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“Lady Merriem has decreed that you are to ensure her safe passage.” Milai’s dream came brightly to life as a distant green glow blossomed into the shape of a butterfly, addressing what she took to be a wood elf.

“But Autumn is here! I have other things to do. She is more of this world – why should it bother us…or me!” Milai realised, as the vision expanded, that she was looking at a Sylvan elf - one of the most ancient folk, the first born.

“Well our Queen explained that the fate of the Prime rests on her unmolested passage and, Lady, you are the best placed to deliver it!” the butterfly’s intensity increased as it spoke. “If necessary, Autumn will wait!”

“Oh Sellef, this cannot be!” the elf spoke earnestly, staring at the bright light stark against the deep, dark green of the forest.

“My Lady Ceriam, this is but a fraction of it. Our Queen has decreed that you are to host her, lead her and, above all, ensure her safety.”

“Why me? Sellef, I have no interest in this task. Look here, the cold begins to bite, the wood needs me and we are hard pressed to stem the early tide of Winter. And what is to be made of the rift amongst the Planes? Surely we should calm them; without balance we will all perish…”

“Argh, exactly! Your understanding of the realm at this time is second to none. But that is not where it stops: her Majesty has decreed that you are to contact some that would see her safe arrival. Yes, yes, most are third born but at least one of them is an elf – a Sea Elf. Anyway, our Lady has asked that you contact the Queen of the Sea Elves, a Lady named Milai.” As it spoke, the butterfly hovered close to the elf’s beautiful face illuminating it in a gentle green.

“I know the name…The ancient articles spoke of our division; what brings one from the Sea so far inland?” The elf’s plentiful lips turned down and her deep green eyes searched the horizon for an explanation. “Do the third born believe the time has come?”

“Who knows, my Lady, the third born have their own reasons. The Queen believes that she is bound to the Prime and she needs safe refuge - a request that has not troubled us for more than a thousand of their years. Failing her would be failing the Prime.” The butterfly’s bright green glow increased as he spoke shedding more light on the elf.

“Yes, yes, the third born feel that this is their time…” The stunning elf stretched her fine wings. Standing, she revealed long muscular legs and an athletic, barely clothed, figure. Head raised and bathed in the pale, fading sunlight she smiled, “How exciting! What is to be done? Where should I go? Who should look after the realm?” The questions came thick and fast but none perturbed the Elf overly; she flew up, circling a wide tree and weaved between branches, thick and thin. “Tell our Majesty that I accept! I’ll need to know where to find this Queen of Sea Elves. Oh yes, let me know what to make of the third born.”

“My Lady!” the butterfly was swift to keep up, “Her majesty cautions that things are dangerous beyond the realm. There is no normal protection...”, in a louder voice as the butterfly was left behind by the spiralling elf, “your subject will arrive soon and from another Plane; you must make preparations…Oh why do I bother..?” he finally exclaimed giving up the chase.

The Sylvan elf re-appeared next to the insect, “because you care deeply, Sellef,” she returned, “when will Gwendolyn be here?”

“Soon, very soon,” he spluttered overcoming the shock of the Sylvan elf’s reappearance.

“Where we she arrive, at the ancient gate or in the Glade?”

“The ancient gate is blocked, so she will come to the Glade on this next full moon,” this time it was the butterfly’s turn to fly into the distance and the vision faded.