Minas Olga Notes

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Information found in Olga:


Oh would that I had been here,

Taken that fatal blow instead of thee.

What was left undone would now be over

And we would all be set free.

I commeth now my Lord,

I avenge thee and thy son.

Dead Ezollach is by my sword,

My father’s will is now done.

That which was broken I will make new,

That which was stolen I will return,

Nobles of this land are now few,

They will receive that for which they yearn.

Gone is Lastar’s stone,

Broken by Wand of Bone.

In grief I paid it little heed,

Now it may be our direst need.



Avenged yea have been.

Thy death for naught

Will no longer seem,

To those who were bought,

As evidence of futility.

Placed thou ist with thy forebears,

In great calm thy will now rest.

I go in search for thine heirs,

For together evil we shall best.

As thou witness our brutality.



Unified in the defence of the Minas,

Dwarves, Elves and Men

Threw back the Demon’s Minions,

Expecting help that never came.

Death was renewed by the avenger,

Keeping Bavarik’s lineage true.

Yet lost the Dwarves of Findor were,

And Olga could not be made anew.

Seek thee the end of their miseries,

Find what would make these men sane.

Find these rings that were lost of old

And end the elves’ pain.

Spring 1005. The land was bathed in warmth and the cool wind bourn out of the mountains once again brought hope of a new and prosperous life. A shadow remained, however, which caused those that love the freedom of the air too much trouble to be forgotten. Unwisely perhaps, I convinced Ythanos of my determination to do what had been neglected for so long. Of stout heart he listened intently, turning his attention once gain to the thorny issue of the Dragon holed up in Minas Tiris. Entrusting his young son, Aran, to his wife Catherin and the monastery, the Great Castellan led his party of veteran warriors, accompanied by Curial and I, to the Great Wyrm’s lair. Perhaps rashly without Fastlor, using the Portal, we enter Tiris and are immediately engaged by the Beast. The stench of sulphur and scorched earth is not endured for long as the battle is swift and fierce; I am ashamed to tell the Dragon won the day. Blasted by fire, bitten and raked by teeth and claw, Ythanos, son of Eomere, met his doom in Minas Tiris. Curial too came to an untimely end at the talon of the Great Wyrm. Only I escaped. Managing to stave off the powerful dweomer thrown at me and the many blasts of fire emanating from the Dragon’s jaws, I took up the Crown left by Ythanos. The Wyrm’s treasure was unbelievable; ancient as he was, I realised that Rantor had collected many of the artefacts left by our greatest mage. Yet I had only the strength to grab the Ring of Fire before jumping back through the Portal to the wondrous blue and the cleanest air...

By decree of the Castellan of Sutur, Ythanos, son of Eomere, thou, Tarthor, man at arms to our most beloved Elborn are released from castle service and will accompany the New White Council on their most urgent quest to discover the whereabouts of our heinous enemy Iki Moko. Thou whilst also report unto the Castellan any news of the Great Artefacts of Lastar, Arch Mage and binder of races. I remind thee of thy solemn vows and we entrust unto thee the lives of the Council, as we have entrusted thee with the souls of this great fortification.

Thou wilst accompany Tagaran, that most noble of men from our religious origin and, by decree of our valued supporter, Curial, he will be your party’s guide in all things religious and more corporeal. Flaine Cawstock, acolyte of the monastery here within and Semaj Recklaw, prestidigitator and apprentice of the great Renash, are also charged to thy care. Additionally, our much loved brethren, the Numenoreans, have pledged the help of Fanderel a most adept young warrior, in all your doings. Treat him as thine own.

Go now; be true to thy cause and take our most kind thoughts with thee.

In the second moon of the autumn of the year 995, according to the Vikriain Ŷ

A Series of Notes found in Olga:

Lord, I am indebted to you again. I will, by all necessity, deem my forces, laid at my disposal by he that should know better, to be yours when and if required. I note your move against the nomadic northern menfolk went well. As ever, you need no congratulation from me; however, I thought it timely to mention that citadel whose focus has ever been at the fore should once again be our sticking point. ڮ

Fast from your victory in Gos, I take note of your Army at Lastar’s stronghold. Perhaps we should combine our efforts and renew the onslaught? Once I have this accursed dungeon in my grasp, I would like to meet for news is good and I have much for your master. Concerning my northern flank - although my Lord uses the acolyte of our ways for speedy transport, he should be watched. I believe Lei Kung has led him in some of the ancient arts and his dominion grows. He has many items that your master and I once sought and has access to a gate (most useful at present). Perhaps you could convince him of the need for his understanding? Use of his knowledge of the ancient wyrms would be most beneficial, for instance. Seen by him as an ambassador for a more powerful Lord (something that I am happy to let lie), you may have more impact than I.ڮ

My Lord has signalled his intent to assist you in any way possible; therefore, you may be interested to hear that I took heed of your recent counsel. (May we meet soon?) The acolyte of the ignoble Lord Lei Kung, informs me of a secret entrance into that which confounds us in the south. Further he has pressed his deity for the use of the mighty wyrms of old and has been granted an audience with one named Tun Mi Lung – do you know of it?

Lord, we have broken through all the defences in and across Dunland. Your Lady arrived at her target this morning and has great news; she seeks an audience with you. I am ashamed to say that we are stalled in the mountains, however, and the stronghold proves of difficult nut to crack. Therefore, I would seek extra assistance if your highness seeks a speedy resolution.

My worthy acolyte, I seek to understand why the Tanar’ri have again failed me. Do I trust too much? Do I not give so that I will receive? Brakatzu is in my dominion devoid of that which I gave him. No longer will he have honour, confined to the depths of longing, content to nourish upon the foul excrement of the Lamure. My attention has been turned elsewhere for too long, they will pay for this slight. My most malevolent son, bring me their souls and I shall reward you with all that you once sought! Brakatzu confirmed that it is with the one you call Silmar’s fool – you know where he is?