Dwarf of Dor
Creator of keys using Orodruin's folk as captives; the keys, through powerful dweomer, enable the owner to divine hidden locations. Keys of Kagrash
Son of Dragor
Brother of Kagrall and Dragor II
Uncle of Enrodire
Grandson of Barass
Nephew of Prakast
(40) 885 - Of Kagrash - Perverted by the shard, Kagrash kills his uncle, Prakast, and takes control of Keffendir. Aware that other parts of the Gem may lie within the other great Dwarven and Elven Houses, and without access to either Palantir or Gate from Keffendir, he sets about discovering their secret entrances. Imprisoning and torturing many of Orodruin’s folk he has keys made which not only grant access to the Minas and the halls beneath but also point out their location. He was surprised to discover that Gulcar, one of Orodruin’s descendants, had been commissioned to assist with the construction of a great Drow city – Nagrad. Kagrash gained a Key to Nagrad and used it to open up very lucrative trading routes with the Drow.