Chronicle - Malek
Limbo Visit[edit]
Lanzi asked our companions where the pentagram of the Minas could be found, but they could only direct him to the Lord of the Minas, Lord Marin. He also demanded some sandwiches and ice, which put them in a foul mood; Lanzi does have a habit of treating everyone like servants at times! The idea of walking through the dwarven halls with the hearth on show worried us, though, and it was agreed that we should hide it from most eyes. We would try a ruse, hiding the hearth (which was still a fraction of its normal size) under a cloak and pretending that it was the body of Merc, who was lost to us. We would, though, be honest with Lord Marin when we reached him. As we travelled through the halls, I would use the influence of my crown to 'encourage' dwarves to avoid getting too close to us, so as to assist with the deception.
We set off, with one of Orodruin's folk, Jolt, shadowing us as we went. All the dwarves we saw were dressed for war or were wounded, except for the few women and children. Despite our best efforts, we did attract a few followers who were curious about our adventure. Eventually we climbed a spiral stair into a room that seemed to mark the base of the Minas; stairs lead up in each wall and dwarves fired crossbows out of the slits around us.
A council of war was being held, with an armoured dwarf that wore a circlet of adamantite commanding those present. This was clearly Lord Marin, and Milai addressed him directly, seeking a private council. Despite the obvious need to co-ordinate his defence, he at once asked his council to leave and the room slowly emptied. Milai thanked him for his time and handed the bag containing the hearth to Lanzi. I politely addressed the crowd behind us, dismissing them and gaining some privacy, after which Milai was completely honest with Lord Marin and explained all that had happened. Milai recognised the danger that the hearth brought upon Minas Morgul, and wished to move on for all our safety.
Lord Marin agreed, and not wishing to take any chances asked to see our letter of introduction from Ichshoos. It was at once produced by Lanzi, and the dwarven Lord studied it for a moment before returning it. In his hands it had turned into a map showing Lanzi the route he should take through the planes to reach Ichshoos in Limbo; what is more, it now fitted into his Codicil. Lord Marin also agreed that Hintzu's rings should ultimately have the gems removed and the bands only returned to the remaining dwarven Lords.
Lanzi then asked Jolt whether he would accompany us in order to operate the hearth, confiding in him that the intention was to unite Hintzu's rings in the short term. He asked whether he could look at the rings, and Hintzu passed them to him (yet another good sign that he remains unaffected by their power). He tried one on, and it shrank to fit his finger before returning to normal size when he removed it. He agreed that it could be done, although there would be a cost involved.
Lanzi started negotiating again, which worried us all, asking what the cost might involve. Jolt said that his people wanted a claim on a land in the Prime so that they too had a homeland. Milai agreed that Orodruin's folk had a claim on Malek. I agreed, with care, that any of Orodruin's folk that were willing to live in peace with their neighbours would be welcome in Malek by the people of Sutur.
Lord Marin took Milai aside and warning her to be cautious with Jolt around, as he was not as sincere as he seemed. Meanwhile, Jolt was telling Lanzi that he wanted more than platitudes, and expected action to be taken at Sutur to free Malek. We offered direct assistance, but could not commit to a time. He seemed somewhat satisfied with this.
Milai and Lanzi wished to take council separately, so I gave what assistance I could to the healers of Minas Morgul whilst Hintzu assisted with archery, gaining a few replacement arrows in the process. Lord Marin, though, interrupted Milai to ask for her personal intervention with the Sylvan people; without their attacks from the south it was inevitable that Minas Morgul would fall to the forces pressing against them; if only the enemy could be forced to split their attention then there might be hope.
Marin also wanted a rallying point for good that he might take his forces when Minas Morgul fell. Milai, though, felt that the time was not right to show our hand so readily, though Lord Marin feared that time was running out. Milai instead advised him to head south to Minas Maedus and link up with the hard pressed forces there.
Travelling to Limbo required us to leave the palantir behind as a timer of some sort, so Lanzi presented it to Lord Marin as a gift along with a scroll with the spell that allowed its use to be hidden from the enemy. He then made the preparations for our journey and we gathered quickly to depart.
Again we travelled through the twisting roots of Yggdrasil, arriving in a small safe pocket of the plane of Limbo. The place was in chaos, with random bits of various elements represented all around us, falling meteors and all! Lanzi was able to exert his will on the landscape after a short and nervous period of it shifting around us, creating a stable place to stand together. Ichshoos had anticpated our arrival, and he stood a short distance (or it seemed so) away, looking amused at our predicament. There was a palantir floating in front of him, which he plucked from the air and concealed about his person.
He welcomed us and beckoned for us to follow him into his halls. We approached and saw that there were stairs behind him leading underground, which we followed him down. We entered a maze of passages that he directed us through, and then he stopped by a small hole in the side of the wall. He explained that we would have to slide down a tube for the last part of the journey, and then jumped down into the hole.
We followed, sliding down a twisting chute and eventually arriving in a rich pasture; it was a fun ride! The pasture was surrounded by forests and a sea to one side, making a very pleasant area for the many gnomes there to enjoy themselves. Children were playing in the sea and on the meadow, and everyone was dressed casually as if perfectly safe.
Ichshoos took us into a large tent and assured us that we could talk safely. We discussed the hearth and how we had retrieved it, and he confirmed that it could not be destroyed, only used. He warned, though, that nothing good ever came from it. An ominous warning! On the other hand, food and drink in abundance were available so our spirits were high. We discussed using the hearth to unite the two rings held by Hintzu, and he agreed that such a thing might be possible without benefiting good or evil.
Of more concern, though, was the long term location of the hearth so that it did not fall into the wrong hands. Retrieving the hearth from the Abyss had seemed a little simple, and we wondered whether Orcus had allowed us to take it so that Inwe would be frustrated; they were not allies! Lanzi also asked about reforging Lastar's staff, but apparently this would not be possible without all the pieces, and we were still missing the pommel.
Also of concern was the mental state of Morwath, as he had been left with the heartstone, and Lanzi even considered summoning him. I advised that Morwath might not be best pleased with a summons, even if he did hold on to his own mind!
We talked candidly with Ichshoos about the gnomes' long term goals. They wished to return to the surface of Evrinstar without the interference of the Elves. He knew that the Sylvan lands were very active, but was not surprised to hear that the dwarves knew nothing of their activity. Before we retired, Hintzu handed over the rings to be worked on.
The next time I saw them was quite impressive; the gnomes had summoned a small volcano to heat the hearth and were working carefully on the rings, occasionally slapping each other in mild disagreements, and changing the flow of the volcano just using their minds. Eventually, though, they had bound them into a ring that sat naturally on Hintzu's finger. A scribe had also noted down the command words that appeared when on the hearth, although this was in Gnomish! Eventually a translation was produced that would allow him to use the extra powers that had been uncovered, although Ichshoos looked it over first with great interest.
Lanzi was also quite excited, and showed it by summoning a steed and riding it around in circles whooping. Typically bizarre. He also, later on, tried to summon Morwath, despite my caution, but Morwath refused to answer the summons. I, meanwhile, had time to commune with Odin and reflect on our success in our blessed quest to the Abyss.
Lanzi, though, had been busy on something else; he had created a trinket and imbued it with magic to assist Hintzu to resist the effects of unnatural fear that we sometimes encountered. He dubbed it a 'badge of bravery', but Hintzu strung it around his neck and insisted on calling it an amulet. This was not done lightly, as Lanzi was visibly weaker after fashioning it.
When we were finished on our own projects, we gathered again to speak to Ichshoos about returning to the Prime. Our intention was still to rescue the Radiant Dragon from Blaven's Pool, which we suspected was in the area of Malek. The only reliable way back was to contact Marin again as he had the palantir we left as a timer.
We were able to get in touch easily enough, but were concerned to discover that 6 months had passed on the Prime while only a few weeks had passed here. Minas Morgul still stood, but was close to falling and would be evacuated soon. Using the connection to the palantir we travelled at once to Morgul, not wishing to waste any more time. We arrived safely and, having explained our need for urgency, immediately mounted our flying carpet, became invisible and set off in the cold weather.
Journey South[edit]
Most of us had winter furs, having travelled in extremely cold weather before, but Milai was not so well prepared. I was able to keep her warm, though, with Odin's embrace and her burgeoning faith in our father surely helped. I was also called on to create sustenance as we travelled, and Odin provided us with filling, if rather bland, fayre.
We crossed the mountain range and came in sight of the Ishurias river. The enemy forces were moving west, away from us and the river, although they were sometimes being harried by men of Gorgoroth. As we travelled we sometimes dropped food in places that friendly forces could find it, literally providing food from the heavens as Odin was providing it. We also landed at one point to deliver a message that could be passed on to Tyrus, for which I provided a particularly fine feast. Our message was simple enough:
We are back; have faith and hope. We have not abandoned you. The Gods are pleased with your fight. Harry those forces bearing the baboon symbol. Avoid the forces of Elerienne in Gos.
We learnt that Merc was indeed a Lich serving with Elerienne in Gos, much to our dismay even though we had expected it eventually.
It took us some twelve days to reach the bridge at Pelanor, and the bridge was still intact, although repairs were underway. The bridge was held by Demogorgon's forces but they seemed depleted by battle and had not yet been reinforced. We could see units moving up from the east, but they had yet to reach the bridge. Bodies were being disposed of in the river, so it was clear that the fighting had been fairly recent. The forces consisted of hill giants, trolls, ogres and wargs, as well as some undead knights.
At least it seemed clear of troops to the south, the direction we were travelling. The only enemy movement was that of a couple of warships rowing south with the river. They were large vessels, again bearing Demogorgon's symbology, and were low in the water and well armed; it seemed they were transporting troops and supplies for the battle further south and west.
We were not interested in attacking the bridge, as the men of Gorgoroth were in no position to hold it, but the ships were a tempting target. If they could be sunk at the same place then between them they would block passage down the river and force Demogorgon to move supplies by land, making them more vulnerable to interdiction by our allies. We would have to sink the farthest ship first and then ambush the second in the same place, which could prove difficult, but it could be done.
We flew ahead of the ships and landed on the shore. Milai was to take possession of the carpet so that Lanzi could attack and hide himself again without making the carpet visible to the foe. Attacking the first ship was simple enough; we hovered above a slight narrowing of the river and Lanzi disintegrated a sizable portion of the hull as the ship reached us. Milai quickly cloaked him in invisibility again, leaving the ship below sinking and the crew unsure of the reason.
None were looking up at us, so the crew seemed concerned about underwater hazards, but the extent of the damage meant that they could not stop the flooding. The crew fired flaming arrows up as a warning to the approaching second ship, although they still seemed unaware of where the threat was located.
The second ship sent some flying creatures forward, but continued to approach us, veering slightly to pass the wreck of the first ship. We waited for the right moment, but as we did so Lanzi became aware of a probe in his mind, searching for hidden creatures. At this point the flying creatures below changed direction; there were five of them and they were now headed straight for us.
We readied ourselves for combat, but Lanzi concentrated on the ship as it drew alongside the spot we had picked, again disintegrating part of the hull and making it take in water quickly. Another of the flying creatures gated in and they attacked, but were unable to land any blows on us.
Lanzi gave himself the ability to fly, not trusting the small carpet to be enough of a spell-casting platform. Milai went on the offensive, blasting the creatures to our front with ice, hurting at least one of them. Hintzu, too, attacked with his bow, and killed one outright. He also landed solid hits on a second, causing it to back off slightly. Milai healed herself; although not suffering physically she had come under mental attack. Hintzu and Milai attacked together, killing one apiece and evening the odds somewhat. Lanzi flew away from the carpet, although he gave no clue as to his intentions. I pitched in as well, landing a solid hit and trying to return it to its own plane but without success. Hintzu, at one with his bow now, killed another with accurate arrows.
Now something strange happened; Lanzi let loose with magic missiles at Milai and I! I was saved by my armour, but Milai was hurt.
Lanzi's Funny Turn[edit]
Enraged, Milai killed the last two flying creatures with Agan, and we turned our attention to Lanzi. We were to be frustrated, though, as he blinked away and out of sight. Milai shouted that Lanzi had been subject to a mental attack and would be our enemy until we could restore him; she had also been attacked and weakened, so I called on Odin to heal her mind. I also called on his power to give me sight of anything invisible around us, spying Si Ti Qa flying away from us, probably towards Lanzi. Milai sees the creature as an Achilles' heel that we can attack, used dweomer to reveal him to her, and directed the carpet after him.
Si Ti Qa, realising his vulnerability, ceased his flight and flitted underneath the carpet, which was far too slow to outmanoeuvre him. Milai was not to be outdone, though, and stepped off the carpet, reaching for her bow. In a moment she had loosed an arrow, killing him instantly, and his body vanished back to his own plane. Milai was distraught, as she had not intended to kill him and realised the damage such an act could do to Lanzi. I offered one potential way out; with Odin's help I could reverse her actions if she would willingly submit to my power. She agreed, but I warned Hintzu to be ready as Milai would have no recollection of her actions and would probably try to attack Si Ti Qa again.
I reversed her actions, making the arrow return to her sheath and Si Ti Qa to appear unscathed. It went further, though, as the carpet retraced its motion and Milai 'uncast' the dweomer that she had used to see Si Ti Qa in the first place. Time for her resumed then, and we spoke of not harming Si Ti Qa. However she was engrossed in her casting and Hintzu grabbed her arm, interrupting her action. She was furious! The dweomer had been wasted and, although she accepted our explanation with reluctance, she warned us never to interfere with her casting again! We had saved Si Ti Qa from her arrow, though.
Si Ti Qa, knowing now that he was in mortal danger, attacked us with dweomer-induced fear. Ironically, the very item that Lanzi had created for Hintzu now protected him from the effects. A squeaky voice could just be heard from within his robes, saying "I've been a very brave boy!" Hintzu looked very unhappy with this undisclosed attribute of his 'amulet'!
Hintzu tried to highlight Si Ti Qa with fairey fire, and I tried to command him to stop still, but he resisted our efforts with dweomer. Milai gave herself the ability to fly and stepped off, looking for Si Ti Qa, as a bolt from the striken ship below flew past; they were beginning to get our range. Milai quickly located him and struck him with the flat of Agan, quickly subduing him, but grabbing him by the tail before he fell.
Hintzu decided to step off the carpet as well, as Lanzi was likely to try to save Si Ti Qa and we needed to be ready. Unfortunately for him, Lanzi had approached to within about 20 yards and suddenly appeared right him front of him, spewing ice from his mouth straight at Hintzu and beyond to the rest of us. Milai absorbed the energy around the two of us, but Hintzu was too far from us and took the full brunt of the attack, falling lifeless towards the river below. I called on Odin to allow me to walk through the air, fearing that the carpet could be damaged in further attacks.
Milai dropped Si Ti Qa, having given him the chance to try a less violent approach, turning instead to her bow to attack Lanzi directly. Fireballs exploded around us, but we were protected again. The carpet, however, was not so lucky; of all the things to fall foul of, it was a ballista bolt that holed it and it fluttered uselessly towards to the ground.
Milai's arrows passed through what was clearly one of Lanzi's images. I dispelled the image, but there was still no sign of Lanzi himself. At about this time Hintzu and Si Ti Qa hit the ground beside the river below, with fatal consequences for both. Ballistae were still firing at us, so I descended slightly and let my mace have a bit of fun, sending a meteor swarm down to engulf what was left of the ships and to stop any further attack.
Milai shouted over that we have to leave, to draw Lanzi away from the surviving enemy forces below, but she flew down to recover Hintzu's body first. We both set out Southward as quickly as we could whilst staying together. Lanzi appeared again, about a hundred feet in front of us, calling a column of flame down on me. My armour protected me again, though, and I watched as Milai charged forward to engage him in combat. Again she was to be thwarted, as it was another image.
I could not run any further, and had to stop to rest. Milai returned to my side and a battle of dweomer began between her and Lanzi. Lightning was launched at us, but it disappeared before reaching us, and Milai decided to move, levitating Hintzu's body and grabbing me. A fireball exploded around us, but we were not affected and Milai carried me forward. We were then surrounded by exploding meteors, but Milai protected us again.
This stalemate continued for some time, with neither side able to gain an advantage. Eventually, thankfully, the effect on Lanzi's mind wore off and he was able to return to us and apologise for attacking. I was able to raise and heal Hintzu, who understood that Lanzi was not in full control of his mind when he struck.
We were now in the foothills of Malek's range, having climbed in altitude as we moved south away from the river. We had found a sheltered, rocky area on a high point in the foothills to rest. Lanzi resummoned Si Ti Qa, undoing some of the damage that had been done to him when his familiar had been killed.
When we were ready to move again, the problem of transportation arose. We had lost our carpet, but still had an alternative to walking as I had a figurine of an elephant that could be used to transport us. I summoned the creature, which was quite docile, and we sat on its back and directed it on towards the mountain range. By nightfall we had reached a rather sheer cliff at the base of the range, having followed a track that continued up and across the cliffs. We made our way up the path while it was wide enough for the elephant, but soon had to stop and make camp for the night. We had not seen anyone else in the area, and no other ships had appeared on the river behind us. The weather by now had turned miserable and was drizzling slightly as well as being cold, but visibility was still quite good and we made sure that sentries kept watch. The elephant, having served its purpose, was turned back into a figurine in my pack.
Milai and Hintzu took the first watch, and during the pitch black late hours Eudora warned her mistress that armoured figures were approaching down the path. Milai quickly roused us and Eudora reported that those approaching were Gith-like and heavily armoured; their armour was similar to Grazghull's army and they were likely working for Guerin. Milai climbed up the cliff, perching above our camp to get a better look at the foe. This was an unusual place to find Gith, and they were keeping in tight formation as they moved down the path, even marching in step. A few were plane-shifting from time to time, but by and large they were forcing themselves to remain on the path.
I climbed down beneath the path, hoping to remain hidden, but Milai had other ideas and dropped an ice storm on the column as soon as they came within range. Predictably, they charged down the path to engage us as others loosed arrows at Milai; she was hit several times and could not complete whatever dweomer she had hoped to unleash next. Unfortunately they had also seen Si Ti Qa, who was above them on the cliff, and attacked him as well, hurting him. Magic missiles hit both of them in addition to the arrows, and Si Ti Qa passed out in pain. Hintzu threw a fireball, killing one and having some impact on the column, whilst Lanzi turned the path to mud underneath them. Although some were swept downwards, this did not have much of an impact due to their ability to move between planes. I called on my crown's powers, sending lightning arcing between the heavily armoured figures, and killing five of them outright, whilst Hintzu started loosing arrows at point blank range, unable to miss the packed ranks.
I sent a fireball up the path into the distant ranks, and then slowly advanced towards the nearer foe, mindful that my friends were invisible. Hintzu breathed fire at one of the Gith, burning him badly, whilst Lanzi also let a fireball off, but closer to us and killing the one Hintzu had just burned. He went on (never to be outdone when it comes to dweomer) to raise a wall of fire along the path, catching many in the waves of heat it gave off. It was clear, though, that the Gith were using the ethereal plane to move through and around barriers that the environment or our dweomer were putting in their way.
Magic missiles flew towards Lanzi, but he was able to absorb them without harm. Milai and Hintzu both used their bows to good effect, and another fell to their arrows. I was the target of magic missiles, and had to suck up the damage as I was in melee with another; I landed a blow, but the Gith's armour turned it away. Lanzi replied with magic missiles of his own, killing one but not affecting another. Hintzu killed two more with his bow as Milai killed another the same way.
I was flanked by two foes now, and used the crown again - turning one of the Gith instantly to stone, as well as cracking the skull of the other with my mace, dropping him. For a moment there were no foes close, but Lanzi flew off towards where Si Ti Qa had fallen calling out dire warnings that the Gith could appear at any moment. Milai picked off another with her bow, but there was no obvious threat to me.
Lanzi reached Si Ti Qa and immediately raised a wall of fire around them both in a ring. He fished out some keotones and used them to heal his familiar's wounds, rousing him. Some Gith attacked Lanzi despite the flames, but his stoneskin and mirror images saved him from harm. Hintzu started climbing up to join Milai, where he could put his archery skills to good use, as Lanzi started to flee towards them - taking hits and losing the rest of his images in the process.
I started to climb after Hintzu, but as I did so I was attacked from behind by a Gith appearing on the Prime; Hintzu saw that I was in danger and returned to my side. Lanzi dropped a fireball behind him to cover his escape, continuing his escape. Hintzu, now beside me again, killed the Gith that had appeared with point blank arrows to its chest, then raised a wall of fire around us to protect against further attack. He fired through the wall at any targets that presented themselves, killing at least one.
Lanzi kept moving away from the threat, acutely aware that there were archers amongst the foe, and then created an image further down that he could use to direct his dweomer. Hintzu and I were confident that we could hold our own together, and Hintzu dropped the wall of fire so that we could both engage the enemy. Milai, though, called down for us to climb up to join her.
Hintzu could cover my slower ascent, so I started up the cliff. Unfortunately, at just that moment, Lanzi used powerful dweomer to force all the Gith in the area onto the Prime. Hintzu and I were instantly surrounded! Magic missiles flew at Lanzi, but he was unaffected by them. I was attacked and hit from below, although I was helped by Hintzu dropping a fireball below me. Lanzi responded to the magic missile attack in true one-upmanship style by sending a meteor storm down on those Gith nearest him, killing most of them in the huge detonations. Milai and Hintzu killed one apiece, both reacting quickly to the situation, but then Hintzu seemed to go into a fighting trance as he killed three more in quick succession, all at point blank range. Magic missiles rose in response to the dweomer attacks, this time aimed at Milai, who took some damage, but she replied by dropping ice onto the Gith again, killing at least one.
Seeing the swarm of Gith below me, I dropped from the cliff, twisting to grapple with one directly below me. Unfortunately he moved to the side just as I did so, and I ended up face-planting myself into the path, eating gravel and destroying my lantern as I landed. Lanzi continued his assault on the other group of Gith, sending lightning jumping between them, and at this they turned to flee. Milai killed two more with arrows, as Hintzu killed another. Milai was hit by an arrow again, but she had used Agan to heal herself and shrugged it off. I got hacked at on the ground, but my armour spared me the worst of it. A fireball exploded, launched by Lanzi, killing two of the archers that had been troubling Milai. Hintzi summoned a fiery ball, burning one Gith to death as he hacked another one down.
Slightly dazed, I staggered to my feet and desperately fired a lightning bolt through the packed ranks around me, frying half a dozen of the foe, who were unable to escape the blast. Milai and Hintzu killed at least three more between them, but it was hard to tell as the remainder were turning and running. Hintzu's ball killed at least one more, as did magic missiles from Lanzi, and they were routed for sure. Not to be outdone, though, Eudora appeared and sent a fireball after them, killing two more.
Panting for breath, we paused to take stock of our position. It had been a hard fight, but we had survived and were ready to move again quickly. Lanzi suggested that with some dweomer my elephant could be made to fly, but the rest of us poo-pooed the idea, not sure what flying would do to the elephant's sanity; they are skittish beasts at best. Instead we climbed around the new gap in the path (except for Lanzi, who of course flew across) and continued our climb on foot.
We walked for an hour before even looking for another place to rest, wanting to put the scene of the battle well behind us. I had to keep using dweomer to warm Milai and the cold was biting even in our thick furs. Eventually we found a relatively shallow slope that Lanzi was able to use as a base for a summoned hut that sheltered us from view and from the elements; in fact it was quite pleasant inside. We rested, although we still posted guards, and this time Lanzi and I took our turn.
It was hard to hear anything outside over the wind blowing down the valley, but at one point we were sure that we heard a large creature flying close overhead; it could have been Guerin, and we were ready for combat for some time afterwards, but nothing came of it.
Once rested we discussed our long term plans. If Milai's fleet was still strong in the West then we could take our new dragon ally (assuming quite a bit, but that was our plan) to guard them whilst we pursued other objectives in the West. When ready, though, and if able to co-ordinate with Nega, then we could attack Celinas and Ochi, pincering the enemy and securing a sea route of resupply. With a power base in the south to build on, there was a chance of uniting our allies to fight back and retake the north.
With our breakfast discussions done, I again used dweomer to protect us, all this time, from the increasingly bitter cold. The path was clear, for now, and we continued up the narrow, snow covered trail. Visibility was horrible due to the ice, snow and bitter winds hitting our faces. With the path only four foot wide at best it was slow going in this bad weather.
At times there were gaps in the path, forcing us to climb around them. On one occasion we were in the process of doing so, with Milai and Hintzu ahead, me halfway across and Lanzi behind when something happened. Huge worms burst out of the cliff ahead of and behind the party, although I had no notion of it due to my position and the weather. The first worm roared at Milai and waves of intense heat radiated from its toothed maw, which was large enough to swallow her whole.
There was very little room to dodge any attacks, and Milai was hurt, although thankfully not swallowed, and Lanzi was only saved by his stoneskin dweomer. Milai responded with a cone of cold, which didn't seem to have any effect, but followed up with strong swings with Agan. Hintzu tried both fire and arrows, but both were ineffective against the creature. Lanzi conjured a great hand to protect him from attack and another to pummel the worm he was facing, but neither were effective - these creatures were shrugging off even the most potent dweomer. Meanwhile, oblivious to what was happening on the path, I was crossing the gap in the wind and snow.
Milai was landing good blows with Agan, but it was not as effective as normal, so she called several arrows to appear in her quiver, calling for Hintzu to use them. She was hit again, though, as the beast lunged forward. Lanzi was again saved by his stoneskin, so called up some mirror images for additional protection; he also tried to lower the magic resistance of the creature.
Milai and Hintzu fought on, but even the new arrows had no effect, so she called some more effective ones up for him. Meanwhile Agan was being put to good use, but could not protect Milai from more damage. Lanzi lost an image and sent magic missiles streaking into the maw of the worm, but again without any visible effect.
I could vaguely see shapes ahead of me, which warned me that something might be amiss, so I stretch out with my mind to see what was going on. I could only detect Lanzi behind me, who was alarmed and probably under attack, and an animalistic mind near to him - I could sense nothing of those ahead of me.
Hintzu tried the new arrows that Milai had provided, and instantly saw the benefit. A quick volley saw the creature rear up and fall lifeless. I reached the path just as Milai was starting back to check on us, and I warned her of Lanzi's danger. Hintzu was close behind her. Lanzi was trying more dweomer, lowering resistance and striking with a column of fire, but again with no visible effect, and again being saved by his stoneskin.
I prayed to Odin to protect my friends, unable to climb back across quickly enough to help. Lanzi fired a couple of rays at the beast, but was unable to hit it despite its size. Hintzu dropped down in between the beast and Lanzi, dodging an attack by flattening himself to the floor and then springing up and drawing his bow again. I chanted to Odin, bringing further favour upon us, as he engaged the worm.
Lanzi lobbed an orb of dweomer at the creature, but again it had no effect. Hintzu then engaged the thing, dodging attacks whilst firing a stream of arrows. Almost a dozen must have hit home before the creature inevitably perished.
It took us a little while to cross over the gap (without being opposed this time) and then climb over the huge bulk of the dead worm ahead of us, but eventually we were able to continue on our journey. It was a little after this time that Lanzi suddenly remembered that he had a scroll that would allow him to control the terrible weather! Reading it was quick enough, but it was another half an hour before the worst of the weather had subsided and instead it was simply cloudy with a cool, strong wind. This was certainly an improvement! I'm sure that Morwath would have thought of this earlier!
We decided to take advantage of the relatively good weather to fly up (with the help of dweomer) and reconnoitre the surrounding land. We roped ourselves together so that we could remain invisible, as we no longer had the carpet to aid us, and I donned Tuar Chan's helmet to allow me to see everyone. Luckily I had already been made invisible or Hintzu would probably have been off in fright!
When we flew up we could see over a dozen calderas in the surrounding mountains, which did not help our search! We only had a short time in which to continue flying, so we alighted close to one of the nearest. As we descended, Milai spotted a large flock of oversized birds to the south, heading north, and what looked like a dragon climbing out of another caldera. Perhaps Guerin was searching for the same thing as we were.
We diverted to a nearby trail so that we had some good footing, below the caldera, and removed the rope around us. Out of danger for the moment, we ate before moving on; we would need our strength. Milai and Hintzu went ahead, following the path, and I followed with Lanzi. The path climbed in front of us, with stairs carved into the rock. Milai was struggling a little with a leg wound, so I used Odin's power to heal some of her wounds before we started the slow climb up.
We must have climbed for just short of half an hour before reaching a small plateau some two hundred yards across. There were more stairs on the other side, and the caldera was to our right about three hundred feet above us still. Milai flew up to investigate the caldera, while the rest of us created a small circle of stones so that she could find us again whilst we were still invisible.
Milai returned to inform us that it was a normal caldera, some two hundred feet across with a pool in the centre, but with no obvious features that matched the poem we were trying to follow. We realised that searching every caldera in the area was impractical, especially considering the enemy occupation. Instead we took another look at the poem to look for better landmarks.
It seemed that furrows in the landscape that might resemble a face should be a feature that we should look for. It also seemed reasonable that to follow the directions in the poem we should be starting at one of the entrances to Malek's halls.
We flew up again, back towards the volcano, looking for the furrows. A flock of bird-like creatures could be seen behind us to the east, and the dragon we had seen was also heading east, and also searching calderas. Milai's sharp eyes spotted a feature that could match the area we were looking for as we drew closer to the vast mountain. We landed to draw up our plan and to rest before going on.
Lanzi conjured another hut for us to rest fully in, and we spent about six hours in preparation. We could hear that the dragon was still in the area, but we were not disturbed. Whilst we were doing so I spent time divining the path we should take, seeking guidance from Odin. I asked for direction to the exit from Orodruin's halls in Malek that Blaven used at the time he discovered Blaven's Pool.
When we were ready, we roped up again, invisible, and flew up the side of Malek. The volcano was obviously still active, and smoldering boulders occasionally landed around us, although they were infrequent enough not to worry us unduly. I had the impression that we should be heading to our right, so we veered onto a different bearing and continued for about an hour before seeing something of note. Nearly a mile away, in the direction we were travelling, we could see a flickering light. As we drew closer we could see that it was marking an entrance way into the mountain side. Lanzi called a halt so that he could give himself the ability to see in the dark, and then we continued.
There was a path leading away from the entrance, which amounted to nothing more than a lava tube with covered lanterns mounted to the wall on either side. There was nobody visible, and Lanzi informed us that there was no discernable dweomer in the area. The lava tube sloped upwards into darkness, and we flew inside before I risked revealing my gem of brightness. I swapped my helmet for the crown, preparing in case of a fight in the enclosed space. The tube started to widen after half a dozen minutes travel and it was obvious that it had been carved into a wide passageway. It turned slightly to the left before ending in a stone door.
I spent a moment contemplating how to tackle the door, but I sensed that Odin was impatient and that I should simply push it open. The door was well balanced, and opened easily to a simple shove. A scene of carnage was revealed, as the door opened into a large room strewn with bodies of Orodruin's folk. On closer examination, though, it was obvious that the bodies were old, perhaps as much as two years. There was a poem running around the walls that made interesting reading. This seemed to be a guardroom that had been trashed, and the defenders had seeming died fighting around a damaged door to our left. Another door was opposite this one, but was undamaged.
We passed through this door, entering a corridor that turned right and climbed up stairs. After a climb it flattened out again and turned to our left, ending in another door. Beyond this was a medium sized square room with yet more bodies inside and a door opposite. However, Odin's voice told me to turn to the right, to a slightly misshapen part of the wall and speak the command "Grun", causing a hidden door to open. Behind was a well-hewn spiral stair leading upwards.
Lanzi closed the door behind us as we began what turned out to be a long climb to the top of the stairs. Eventually we entered a corridor that turned to the left before narrowing to a rough tube-like tunnel about 4 feet in diameter. We still had dweomer allowing us to fly, so we lay in the air and willed ourselves forwards down the tunnel. After some distance the tunnel began to widen, allowing us to stand. Ahead of us was a source of incredible heat. Just before the opening beyond, though, was an area of illusory floor that we had to fly over to be safe. Thankfully we did so and emerged into a large lava cavern, with the intense heat from the molten rock some hundred feet below us. The air was thick and sulphurous, and I called on Odin to protect us from the heat before it became intolerable.
Lanzi flew across the cavern, reaching a ledge above and opposite our own, but as he reached it he saw some Gith in the tunnel beyond moving away from him. He quickly shielded his light source, but it was too late so he used a fireball instead! The fire was tightly contained within the tube, and quickly travelled back towards us! The flames stopped just short of Lanzi, leaving him looking smug about his good judgement. He followed up with a lightning bolt, killing two of the Gith that had been injured before. Hintzu reached the ledge next, sending more fire down into the enemy and killing another two, before sending a cluster of arrows into their ranks, killing three more. The remainder that were in sight turned and ran, understandably realising that their position was indefensible.
We all followed at a normal pace, entering a rough hewn square room with three more exits, all above our level. Above each arched exit was a symbol; to our right was the symbol of Taneth, to our left were two symbols we did not recognise and ahead were two others (possibly dwarf and gnome - a mark of Orodruin's folk?) that my senses told me was the exit we should take.
We flew up to the exit I indicated and entered another corridor, but after some sixty feet it narrowed into a rough-hewn passage and Lanzi warned of an invisible creature flying up ahead. Hintzu used his ring's powers to outline the creature in a green light that we could all see. I called on Odin to grant Hintzu the power to see the true nature of things, including invisible creatures. Lanzi, meanwhile, attempted to lower its resistance to dweomer and disintegrate it; although it dodged the ray. Despite all this preparation, Milai took a more direct approach, charging forward and cutting it down with bold swings of Agan.
We joined Milai at a more leisurely pace and continued down the passage. It continued to narrow, and moonbeams shone through holes in the ceiling. We carried on, passing through the moonbeams, and eventually emerged outside again. Hintzu was no longer flying at this point, and I shielded my gem of light before stepping out into the night.
A path leading away from the passage split into three, one leading up a spur of Malek to our left, one curling away to the right and another ahead of us gently descending. Nearby was a sheet of smooth, shear rock, matching the description in the poem we were following, so we headed towards it. As we got very close, we saw that there was an almost indiscernable path chiselled out of the rock, leading up and back towards the summit of Malek. The path was also covered with illusory dweomer to make it seem like the rock around it; this was the path we had to follow. After cresting the ridge, it sloped down gently towards a pool of ice.
Again, using the poem as a guide, Lanzi caused the earth to quake and the ice cracked into a rough outline of a frowning face. There was water below, and with the moonlight shining through the eyes of the face we could see three holes in the rock some distance down, each leading into a twisting tunnel. I spoke the words Magnified, Magnificent, Manifest in Gnomish (with some dweomer so that I could understand them) and an eerie light glowed around the holes - then the moon moved impossibly quickly across the sky to illuminate the pool fully. There was an audible crack and the water started to drop; it took some time, but eventually the water drained completely and left the holes clear.
Lanzi used his dweomer to sprinkle a glowing dust down into the cave, and as it fell it swirled around another hole, one that we hadn't been able to see before - there was another hidden exit. Milai then used powerful dweomer to wish that the true route to Blaven's Pool was revealed; as she did so one of the original holes widened slightly and the glitterdust faded. We renewed our flying ability and flew out just inside the lip of the cavern, looking straight down. Lanzi fired a small meteor down into the cavern, and as it fell the lights around it formed the shape of the phoenix constellation in the 'well'. Looking around in the rock we could also see the words "Blaven's Pool" carved into the side of the entrance.
We continued down to the ledge, laying on it for shelter as Milai used her dweomer to still the water below us. As the water calmed and the reflection of the Phoenix constellation became clear there was a great burst of positive energy that ripped through the air, threatening to consume us; the ledge was the only thing that protected us. The gate was unstable, and we all looked to Lanzi to bring it under control. He admitted that he couldn't do it on his own, which surprised us! He also admitted he didn't really know how to stabilise it, but would give it a go and wasn't worried that it might not work, which didn't surprise us.
The great light storm and energy blasting from below was a little distracting, so Milai created a pocket of stable ground and air for us to work within safely. Hintzu used his chalk, making me a little nervous, to sketch out the pentagram to Lanzi's specifications, although I was able to assist with some of the detail due to my study of ancient history during my years in the temple library at Sutur. Lanzi also took a moment to blink to the top of the shaft and hide it with an illusion in case the energy brought unwanted attention. While he did this we started work scraping the pattern into the ground and melting some silver coins to create an indelible pattern. Dweomer was used to summon braziers and a Phoenix feather. Lanzi then summoned a fire elemental to light the braziers and melt the feather!
Features started to form in the column of energy in front of us and a forceful voice echoed in the cavern saying "What? Who is there?" The others recoiled around me as a dragon's face took shape, but the crown protected me from its radiance. As its maw continued to emerge we saw two red, burning eyes peering at Lanzi; to his credit he held the gaze and spoke his name. Shimmering colours surrounded the now fully-formed head, although it seemed to be just an image rather than actually being present. Somewhere behind me I heard a small voice say "you've been a very brave boy!"
At this point Milai started to freak out - kicking a brazier over and shouting at Lanzi to stop the gate opening. Lanzi and I tried to calm her, but without much effect; it was clear that Tung Mi Lung had left a mark on her mind. She conjured a wall of force between her and the dragon's image, but it crumbled away under the power of the positive energy, so she drew Agan and stepped in front of Lanzi. At this, the dragon spoke again, "you summoned me! There is no harm here. Wield your weapon against me and I will kill you all. Am I here on the Prime?" Lanzi released the fire elemental in order to focus on helping Milai, but Hintzu's words had more effect. He reassured her that this was not her enemy that he had saved her from, but a dragon related to the positive plane. Even the dragon seemed impressed, saying "he understands us, but knows not why."
Milai stepped back, still wary but calmed slightly. Lanzi quickly asked the dragon about properly opening the gate, amongst other things. The dragon made it clear that he saw the she-elf (Milai) as an enemy, but was very interested in the antics of Rantor on the Prime, and also that it was the 7th Age; speaking of the "stars being aligned". He recognised Blaven's name, and mentioned dragon names that we had not heard - Bhamat and Tiamat (alignment dragons?). Lanzi revealed the orb, but refrained from using it. After hearing our request for aid, he wanted to retreat somewhere to hide and consider. There was some discussion amonst ourselves as to whether Mother Nature's Emissary was actually a dragon. Our musings were interrupted when he warned us to close the gate - things were coming and if they were released then Ragnarak would be assured - only Lastar had succeeded in stopping it before, and we would have to destroy Rantor if we hoped to triumph.
I realised that we were being manipulated! Iki Moko knew that after Ragnarak the artefacts would have no power; the one that had the greatest power base on the Prime that did not rely on artefacts or other-planar power would then be free to triumph. This is why he traded artefacts for a greater power base, and he probably set us on the path to open this gate in order to hasten Ragnarak! Lanzi, realising that the warning was real, quickly froze the other brazier, extinguishing it, and the dragon's face disappeared immediately. The explosion of positive energy was still sustaining itself, though, so Milai created a wall of ice to block it off. She nodded to Lanzi, impressed that he was willing to turn down the chance to command the greatest power on the Prime. Lanzi, however, considered that he was already the greatest power on the Prime, so the decision was an easy one!
A new danger presented itself, as the cavern was once again filling with water, threatening to drown us. Lanzi quickly disintegrated part of the ledge we were on to remove the pentagram we had created. We then flew out at pace to avoid the water, but then rested in one of Lanzi's conjured huts to reflect on what we had seen. We agreed that we should be seeking to close all the gates, rather than open more; that much we had learned. We should also seek to return any artefacts to their original planes and remove influence from other planes. Lastar had sought balance, but made the mistake of balancing other planar powers on the Prime rather than removing them completely, so things were quickly unbalanced. We also discussed the blooms, and how they could be swayed to positive or negative by our actions and the actions of the enemy. Perhaps there were two blooms in a race when they had been divided but only one when they were united and balanced. (Eg Milai/Inwe for the Elves, Yishmay/Revern's daughter for men, but only Mandur for the dwarves who was on the tipping point, hence the lost souls being key to balance). The enemy targetted races on the cusp and forced them out of balance, turning them on themselves.
After resting and discussing these points, we retraced our steps to the chamber in Malek with the poem around the wall. It seemed that the Sarnim Stone was being bargained for in return for a special suit of armour by Orodruin in the distant past. Worryingly it seemed that he was in the halls of Hades when he did so.
Worst Rescue So Far[edit]
Hintzu warned us that he could hear a commotion behind the closed door and Milai, rashly, opened the door to see what was going on. It was Morwath! This was not a happy meeting, though, as he was trussed up on a pole being taken from our right to our left by Githyanki, with a sizable escort. There were doors in each wall, hence the procession across the room. The Gith were clad like sailors, which apparently enraged Milai, who charged forward.
Lanzi raised a wall of fire to cut some of the foe off without blocking our route to Morwath, I threw a bead to create a fireball, but the blast caught Morwath and he absorbed the energy in self defence. Hintzu dashed after Milai, trying to force their way through to our friend.
Fireballs exploded around us, quickly followed by lightning bolts and then arrows. My crown protected me from lightning, but we all suffered some damage. I was able to deflect those arrows that came too close. Milai managed to kill one, but it was clear that they were hardened fighters.
Lanzi let off two fireballs in response, killing many of them (clearly his dweomer was superior). I uttered a prayer to Odin, but it seemed too late for Milai who dropped to her knees, clutching her stomach. Hintzu killed another, coming to her aid. Lanzi let off magic missiles, killing one more, and I charged into the fray smashing another down with a wild blow to the head. Hintzu cut another down, then followed through with a violent thrust to fell another.
Milai ran to the wall of fire, desperately searching for something but ignoring Morwath. He was being man-handled by invisible hands; it was clear that some of the Gith still remained. Milai started calling for Eudora, and suddenly we realised what had happened to her; the fireballs must have caught her familiar in their blast, and her loss seriously affected Milai.
Everyone started towards Morwath except Lanzi, who started making a wish. Suddenly we were transported back to the poem room as if the whole encounter had never happened, but still aware of all that had transpired. We moved to the door as one, ready now for what was beyond, and Hintzu charged through at the fore. Milai disappeared, although I could not tell whether she was invisible or teleporting. I used Odin's power to dominate the mind of one of the Gith carrying Morwath, forcing him to tug the pole back into the room. Things seemed to be going well, but then Eudora warned Lanzi, through Si Ti Qa, that Milai had attempted to teleport but had ended up in solid rock, killing her instantly!
I was still with Lanzi, and we quickly thought of a desperate plan; I reversed time for Lanzi, reversing his wish, and then he wished again for us to return to the last room (in fact he had to as he had lost all memory that we had done it at all)! We started another attempt to rescue Morwath, hoping that maybe this time we might not epically fail yet again!
Once again we charged into the room, this time Milai stayed with us and Lanzi created a lightning bolt for a more focussed effect. I dominated the Gith again, but ordered him to drop the pole and attack the other bearer. Lanzi then raised a wall of fire, again cutting off some of the Gith. Lots of fireballs exploded amongst us again, causing damage but not stopping us.
Hintzu and Milai both joined combat and quickly cut down one of the foe each; I also landed a blow, but concentrated on keeping the dominated Gith fighting with his partner. Lanzi called a column of fire down into the close ranks of the enemy, but they responded with more fireballs. That didn't stop Hintzu and Milai killing another Gith each.
I finished off the Gith I was facing, whilst keeping my pet Gith swinging (without much effect, it must be said). Milai sprinted towards Morwath, who was now being dragged into the next room. Hintzu joined her, killing one of the Gith and halting their progress. Lanzi let off some magic missiles, adding to the assault, but the foe responded with lightning. Hintzu and Milai killed two more of the Gith, preventing them from moving Morwath any further.
The others fell quickly - we had actually rescued Morwath this time! He was understandably underwhelmed, but still grateful. He was able to quickly explain what had happened to him whilst we caught our breath and freed him. He had been captured by Guerin in the west, and told us that he was in Sutur but would return here soon.
Morwath agreed to surrender the shards to Lanzi for keeping in the claw of Lastar's staff; he had been tormented by the heartstone and was glad to be rid of it. Apparently Elenwe could be in Malek, as could the key to reaching Sutur safely.
We heard a trumpet blast from ahead; it seemed that word of our actions had reached Guerin's forces. We removed our crowns, unsure of when Guerin might return, and I dropped my necklace of missiles as it was more dangerous than useful. Before we could move the doors burst open and Gith started to stream into the room.
I sprinted forward, shouting to clear the room; it was a hard position to defend. Lanzi summoned a ring of fire and moved forward with me.
Epic Battle[edit]
Githyanki started to pour in from all the doors, cutting off all our exits and carrying a wide variety of weapons. There was already a mental battle going on, and even those of us not normally sensitive could feel it. I was surrounded and hit, but held my ground to buy the others time. Fireballs exploded briefly and then were absorbed by Milai.
Hintzu raised another wall of fire as a shield as Milai cut the first one down with Agan. Hintzu started loosing arrows, peppering two that dropped quickly. I shouted again for them to join me, whilst fighting to keep the advancing horde back. I hit one of them, dodged several blows and deflected an arrow just to hold the position. Lanzi summoned a stinking cloud in the large room behind us, causing some of the foe to start throwing up and reeling.
Hintzu was fighting hard, although he kept mumbling strange things and if we had had any time we would have been concerned for his wellbeing; it didn't stop him from killing another Gith with arrows, though. Morwath, obviously still dazed by his ordeal, had been fighting without much effect, but now landed a blow that helped him focus. Milai cut down another.
Hintzu was hit by magic missiles, which increased his gibbering and seemed to enrage him. He killed several of the foe in quick succession with more arrows. Milai was hit, but killed her attacker in retaliation. Lanzi created a wall of stone across the room, creating a solid barrier between us and the majority of the enemy, although there was a gap above the wall. I, meanwhile, continued to fight hard to keep at least one flank clear for my friends, landing another blow.
Hintzu was affected more than we could have ever predicted; his rage increased and, screaming, he jumped over the wall that Lanzi had raised, ran through the ranks of the Gith beyond and headbutted the mage that had conjured the magic missles! The Gith collapsed, blood streaming from his nose. The rest of us were too busy fighting for our lives to do much about it, though! Milai raised a wall of force above the stone wall to block entry, but left a small gap so that we could still reach Hintzu - assuming he lived!
Lanzi helped me out by conjuring some grease on the floor in front of me; one of the Gith slipped and fell and the others quickly moved to the side of the room, restricting the number that could reach me at once. I was hit again, so uttered a holy word of Odin, banishing most of the Gith around me, but also deafening most of the party for a short time! An arrow still struck me, but the wound was not serious.
Hintzu, meanwhile, was going postal on the Gith around him; he internally roasted one and then summoned a whirlwind that sucked up five of the foe, flinging them at fatal speed into the walls around them. Milai killed another two, helping Morwath and creating some space.
I began to back up towards the rest of the party, but suddenly I got a heady, sweet smell in my nose. I felt fantastic, despite my wounds, and decided to take a wander back down the corridor towards my friends, who were all fighting fantastically. Lanzi just couldn't hold it in any longer, and called his mirror images into being to protect himself.
The Gith were still pouring into the rooms around us, and Hintzu was hit by a couple of arrows. His response was to add a fireball to the whirlwind's devastation, toasting half of the room. Lanzi, now exposed by my wanderings, was saved from harm by his images and Morwath came to his aid, arcing a bolt of lightning down the corridor, catching several of the Gith in its blast. Eudora added to the effect by launching lightning of her own, and this time one of them fell dead.
Milai engaged the foe at Lanzi's side. I tut slightly, as there were now too many people in the corridor for me to see what was at the other end, although it didn't bother me for long. Lanzi let off a storm of ice towards the stairs beyond, and Milai killed another that got too close. This was good news for me, as her movement allowed me to continue in the opposite direction towards Morwath.
Hintzu's whirlwind continued to wreak devastation in the other room, and he slowly turned to the group behind him and said "I warned to to fuck off, you haven't so have this", raised his bow and sent several shafts into the nearest, killing him instantly. However, the Gith were swarming him from two sides and he eventually fell to multiple blows.
Back with us, Lanzi was now hand-to-hand in melee with more Gith coming up the stairs beyond. Morwath let another lightning bolt off down the corridor to slow them down, then another to kill about half of them. I was still wandering blissfully down the corridor, my mind obviously affected by something. Lanzi was hit, despite his mirror images, but retaliated and killed one with his bare hands!
Milai killed another, then ran to my side as some of the Gith started to climb the wall - they had found the gap! I took a sudden interest in Morwath's cloak, stopping to sniff it. The aroma was unusual but very pleasing. Morwath, undeterred by my antics, raised a wall of thorns across the stairs. Lanzi turned invisible, obviously not too confident in his ability to fight off the hordes by hand.
Milai killed another Gith on the other side of us, and I brushed past her to see what was around the corner, which was quite a pleasant experience as well. Morwath was hit by a Gith forcing its way through the thorns - though it had slowed them down. Milai killed yet another, but then turned and flat bladed me in the head, knocking me unconscious; apparently she didn't like physical contact! On the return swing she gutted another Gith, so at least she did it with style.
Morwath poured more lightning into the wall of thorns, accompanied by a clap of thunder this time, and killed at least the nearest and probably more in the process. Meanwhile Lanzi had somehow been sneaking his way to Hintzu's side whilst invisible, and emptied a whole jar of keotones onto him to revive him.
Milai cut down another two foes as they scaled the wall to reach us. The wall of fire dropped, which meant that we might have to deal with even more. Hintzu, revived and realising the danger, created a stinking cloud in the room, again holding back at least some of the horde. Lanzi protected him with stoneskin as Milai killed another two that got too close, although she was wounded in the process. Morwath tried to reach me, but was hit as he tried to back up and was forced to stop and fight again. Milai killed another two but, despite the bodies piled around her, was beginning to be surrounded. Lanzi added to the stinking cloud with his own dweomer, slowing those that were trying to reach Hintzu but revealing himself in the process. There was seemingly no end to the Gith! Lanzi, now visible, became the target of a massive psionic attack that killed him instantly, and Milai was hit twice more. Things were not going well! Magic missiles also flew at Milai, but she was unaffected and killed another two foes with Agan.
Hintzu looked at Lanzi's prone body and then back at the advancing Gith. With the cryptic warcry "Who did that? My Dad's better than yours!" he began loosing arrows at the nearest Gith, firing at an incredible rate and killing two. Morwath, having suffered several hits, healed himself. Hintzu was hit, but this time the stoneskin protected him and he replied with a fireball, then turned to the mage he had laid out earlier and said "you wait there!"
A ray was fired at Milai, but her shield reflected it safely. Morwath, now feeling more secure, healed me and restored my mind. I quickly took in the situation and created a blade barrier across the corridor, killing four that were too slow to escape and effectively blocking one entrance. Milai killed the Gith mage, but was then killed by a psionic attack! Would everyone just stop dying?!
Hintzu filled the room with a burning, smokey cloud that added even more to the body count he was amassing, then cut another one down in melee. I was hit whilst praying to Odin, and Morwath again assisted with a lightning bolt, killing several more.
Hintzu finally turned his attention to the mage that had originally caused him to flip, cutting him into two pieces with a massive overhead swing. Retribution finally taken, he vaulted the wall and sliced down the spine of one Gith facing Milai, killing it instantly. Hardly pausing, he cut another down after landing, leaving only one now facing us.
Morwath defended me while I rushed to Milai's side. Hintzu, having arrived in a blur of violence, announced that Lanzi was down and jumped straight back over the wall again! He killed another two upon landing on the other side, apparently unstoppable. I called on Odin to raise Milai from the dead, as Morwath continued to fight behind me.
Hintzu shouted "there's one left to play with, then it's all clear; come out everybody!" He then quickly killed the last Gith without waiting for us to appear. Milai healed herself now she was conscious and, hearing the explosion of a fireball in Hintzu's vicinity, jumped over the wall. I went to Morwath's aid, smashing the last Gith on our side down from behind.
Hintzu ran over to Lanzi, picking him up, and I used my ring of jumping to leap the wall to join him, followed more carefully by Morwath. I asked Hintzu to place Lanzi down so that I could aid him, and he dropped him unceremoniously on the ground. Milai, now recovered, was jumping up by the wall, indicating for us to join her and proceed down the stairs.
Hintzu wandered into the corner and sat down, taking an interest in a nearby spider. He took it up in his hand and started talking quietly to it, calling it George. Meanwhile I used keotones to ease Lanzi's wounds and resuscitate him.
Morwath shouted loudly that we should flee to Minas Emras, but it was just misdirection for the enemy's benefit. The cloud of hot gas disappeared, leaving just a smoky haze, and Milai raised a wall of force to protect us from any renewed Gith interest. I urged Hintzu to leave with us, but he collapsed! I ran to his side, but he was still alive, just unconscious.
As we feared, the Gith had regrouped and now launched a new attack. Fortunately this was blunted by the impact of the front ranks on the invisible wall of force that Milai had created! I couldn't resist pulling a face at them as we backed through the door behind us, with Milai carrying Hintzu. We retraced our steps back to Blaven's Pool, undisturbed, and I was able to fully heal Hintzu, hopefully undoing whatever mental damage he might have suffered. Fortunately he seemed well, although I'm sure I heard him whispering to George from time to time.
Lanzi's dweomer once again shielded us as we rested, recovering from what seemed like hours of battle. There were still hordes of Gith in the area, usually searching in teams of eight, and guards had been posted near to the flue entrance we had used to enter Malek. Milai used Agan to seek out the other swords, finding that Rakos was still at Sutur and Fastlor at Gos, so Guerin had not returned despite the battle. We also discussed the meaning of the 'petty blooms', suspecting that they were a description of the younger siblings of important females, likely to be more easily influenced for ill. Guerin was using the gate at Sutur, which probably meant that the link to Hel's domain had shifted from Minas Tiris to my home town.
Hidden Entrance[edit]
We puzzled over a poem we found in Malek, hoping that it would give us some direction. It suggested that we would have to travel to the west of Malek at dusk in order to locate the entrance... but as we deciphered more we realised that the directions were instructing the reader on how to take the Sarnim Stone to Hel, which was not something we wanted to do!
Instead we turned to our trusted ally, Gwendolyn, for guidance on whether we could destroy the gate in Sutur. Using Lanzi's dweomer we screened our discussion in the palantir and held a useful conversation. She had travelled to Zundar with the intention of destroying a gate herself, and had succeeded. She confirmed that the source was still available and hidden. Apparently the way to destroy a gate was to destroy the corresponding codicil page in its presence. Cillian had the codicial pages that related to creating and controlling gates. She had left her ring in Sutur, well hidden, and she was very interested to hear that we had found and used the hearth. However, she could not give any details about the hidden route between Sutur and Malek, except to confirm that there was one.
Morwath had been to Malek before, following a hidden route from the side of the volcano. Unfortunately he was blindfolded whilst inside, but he might be able to take us to the entrance. We flew, whilst invisible, to the right area but the darkness made it difficult to narrow down the search! The sensible thing to do was lay low until morning... and for once we did the sensible thing!
After sheltering until morning, Morwath was able to narrow down the search area further and eventually locate the place where he was taken to enter the mountain. There was a stone door in the rock, and Lanzi used his dweomer to open it. I provided a light, which revealed a passageway leading straight into the earth. At the end of the, relatively short, passage there were stairs leading up. We started to climb, but after a while began to wonder why we had not emerged into the open! Descending again, it did not take us long to reach the passage again - something was wrong!
It didn't take long for us to realise that the staircase was an illusion; the real passage continued on to a door. Hinztu warned us that there was a trap in the floor before the door, and it would fall away if stepped on. He was able to disable the trap, but climbed over just in case to open the door. There was a small, dusty room with a domed ceiling beyond the door.
We started making our way into the room, but as Morwath joined us a portcullis fell in the passage, blocking it. At the same time the passage shifted behind us, now bending to the right as we looked at it. Hintzu climbed around to lift the portcullis, but as he did so the floor gave way and he ended up hanging over a long drop! He was able to recover quickly, though, and Lanzi flew across to start melting the metal bars, although this was to take some time.
Suddenly, Milai screamed and started battering the floor of the room with Agan, but we could not see any foe. Hintzu quickly climbed back to the room, and joined in battering the floor, even though he could not see a target. Then, Milai disappeared! She seemed to be swallowed by the floor, but there was no trace of any opening. Hintzu kept attacking where she had been standing. I called on Odin to grant me true sight, hoping to see through any illusions, and I could see nothing out of the ordinary; but Milai had still gone! Lanzi finished cutting the bars, giving us an exit, but Hintzu kept stabbing at the floor, shouting out "return our Queen!"
Morwath joined Hintzu, asking him questions about the threat and whether he had seen anything. Then I was suddenly swallowed by a creature! It had emerged from the stone beneath me and tentacles latched onto me, dragging me into its maw in seconds. Milai, meanwhile, had used dweomer to escape from the creature that had her, and created a wall of force across the pitfall as a safe place to stand without rock beneath her. Morwath was also attacked, although not swallowed, and Hintzu send sheets of flames from his hand towards the floor, with no visible effect.
Morwath joined Milai and turned the stone floor of the room into mud, which flowed quickly into the pit beneath him. I was transported back to the party by someone's dweomer, for which I was grateful, although I had lost some equipment that had been crushed beyond use. We started to run along the new corridor, as the mudslide had made the area unstable. Both Milai and Morwath were attacked from the walls as we ran, and I used my mace to turn part of the creature that had attacked Morwath into flesh; this made it clearly visible, and it had simply been camoflage that had hidden the creatures thus far. Hintzu picked Milai up and moved her out of harms way, but was then swallowed himself - a great sacrifice!
I pulled the tentacles that had gripped Morwath, tearing them away from him and allowing him to move freely. Lanzi, now that he had a clear target, sent magic missiles into the creature nearest us, as Milai pulled out a wand that changed into a large sword and started attacking the creature that had taken Hintzu. Fortunately she killed it quickly and was able to pull Hintzu free before he suffered too much damage. I was swallowed a second time! Lanzi's magic missles and Morwath's strike, though, killed the beast and allowed me to pull myself out.
Milai pulled Hintzu forward until they reached a T-junction and the rest of us, with a pause for Lanzi to mirror image, followed at pace. Milai complained of being pricked, but Hintzu was not responsible! He tried using dweomer to highlight any threat with fairy fire, but to no avail. Lanzi and Morwath protected themselves from evil, but it was more likely that some kind of insect threatened us.
Lanzi created thick strands of web, covering most of the T-junction and almost trapping Hintzu, who had to leap free. We thought he was just being random again, but something was pulling at the web. Milai scattered some glitterdust in the area, revealing a large insect trapped in the web; with a target at last, Hintzu quickly dispatched it and Lanzi dropped the web, moving to join us.
Realising that we could have no confidence that the T-junction was real, and suspecting more traps, I spent some time praying to Odin for guidance, asking him to help me find the room in Malek in which Morwath met Gwendolyn and discussed the ownership of Findor's crown.
My prayer was answered, and our surroundings shifted once again. The passage behind us had changed, but I now knew that we were going the right way. We moved forward, but were beset by more insects, and unable to see them until they struck. Milai threw her net up towards the ceiling, trapping two. Milai quickly killed one, and Hintzu another. From the buzzing we could tell that there was at least one more, but Hintzu used his uncanny speed to swat it out of the air as it attacked. Finally all was quiet; they were all dead. Milai retrieved her net and healed herself before we moved again.
(Note: I think that Lanzi got to my notes at some point because there was a carefully inserted note stating that his dweomer yet again proved to be the decisive advantage in our combat. Even if it were true, I wouldn't want to inflate his ego any more than necessary!)
We proceeded down the corridor, emerging into a medium sized room mostly filled by an elipse shaped pool of water. There was water running down the walls and stalagtites on the ceiling with matching stalagmites below; the water was flowing down into the pool and away from us. Odin's guidance told me that we needed to continue below the water, and the pool had some depth to it.
Reluctantly, I called on Odin to allow me to breathe underwater and move freely before jumping in and sinking rapidly to the bottom. There was a large hole in the far wall beneath the waterline, and I could vaguely make out movement within. Hintzu joined me, bombing into the middle of the pool and creating a huge splash... just in case the thing ahead of us hadn't noticed we were there!
We made our way slowly forward, approaching the hole which was about 15 feet across. Milai, who had entered the water noiselessly, swam past us and readied herself for battle; she had sensed evil. A hydra (or so it appeared) emerged from the hole, lunging at Milai, but she was ready for it and hacked a head off. Unfortunately she could not avoid them all and took some damage from its multiple attacks.
Eudora left the water at speed, and both Lanzi and Hintzu were faffing on the surface, but Morwath had joined me in the water a little way back from Milai. I protected myself from the icy cold; the water was freezing and the cold was beginning to seep into my joints. Milai was doing well, taking off another couple of heads, but then suffered another attack and was turned to stone by some foul poison! Her body rapidly sunk to the bottom, and Morwath quickly created a lighting ball to engulf the creature, killing two more heads and stunning a couple more.
A sleek shape darted past us to attack; it was a shark! Actually it was Lanzi, who had transformed into a shark! His shark attack was lightning fast and he bit another head off. Morwath sent more lightning in towards the creature, causing all the remaining heads to droop as if stunned, but also catching Lanzi in the blast. I called on Odin to turn back time for the creature's actions, bringing Milai back to flesh but without undoing the damage the hydra had received. We could see at least two of the heads beginning to re-grow, and Hintzu chopped another one off. I threw some lightning in as well, stopping the regeneration, but again catching Lanzi in the blast. Milai disintegrated the remains, leaving bits of severed hydra floating in the water around us. Lanzi, a bit miffed at being shocked twice, swam up to me looking menacing, so I quickly healed him!
A Very Gnomish Lock[edit]
The current against us was about equal to human swimming strength, so we had to force our way forwards. Lanzi flicked his tail and darted ahead, Hintzu just missing his fin as he shot past. Milai, though, was hasted and in her element so she quickly outpaced the shark. The water got darker as we entered the hydra's cave, so I took out my gem of light to give us some chance of navigating. Lanzi transformed back to human form, coaxing Si Ti Qa into the water with him. Milai discovered a shaft leading upwards, but strangely it was completely flooded.
Milai disappeared up the shaft quickly, followed by Lanzi who had returned to shark form. The water was getting colder as we progressed, although Odin was protecting me from the effects. Milai, unpeturbed, was shooting ahead and quickly reached the top of the shaft, some hundred feet up. There was light up there, and she emerged into a room with water flowing from all around into the chute in the centre that we were ascending. An unfamiliar constellation of stars appeared to be above her on the ceiling, and glowing stones sat on four pedestals in a square around the chute, about a yard tall. The room was more like a cavern, being irregular in shape. The water across the floor was only a few inches deep, but seemed to be starting to move as if a gentle wind was blowing across the surface, circling the chute in the centre.
Meanwhile, at the foot of the shaft, Odin's guidance seemed to end and I stopped. (Note - I later found that we had entered an area where time was different, so this was no failure of Odin as an ignorant reading of this text might suggest at first glance) Not understanding what had happened, I tried to stop Hintzu, gesturing at the walls around me (we could not speak effectively underwater). Lanzi reached the surface, bursting through next to Milai in his usual spectacular entrance. Hintzu had seen me, though, and stopped to investigate the walls.
Milai was confused by the water level, as nature would suggest that we could not climb a hundred feet to another surface of water without dweomer being involved, but there seemed to be no illusory dweomer that she could detect. She inspected the pedestals more closely, finding them to be exquisitely carved into a perfect cylinder with a clam shell atop them, where a crystal sat glowing white with dweomer. I joined Hintzu in checking the walls below, but they too appeared to be real. Lanzi changed back to his human form, warning Milai that he suspected that planar travel could be involved as the plane of water had great influence in this place. Milai touched one of the glowing stones, with no effect.
I slowly started to climb the chute, unable to do anything else, but the current was too strong for me to force my way up and keep hold of the walls! Morwath had joined us, and bid us watch as he turned into a dolphin, so that we knew it was him. Hintzu gestured for me to take hold of him, and I grabbed him by his belt and hips. He shot up the shaft, working his miracles with the hard rock and taking me with him. Morwath followed us, slipping easily through the water as a dolphin. Meanwhile Lanzi warned Milai that air obviously had an influence and a planar shift might be taking place. The rest of us emerged into the chamber, seeing for the first time the strange constellation above us. Milai was pacing in the wind, which was growing stronger.
Now together, we started to search in earnest for an exit, but could find none. Hintzu flew up to the ceiling to examine the 'stars'; they turned out to be glowing stones embedded in a smooth ceiling, apparently fashioned by hand. The increasing cyclonic wind was beginning to concern us, and the water was now noticably getting deeper. We decided that the place was filled with negative energy, and we should try to counter it with positive energy. We stood by the pedestals and decided who would contribute what; I would call on Odin for radiance, Milai mineral with a gem, Lanzi steam with his dweomer, and Morwath lightning with his elemental powers. Hintzu called the timing so that we all acted together. There was a loud crack, the wind stopped abruptly and the water drained away. The stones above us shifted in the ceiling, but with no visible mechanism powering them, and a stone column started to rise from the shaft we had entered through.
Lanzi and Hintzu flew up to the ceiling, uncertain of what might happen; the 'stars' above shifted into the pattern of the phoenix constellation, a positive sign, and gap appeared directly above the rising shaft. A spark of electrical discharge flew from the pedestal nearest Melai to the wall, and then a bright light filled the room, coming from the new hole in the ceiling. The light was a bright blue, as if on midday in summer, and we hurried to get on the shaft that would take us up to this new place. The shaft rose for several minutes, emerging into an endless expanse of sky, all around us, with flashes of radiant fire appearing at random, warming us but not causing any harm. Below us appeared to be a dome, in which the room we had left was encased.
The platform eventually stopped beside four floating, leaf-shaped dishes filled with water. Lanzi warned of powerful negative spirits, and the familiars were obviously agitated. This time, being in such a radiant, positive place, we used negative elements on the bowls: salt, dust, ash and vacuum. I had to conjure a large meal in order to get salt, so took the opportunity to enjoy lunch. Once we had added these elements to the bowls, the shaft started to descend again. The room we entered, though, was completely different. There was a new, unfamiliar constellation above us and the floor was molten stone, clearly a meeting of fire and earth. Two brass dishes were floating on the magma below, towards which we were descending.
We decided that we needed positive energy to balance the room, so I threw a ball of radiant energy from my crown and Melai a diamond, one at each dish. The shaft reversed its direction again, rising into another room, this time filled with ooze that was slowly turning around the platform we stood on. Having now cracked the key, we knew we would need dust and salt to progress, and quickly added them to the dishes nearby. The ooze drained slowly from the room, leaving us standing on a forty foot square platform without any walls.