Third Poem from Malek
Malek Poem 3
Deep they descended to a hidden hall
Locked with locks, secured with seals.
The narrow gate gaped, they walked within
Dazzled by dance of flickering flames
On diamond and mithril
serried arms and armour
jewels and precious metal.
Their bright brands glanced on stunning stone
Which flashed in the flame like a subterranean star:
And its rose-red ruby like a captive king
Lay enfolded in flowers of moulded mithril.
The Half-Gnome held his breath
at treasure long-lost
in ancient years of death.
He looked at the lord matching eye to eye
And slowly smiled as if to challenge with charm.
'If the mail I make can break the blows
Of your strongest soldier, O Master of Elves,
Would you call this stone an equal exchange?'
And so they agreed
one lustful for power,
The other, from need.
The high-roofed hall given to guests
Echoed with anger and whiplash of words.
Her face aflame, her eyes ablaze
Fèglin, his wedded wife
Spoke for them all
as they huddled close
in that alien hall.
'Make that murderer's armour? His promise to pay
'Is as constant as cobwebs and as safe as a storm!'
'And what can he offer but ill-gotten gains,'
'The pillage and plunder of countless halls?'
Then from her lips a wild cry burst
'Such utter folly
'This has been from the first!'
'That elf has Sarnim!' So Unglak cried
'That my father found and my mother bore!'
'That price will I pay, and risk what I must
'To ransom their relic from this house of dust!'
Fèhaglin sighed: 'And also strive,
'Gaining the treasure,
'to reach home alive.'
Shrouded in shadows that dipped and danced
The three softly spoke in their gnomish speech
Of cares, contingencies, methods, means,
Secrets, circumstances, purposes, plans:
Lest fear at night
should catch them aground
lacking wings for flight.