Milai's Defeat

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Morwath’s Vision

You also have another vision which seems different and more remote than those inspired by the object reading.

Morwath sees a handsome oriental man , with the look of a nobleman dressed in a black kimono with a red dragon embroidered on it (Tuar Chan). He leans forward, grasping a Palantir with his elegant hands, wrapping it in long fingers with manicured, blackened nails. He places it onto a plinth which itself is inside a circle (just noticeable in the gloom on the floor). He mutters something under his breath before looking into the sphere. As the man stares into the glass, Morwath sees something move behind him in the darkness. Slowly a great head appears out of the shadow and looks over the shoulder of the man. The head, or rather the skull, can only be that of a great undead dragon (Rantor). Its eyes glow red, which for a moment are reflected in the Palantir before a light emanates from it, swiftly filling the vast room the décor of which echoes the nobleman’s taste. The full size of the enormous undead serpent is imprinted on Morwath’s mind and he shudders involuntarily.

Morwath’s eyes are drawn to the Palantir and in it he sees a warship being tossed around in a mighty tempest in the middle of a wide river. A small beacon of light can be seen on the prow. Drawn in, Morwath sees a beautiful female elf (Milai), dressed in scale male and holding aloft a sword glowing pale green (Agan). She is struggling to stay upright on the deck. Suddenly, from the depths, a huge serpent (Tun Mi Lung) raises itself out of the water and smashed the vessel in two. The elf is thrown overboard and the vision fades in the Palantir.

A voice comes from the sphere, “I have done our master’s bidding, now what would he have me do?” The voice is a powerful hiss, like driving rain against a window. The man smiles, nods to his undead companion and, turning back to the Palantir, says, “Bring that which we desire to Nagrad.”

As the words leave his lips, the serpent’s tail uncoils around a second orb close by and, lifting it, brings it closer to the Palantir. The orb is smaller than the Palantir and more colourful. It shimmers and sparkles in the gloaming, producing its own aura of multihued light. “Nagrad, not here”, repeats the man.

“When?” asks the voice from the Palantir.

“Two full moons from now.”

“It will be done. Have what I desire and you’ll have your flower.”

“You will not be disappointed”, replies the man as he lifts the Palantir once more. The darkness surrounds Morwath once again…