Morwath Palantir Readings in Nagrad

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Echoes in Marilliath’s Palantir

Conversation in ancient Sylvan elf

“Morganes, when do you arrive?” A view of a small, dimly lit cabin forms on the Palantir. A drow elf sits at a small wooden table, sipping wine from a pewter goblet. He turns his head to look directly at the palantir. He wears a dark blue/green tunic with a high black collar. His face is pale and drawn, like most drow, and his green eyes are keen, bright and alert. Tied in a pony tail, his long black hair appears wet.

“Two days after the next full moon, my Lady. You have what I need?”

“Yes, at least you won’t drown now; we couldn’t have that…” a small chuckle.

“Not if you still want me to deliver your message.” A serious tone.

“Yes, yes. Your Queen knows nothing of this, I trust?”

“Nothing, ma’am; I carry construction supplies in a small galley crewed by Magreb’s men – they suspect nothing.”

“Good, I will send an emissary – we must not meet. There will be a Gith ship waiting for you to command. They are well paid and will be discrete; however, do not trust them. Get there, deliver my message, wait for a reply and come back here.”

“Yes my Lady.”

Conversation in CE

“Our Lord has told me of your plans, Marilliath.” A gruff male voice.

“Good; it will make things easier in the future.”

“I do not like it.” The male voice sounds irritated.

“Well my friend I have had enough of their meddling and their shifting terms and conditions. Our Lord is not against this plan.”

“No, he is not against anything that will create chaos and I too applaud your thinking. However, I need more time to secure the North and their support is proving very useful. Demogorgan walks on the Prime once more.”

“Yes, I have heard. We need to consolidate the South and abandon the north to its fait until will have Nega.”

“We have Gos now Marilliath – you abandon Ochi and drive your forces North! Your old residence is empty again, I believe.”

“Another of your kindred failed our Lord. No! I will press my advantage and take Nega.”

“As you will; but leave my ally alone!”

Conversation in CE

“Construction is nearly complete, my Lord”,


“I will then be able to stage supplies through Ochi to support your offensive from the North.”

“Ahh; plans have changed my fair one. The Giant lost his Ring - and his head by all accounts.”

“Oh? How did that happen?”

“The one that Inwe and Guerin seek – Mercantire Carass, an elf from Amorsland – took it. Evidently, he has powerful friends. An oriental from a monastery in the West now bears 2 Rings I am told – one used to be yours.”

“Where are this monk and his elf friend?”

“On their way to see you, I believe.”



“Ahh, there you are Mercantire, you are mine now…Come to me my son, there is one that needs you and I will show you a new way. Do not fear, you walk with the Elders. We need to talk…She needs to talk…We would that you aid us…Bring your friends, they can help aswell. Surely you would not neglect your true blood. We are your family now. We need your help. Help us Mercantire Frayerson, son of Hirrim the Poet. Ellerienne needs you. Come!”