis Emras. Dwarves led by Inuik counter attack from the north pushing Demogorgon’s forces east.
822 Minas Morgul is regained - Gnomes from Ishtur aid the Dwarves of their land and, led by Sallasor, re-take Minas Morgul. Yeanoghu retreats across the forgotten lands, taking the Ring with him. A re-supply route is set up along the Ishurias to Ashore. Men and sea elves assist the gnomes and dwarves pushing the forces of evil east
822 Erowin’s counter attack - Erowin leads a large force south and sweeps the enemy before him retaking Alon. (Many Southern warriors settle in Alon including Namura and his Gem). Simultaneously the dwarves of Zem and Balem, led by Hangar, assisted by the Sylvan Elves of the Old Forest attack and regain Minas Emras. Balor escapes deep into Kaled Zem, with many of his forces and builds a strong hiding place.
824 The Gem of Law - Deep within the ancient halls of Kaled Zem Balor discovers the Gem of Law. Not in the least bit aligned with the Gem, Balor is torn between hiding it and declaring it to his master. Believing that he may somehow master its power, Balor hides the Gem and builds even greater protection around it.
825 Yosho Ishi and the Gem - Having learnt little more of his Gem but a good deal more about combat with the forces of darkness, Namura travels back to Ochi where he devotes more time to the Gem discovering many of its properties. At 63 and without heir Namura passes the Gem to his brightest acolyte – Yosho Ishi.
825 After a lengthy period of skirmishing, Demogorgan’s forces retreat, many leaving the prime Material Plane altogether. Nevertheless, the land was not totally rid of the enemy and places such as Olga, the Ruby Mountains, the Forgotten Lands and Amras Aarda...remain full of evil Spirits. Rantor still resides in Minas Tiris.