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The 7 known crowns are:

1pt - Violet; 2pt - Orange; 3pt - Yellow; 4pt - Red; 5pt - Green; 6pt - Indigo; 7pt - Blue;

Milai asked Ingrem about the Crown, as she was renowned for her lore in such matters. She brewed a warming leaf tea in an ancient copper kettle over an open fire. As she worked – poking the fire, stirring the tea, fetching the cups – she talked. “The first piece was created by Balem in Zundar with the aid of the Orodruin Dwarves and the use of Ishtur’s Ring of Fire; Lastar added a single diamond and blessed it with potent dweomer. Balem named it the Crown of Light. After Balem proved its worth in the battle of Hama’Las, Lastar made the other pieces at Sutur with the aid of Orodruin’s folk and the Rings of Power. These he gave to the Kings of the day, keeping the 7th and binding piece for himself. Each piece was made with white stones – diamonds I am told; however, the stones took on a colour after the parts were separated – light broken into 7 parts – by Orcus’ Wand. It is rumoured that the Crowns were made to bring the unique power of the inner planes to the Prime. That is except for the last and most powerful piece – the binding piece.” Milai sat near the fire and accepted a cup from Ingrem, listening intently. “That piece will control all the others should they come within range; even the bearer’s mind is subject to the will of the binding piece…Perhaps that’s how Lastar controlled the races?”

When combined, the crowns form one powerful artifact: the Crown of Light. This was created in 567E by Lastar, and was used by him in 568E with Bavarik to defeat Dispater in Minas Aarda. It was used by him again in 570E in the 'creation' of the Sarnim Stone and a staff to hold it, then used against Dispater the same year when Lastar slew the Devil in the Abyss. After this Lastar separated and scattered the crowns on the Prime.

1pt Violet Crown[edit]

Plane: Negative

Current Owner: Elerienne

Gives power over dwarves.

The 1pt Crown (Negative Energy) was made for Balem but passed to Lastar when Balem died in the 1st Age. Nothing was known of it until the 6th Age when Elerienne found it in Zundar; she still wears it today.


Balem, using Orodruin’s knowledge and Ishtur’s Ring of Fire, creates a circlet of Adamantite. Lastar adds a single point holding a diamond and gives it the power of light. (1st Age History)


Balem uses the Crown to help retake Hama Las. Many of the House of Rodrus, led by their King, Maedus, join their cousins in the battle. (1st Age History)


The first attack on Minas Aarda comes from Hama Las but is poorly led and causes Balem to lose his life. The dwarves take the Crown of Light to Lastar. (1st Age History)


The crown is split from the Crown of Light and sent back to the Prime by Lastar.

DM’s Notes on Morwath and Merc’s recent (7th Age) activities “He (Morwath) is also aware that she (Elerienne) wears a band of platinum on her head which has a single point at the front, holding aloft a bright violet gem”. “During this planning period, Morwath and Merc discover that Elerienne found the crown in a dwarrowdelf named Zundar, whilst escaping the Battle of Eriador”.

2pt Orange Crown[edit]

Plane: Positive

Current Owner: Dafydd

Gives power over dwarves.

The 2pt Crown of Radiance was made for Findor in the 1st Age (564E) but passed to Lastar on his death (565E). In the 2nd Age it came to Findor II, Frastor and Kalasar before being taken by Ezollach the Lich. Ezollach retained the crown in the 3rd Age until Imrahir took it from him. Iki Moko took the crown in the 4th Age and retained it into the 5th. Ythanos got the crown from Iki Moko in the 5th Age and passed it onto Renash the Mage. Renash passed it to Aran, Castellan of Sutur and thence to Dulan, Castellan of Sutur. It is possessed by Milai in the 7th Age but she passes it to Dafydd, Cleric of Odin, in exchange for the 6pt Indigo crown.


Those sieged at Minas Olga make a desperate attempt to free themselves. Many of Findor’s House die in the attempt. Findor himself dies just as the relief forces arrive. The 2nd Crown of Kings, worn by Findor, is delivered to Lastar.


The crown is split from the Crown of Light and sent back to the Prime by Lastar.

3rd Age Battle Scene in Minas Aarda depicts Imrahir wearing the 2pt Crown.

Chronicles read: Then there was a battle scene with Taranack, a Sea Elf, plunging a sword into a Balrog alongside Findor and Imrahir who wore a double pointed crown with orange gems.

Chronicles describe a 5th Age Scene: To the right was Iki-Moto in a black Kimono wearing a two pointed crown and all four rings.

Presumably, Ythanos takes up the 2pt Crown upon killing Iki Moko. However, he loses his life to Rantor in Minas Tiris (YR 1005) and his crown is taken up by Renash.

Renash would then have delivered the 2pt Crown to Aran, Ythanos’ son, who passes it to Dulan – the Castellan of Sutur.

3pt Yellow Crown[edit]

Plane: Air

Current Owner: Hasfast

Made for Maedus in the 1st Age (564E).


Pincered by Lastar’s army in the west, Bavarik’s army in the north and the combined dwarven forces of Hamar, Balem and Maedus in the east, Dispater is defeated at Minas Aarda, his last stronghold. Gelmir and Maedus both die at the foot of the Minas trying to destroy Dispater before he enters the fortress. Gelmir’s son Gillire leaves the battle with his father’s body and Maedus is returned to Fangor Rodrus; both Kings leave their Crowns in Lastar’s care. (1st Age History)


The crown is split from the Crown of Light and sent back to the Prime by Lastar.

An extract from a song that comes to Morwath in a Vision. With the smell of sweet flower And mistletoe Haemrandir came, And together met Grobdur and Gloun, Crown and sword aflame.

Chronicles describe a 4th Age Scene in Minas Aarda depicting Grobdur of Rodrus wearing the 3pt Crown.

Chronicles describe a 6th Age Scene: To our right was a tower with the symbol of Maedus shown being taken by the allies and Orcus' wand symbol being torn from its top; visible in this scene were Brolgun, Renash (a Half Elf mage) and two other Dwarves that we did not recognise, one with the symbol File:Curlyh.jpg = Hasfast, wearing a three pointed crown, and the other with the symbol File:Curlye.jpg = ?.

4pt Red Crown[edit]

Plane: Fire

Current Owner: Lan Zi Bao

Made for Gelmir in the 1st Age (564E), so gives power over elves.


Pincered by Lastar’s army in the west, Bavarik’s army in the north and the combined dwarven forces of Hamar, Balem and Maedus in the east, Dispater is defeated at Minas Aarda, his last stronghold. Gelmir and Maedus both die at the foot of the Minas trying to destroy Dispater before he enters the fortress. Gelmir’s son Gillire leaves the battle with his father’s body and Maedus is returned to Fangor Rodrus; both Kings leave their Crowns in Lastar’s care. (1st Age History)


The crown is split from the Crown of Light and sent back to the Prime by Lastar.

Chronicle tells of Merc’s Commune with Frey Merc took me into the forest with him to commune with his God, Frey. By Odin's beard, I have never seen the like! My faith is strong, but I had never thought to set eyes upon my Lord - yet we were visited by Frey seemingly in person before us! He told us that "What Gelmir wore for us in times of old was taken as a trophy by the serpent of red." We were then granted a vision. We saw a fat priest and a cloaked, shrivelled man standing over the body of a man in a grey cloak that had been struck down by a dragon. The dragon breathed fire at them, and the priest shielded them both before they turn and flee. Pulled back by the dragon, the priest's backpack was ripped off and a crown with four points and red gems set in it fell to the ground. The dragon killed the men and took the crown to its hoard. The vision ended, Frey told us that what we had seen was Gelmir's prize.

In DM’s Notes on Morwath and Merc’s recent (7th Age) activities “She (Elerienne) tells of Lai Ku and his flee from Minas Tiris during the 6th Age. She explains that he and Tuar Chan had destroyed Rantor and taken up some of the powerful artefacts found within his hoard. Apparently Tuar Chan was particularly interested in a small, green, broken gem. Lai Ku wore a circlet of platinum of the same fashion as Elerienne’s but with 4 red gems. “

5pt Green Crown[edit]

Plane: Earth

Current Owner: Queen Mandur

Made for Nenya in the 1st Age (564E).


Those sieged at Minas Olga make a desperate attempt to free themselves. Lastar changes the course of the battle by arriving from Numenorea with a force of Elves and Men. Despite the death of Aerandir and Nenya, Dispater is forced to retreat. The 5th Crown of Kings, which Nenya had worn, is delivered to Lastar.


The crown is split from the Crown of Light and sent back to the Prime by Lastar.

On the South wall was a carving of a mountain range embossed with the symbol of Zem. Armies of Elves, Men and Dwarves were gathered at the base of the mountains around a Minas in the centre, atop which was a great winged demon with the symbol of Demogorgan beside it. Amongst the allies were the symbols of Findor and Bavarik (a boat on a light blue background with a crescent moon). Chiselled in later, and not by a Dwarven hand, was the figure of a hunched evil creature with wings and scales leaving the battle scene to one side; it was clutching a five pointed crown set with green gems.

4th Age Scene in Minas Aarda depicts Dordraug, “he is bargaining for his life with the elves by offering the 5th and 7th Crowns”. Beneath that of the Dawn scene, Dordraug is shown in chains with the Crowns and the Gems, being delivered to Lucielle.

A chronological series of scenes ran around the room, beginning with a wolf running towards some trees, then becoming a man with a moustache missing two fingers; the man was then seen on his knees before a silver haired Elf holding two crowns (one five pointed with blue gems and the other seven pointed with green gems). The next scene showed a beautiful Elf pointing beyond a gathering of Elves to a suspended cage, this was followed by a scene with a man chained and jailed, and then an Elven queen sat on a throne with the two crowns and two shards on the ground before her. The last scene showed the gaunt man pulling apart his bonds, killing the Elves and taking the seven pointed crown.

6pt Indigo Crown[edit]

Plane: Water

Current Owner: Milai

Made for Gundleus in the 1st Age (564E), so gives power over the race of men.


Bavarik leads a large army of Men that he had spent his time mustering since the fall of Demogorgon. This army travels south, setting Sutur free and pursuing Dispater’s army across the plains of Alon. However, his King and friend Gundleus perishes at Alon. Gundleus’ Crown is taken to Lastar.


The crown is split from the Crown of Light and sent back to the Prime by Lastar.


Rantor attacks Minas Tiris via the gate to the Plane of Fire; he discovers a Palantir and Gundleus’ 6th part of the Crown. (2nd Age History)

Chronicle tells of a Carving in Zundar On the West wall was a carving of another mountain scene, this time with Ishtur's symbol. A human figure with a dark cloak and moustache was on one knee, lifting a six pointed crown with indigo gems. Above and to the left of the mountains was a constellation of stars in the shape of wolves climbing into the sky. To the right could be seen Elves firing arrows at the wolves.

In DM’s Notes on Morwath and Merc’s recent (7th Age) activities She (Elerienne) tells of Lai Ku and his flee from Minas Tiris during the 6th Age. She explains that he and Tuar Chan had destroyed Rantor and taken up some of the powerful artefacts found within his hoard. Apparently Tuar Chan was particularly interested in a small, green, broken gem. Lai Ku wore a circlet of platinum of the same fashion as Elerienne’s but with 4 red gems. Tuar Chan had picked up his own circlet, this time containing 6 indigo gems.

7pt Blue Crown[edit]

Plane: Unknown (Prime/Astral/Ethereal?)

Current Owner: Guerin


Lastar knows Dispater will have to be defeated on both the Prime and his home Plane. Therefore, he decides to use the Rings to create a 7th Crown and forge all the Crowns together into one powerful artefact – The Crown of Light.


The crown is split from the Crown of Light and sent back to the Prime by Lastar.

4th Age Scene in Minas Aarda depicts Dordraug, “he is bargaining for his life with the elves by offering the 5th and 7th Crowns”. Beneath that of the Dawn scene, Dordraug is shown in chains with the Crowns and the Gems, being delivered to Lucielle. On the last wall Dordraug is shown breaking his bonds picking up the 7th Crown and killing the Elves around him.

A chronological series of scenes ran around the room, beginning with a wolf running towards some trees, then becoming a man with a moustache missing two fingers; the man was then seen on his knees before a silver haired Elf holding two crowns (one five pointed with blue gems and the other seven pointed with green gems). The next scene showed a beautiful Elf pointing beyond a gathering of Elves to a suspended cage, this was followed by a scene with a man chained and jailed, and then an Elven queen sat on a throne with the two crowns and two shards on the ground before her. The last scene showed the gaunt man pulling apart his bonds, killing the Elves and taking the seven pointed crown.

Morwath’s has a recent vision (7th Age): Swooping down, a black dragon bears a Lich King to the Gith noble. The Lich wears a crown with seven points, each studded with a blue gem. In his right hand is a black bastard sword that glows blue and purple.