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Unglak (Gnome)[edit]


Unglak's father discovers the gem that becomes the Sarnim Stone "at the beginning of time". (1st Age History) This is another clue that the Elven version of history is skewed - the Gnomes were actually around before the Elves, which is why they cannot give a date for this discovery. (Dafydd)


The 1st Council of Sutur meets and discusses the war against Dispater. The members are as follows:

Men: Lastar, Bavarik, Gundleus

Dwarves: Balem, Dor, Hamar, Zem, Ishtur, Findor, Maedus

Elves: Gelmir, Aerandir, Nenya, Elwe

Gnomes: Unglak, Yagrik and Ichshoos.

(1st Age History)


All Kings, except Unglak King of the Gnomes, had fallen. Lastar knows Dispater will have to be defeated on both the Prime and his home Plane. Therefore, he decides to use the Rings to create a 7th Crown and forge all the Crowns together into one powerful artefact – The Crown of Light. (1st Age History)

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