Morwath - Shard 4

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As if looking into a Palantir, Morwath sees a wolf with dark mane and reddened eyes jumping up, from rock to rock, higher and higher, until it finds its cave. The vision clears and he hears, “So, he comes!”, followed by unintelligible chanting.

Gladdened, desperate to be free, Morwath tries to yell, “I am here, I am yours”, but the sound is muffled. Soon, through the darkness, Morwath sees a man approach dressed in dark brown, his face hidden by a long hood, he leans lightly on a staff, the top of which has been fashioned into the head of a wolf. The harsh voice that had split the air with joy at the death of every living thing was now subdued, “What do you hope to gain here?”

The man in brown pushes back his hood to reveal a handsome face with dark, neatly cropped moustache and short beard. His straight nose is offset by a mouth raised on one side in mockery. Gleaming, dark eyes fix on Morwath. “You know my desire, Incharan…”.

The man moves forward, his hood falling completely back to reveal a 7-pointed blue crown. The chanting begins again. In one smooth movement the man raises his staff in his right hand and closes swiftly to combat. The chanting is drowned by an ear-splitting explosion and Morwath falls once again, into darkness…

Interpretation: Staff of the Draug (Lastar's Staff) is in view. It is hard to tell Morwath’s perspective on this one. It could be Dordraug (Guerin) claiming a Shard from Incharan.