Takeda Post-Yarlug

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BWXXXIV - Takeda’s Vision in the Astral Room

- Early 4th Age?

- in which we see an early Malor being schooled by ???? and learn that the Gith enter the Prime through Yarlug

- we learn that the Derro control the astral gate with the aid of the Negative Ring.

The darkness was suddenly splintered by a flash of light, which revealed a small, dark, hooded figure stood before an orb – the origin of the flickering blue-purple-white light. Under its great hood, all Takeda to make out was a bulbous, red nose which split two deep, black circles where eyes reside. He seemed to bathe in darkness, floating in a boundless pool of blackness. The creature spoke into the orb, which continued to flicker and spark as a disembodied, oriental voice oozed from it in reply.

The small creature was forthright, challenging, “We have intelligence that the Lord of Everlost (Orcus) is supporting your Liege, if that is what he is,” it said, thrusting a staff towards the orb. “That puts him – and possibly you – on a collision course with the other powers of the Underworld.”

Clearly somewhat taken aback, the Oriental (Malor) countered in the only way it appeared he knew - equally combative, “He is not my Liege!” it shouted, before admitting in a quieter tone,

“Though I have learned much from him.”

“Then what is he to you?” demanded the hooded figure, still brandishing his gnarled wooden staff, “Surely he’s not just your tutor?”

“No…” began the insubstantial voice, attempting to explain his relationship, before being cut off.

“You know who he really is, don’t you?” tested the figure, “…Why he is here?”

Again, wrong footed, there was little the Oriental could say, “Of course…”

The ‘hits’ kept coming, “And he does not suspect you?” contested the form in front of the orb.

“Of what?” demanded the immaterial voice becoming increasingly angry once again.

“Of being Iki-Moko, Ring bearer, Law bringer,” replied the diminutive body, “someone also trying to recover Lastar’s artefacts?”

It was no use, the Oriental was clearly outwitted, “Aah,” his tone softened, “how long have you known?”

“Since Hel told me,” nodded the hood towards the orb, “You see, we work for the Deities of the Underworld, not upstart Demons.”

“Not Calios either?” muttered the foreigner under his breath, “I never truly trusted his bargain.”

“No,” the shape answered suspiciously, before quickly summoning the strength to ask the more delicate question, “What is your plan now?”

“To defeat the Dark Wolf (Dordraug), take over Amarsland, then find and destroy the lost souls,” it was the voice’s turn to be forthright, “Oh, and discover Lastar’s artefacts so that I might wield them in service of my Lady (Hel)

“Then your path is aligned with ours,” cheered the shape.

“Good,” the oriental voice breathed, “then you will help?”

“Not us, my friend, Hel herself will intervene,” the body almost clapped and jumped with excitement, “She is aligned closely with creatures that dwell on the Astral.” Again, the form was too far ahead for the Oriental, “Sorry, you have lost me…” confirmed the voice emanating from the large, vibrant stone.

“She has forged close allegiance with the Gith,” stated the figure as if addressing a child, “who live at the margins of the Astral, close to the negative influence and near her realm.” All this was clearly lost on the Oriental, so the shape tried a simpler tack, “In recognition of your loyalty to the Goddess, they have agreed to do your bidding on the Prime.”

A long pause ensued; Takeda could almost hear the Oriental’s effort to comprehend, “If they live on the Astral, how are they to do my bidding on the Prime?” it asked

Patience exhausted, the figure rushed an explanation, “The Derro Queen, Malask of the House of Yarl, has both a Gate to the Astral in her realm, and the Ring of Negativity, which will allow them through. She has, for much reward, agreed to allow the Gith to pass through her Realm. Grasgal, the mightiest of the Gith will meet with you at Yarlug, at the next full moon to discuss your plans.”