History of the Fourth Age(E)

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Year Remarks
(50) 895 Nagrad - The Island home of the Mariner Drow grows rich on the trade with the Keffendir dwarves and men of Ashore. Inwe, a Drow princess and accomplished witch, gathers great power. Understanding well the influence of the artefacts she uses her travelling Drow to search both sides of the Ocean.
(50) 895 Iki Moko enters Findor - Realising that he would be able to act well on his own, Iki Moko, gathers intelligence on the movements of Marilliath from within the Iron Mts. Many Tanar’ri are destroyed during his time within the labyrinth.
(52) 897 Hangar Strikes at Kaled Zem - Having little joy breaking Marilliath’s hold on Findor, Hangar rallies the Dwarves of Balem and the elves of both the Sylvan Lands and the Old Forest and attacks Orcus’ forces across Eriador and Kaled Zem.
(53) 898 Iki Moko discovers Olga - Coming unobserved into Olga, Iki Moko witnesses Marilliath using the Palantir, the Pentagram and the Gate to travel across the Prime in search of Lastar’s artefacts. Powerless to strike, Iki continues to drive evil from Findor.
(54) 899 The Gem - Mariku returns to Sutur with the shards; she seeks out Orodruin’s folk and the Elves of the Vikriain to learn what she may of the artefacts..
(55-60) 900-905 Siege of Minas Aarda - Desperately trying to remove Orcus from the Prime, Imrahir joins with his son Eomere, his Grandson Ythanos, dwarves from Balem, led by Hangar, and the elves from the Sylvan lands in a siege of Minas Aarda.
(56) 901 Yeanoghu enters the Prime - Frustrated by his last failure, Yeanoghu covertly enters the Prime deep in the Mts of Caladhon in the far north of Everinstar. Here his Gnoll Army builds its power.
(56) 901 Incharan enters the Prime - Incharan finds easy access to the Prime through the Keffendir mts as the dwarves’ deep excavations offer opportunity.
(58) 903 Iki Moko enters the Ruby Mts - Destroying Marilliath’s evil forces, Iki Moko slowly returns the mountains around Olga to good.
(59) 904 Lastar’s Pommel - The Keffendir dwarves discover the pommel when they open up the Dragorald. Not knowing what they had found, they trade it with the Drow at Nagrad. Inwe realises what it is and re-doubles her efforts to find more artefacts.
(59) 904 Dordraug discovers Gulak - Fighting in the siege of Minas Aarda, Dordraug meets Gulak, who proudly wears the Crown without realising its powers. Without hesitation, Dordraug expertly wields the Staff and kills the Demon taking up the Circlet.
(60) 905 Death of Hangar - In an ill-fated attack on Minas Aarda, Hangar is killed by Dordraug, who takes up Rakos. Having 2 Crowns, the Ring of Earth, the Gem of Mischief and Strife, the Staff and now Rakos, Dordraug breaks the siege.
(60) 905 The Flight - Lastar’s Claw - All forces for good are routed and return to their homes. However, the dwarves of Zem fight valiantly for their Queen, Mala, and cling on to their old halls in Kaled Zem. As they withdraw deep into Zem, Mala discovers the Eagle’s Claw – the headpiece to Lastar’s Staff.
(63) 908 Iki Moko enters Zundar - Having followed Marilliath through the Portal, Iki finds himself in Zundar. All the Lords of Balem were fighting in the siege of Minas Aarda and none had noticed the Demon’s entry into the secret hall. Not realising that it was just her projected form, Iki surprises and kills Marilliath – banishing her to Olga until she can return to her own Plane. Her form carried both the Ring of Fire and the 4th Part of the Crown, which Iki retrieves but not the Gem. Findor lays empty as few dwarves of that House survive and Hangar lays dead in Aarda
(65) 910 Dordraug Kills Garag and takes the Ring of Air - After the failed siege of Minas Aarda, Garag returns to Kaled Zem. However, Dordraug manages to penetrate the dwarfs’ defences and kills Garag, taking up his Ring. The dwarves retreat to Emras again.
(65) 910 Yeanoghu enters Ishtur - Aided by Demogorgon, Yeanoghu attacks Ishtur. Catching the gnomes and dwarves off guard, Yeanoghu plunders deep into the Mts. Sallasor is killed and the throne of Ishtur passes to Hillick.
(67) 912 Demogorgon Arrives on the Prime - Once again, the Demon arrives on the Prime to challenge his enemy, Orcus, for control. Having allowed Yeanoghu to establish a foothold in Ishtur, Demogorgon assists with the capture of Minas Morgul.
(68) 913 Minas Morgul falls - The House of Ishtur scatter and the gnomes and dwarves that survives mass in Fangor Rodrus and Minas Maedus.
(69-75) 914-920 The Siege of Minas Maedus - The Gem of Benevolence - Strengthened by the gnomes and dwarves of Ishtur, Kular, his two sons Grobdûr and Kalassor command an excellent defence of Maedus. However, in 918, Kular is killed by Demogorgon himself in the foothills before the Minas. The Demon takes up his Gem but fails to be able to use it. Grobdûr, Kular’s son takes up the throne of Fangor Rodrus.
(73) 918 Use of the Gem of Natural Wonder and the Fall of Minas Emras - Orcus Sieges Emras - Destrin, Mala’s General, in desperate defence of his Queen and people uses the Gem of Natural Wonder to defeat the Demon’s army as it scales the Mountain. The House of Zem finally falls as Emras is brought down by both Rantor and Dordraug assisting Orcus. Destrin is killed and Mala escapes with the Claw. The Gem is lost.
(75-80) 920-925 Clash of the Demons - Demogorgon and Orcus have their first battle on the planes of Eriador, breaking Yeanoghu’s siege of Maedus. The armies are hurled against each other demanding more and more resources from across the Demons’ occupied territory. Dordraug skilfully evades being drawn in to such open warfare.
(75) 920-925 Grobdûr’s dwarves and gnomes from Ishtur, led by Hillick, attack both Demons’ forces, weakening them further.
(75) 920 Rantor Attacks Endor - Encouraged by Demogorgon, his success at Emras and bored of the bargain struck with the dwarves of Dor, Rantor decides to attack Endor.
(76) 921 Dor Sues for Peace - Once again, Dragor attempts to reason with the Dragon, bribing him with treasures found in the Mts of Keffendir in Amarsland. Instead of peace, Rantor kills the king and takes the Ring of Water as a prize.
(77-85) 922-930 The Siege of Minas Tiris - Malanor, the new King and Lord of Dor lays siege to the ancient tower but is unable to avenge his father’s death.
(78) 923 Battle of Ashore - Taneth dies in the Battle with the Red Dragon in the Bay of Ashore and his son Agrion takes up the Sword of Agan.
(80-83) 925-928 The Battle of Eriador - Led by Ythanos, men and elves from Gorgoroth and the Vikriain sortie from Sutur to assist Grobdûr and Hillick. Joined by Mala’s dwarves from the House of Zem they re-take Minas Emras, set up lines of supply with Minas Maedus and drive north to free Morgul.
(82) 927 Iki Takes the Ring of Water - Having travelled by the Portal, Iki comes to Minas Tiris whilst Rantor is attacking the dwarves of Dor. Believing it to be his destiny, Iki finds and takes the Ring of Water without Rantor’s knowledge.
(82) 927 Rantor’s Vengeance - Discovering that his Ring is missing, Rantor destroys the army that is laying siege to Tiris and wreaks vengeance across Dor. Many more now flee to Keffendir.
(82) 927 The Orb of the Dragon - Dragor II and Kagrash collectively attempt to create an Orb of the Dragon Kind to control Rantor; however, the Gem corrupts the magic, turning both to evil.
(82) 927 Exodus of the Sea Elves - Led by Agrion, many of the Sea Elves move to Amarsland and take up home near Findorsveldt.
(82) 927 Iki Moko Enters Morgul - Using the Portal at Tiris, Iki comes to Morgul and assists Grobdûr’s dwarves free Minas Morgul. Iki Kills Yeanoghu but finds that the Demon had already lost his Ring.
(83) 928 The Banishment of the Demons - In a final almighty clash, Orcus and Demogorgon destroy one another on the Prime. Demogorgan’s Gem falls to the ground, buried beneath the dead and dying. Imrahir and the combined forces of elves, men and dwarves are victorious.
(83) 928 The Death of Kagrash - Incharan kills Kagrash deep within Keffendir and takes his Gem. Many of his folk take the Keys that they discover in Kagrash’s belongings without knowing their true value. (However, one key – to Nagrad – finds it way into the hands of the Sea Elves nearly 90 years after Kagrash’s death. And another – to Balem – finds its way into the hands of Elerienne after the battle of Eriador.).
(83) 928 Death of Imrahir - The Efreet Hearth - Coming unobserved over the top of Malek, Dordraug’s forces kill and capture many of Orodruin’s Folk and seize the Efreet Hearth, cutting off Imrahir’s supply routes and stopping the Castellan from returning to Sutur. Dordraug discovers Mariku amongst the Dwarves and tortures her. However, she says little of what she knows and the evil Mage is content with the knowledge that more of Lastar’s artefacts have fallen into his possession. He sends Mariku to a prison deep within Kaled Zem. Dordraug eventually surrounds Sutur and, caught in the open, Imrahir is engulfed by the enemy before he can reach the safety of the Castle’s walls. His depleted forces struggle to cope with Dordraug’s vast army. Imrahir is killed by Dordraug; however, the Mage is unable to seize any of Lastar’s artefacts, which are recovered by Grobdûr, Kûlar’s oldest son, and returned to Minas Maedus.
(83-100) 928-945 The Exodus of the Vikriain - Believing that the time had come to move away from Everinstar after Imrahir’s death, many elves leave their ancient woodland home bound for Amarsland)
(83-95) 928-940 The Dragorald - Battling with Incharan for control, Dragor II creates the Dragorald in Keffendir. As yet unable to use the Orb to its full potential, he concentrates on finding darker powers within Keffendir and retrieving his brother’s Gem.
(83-85) 928-930 Siege of Sutur - Eomere has no time to grieve for his father and defends Sutur valiantly. Dordraug’s Armies siege Alon and Gos. However, without support from Orcus, Dordraug’s strength wanes quickly.
(85) 930 The aid of Sutur - Ythanos, Iki Moko, Grobdûr, Hillick and Mala all drive their forces west, mopping up the remaining evil and smashing into Dordraug’s army from the rear. Eomere sorties and breaks the siege causing Dordraug to flee back to Kaled Zem.
(85) 930 Renash is born - Renash is born in the Vikriain.
(85) 930 Of Fastlor and the 2nd and 3rd Crowns - Fastlor, together with the 2nd and 3rd parts of the Crown are presented to Eomere. However, as a mark of respect for the Dwarves of Rodrus and in memory of the first owner of the Crown, he returns the 3rd part to Grobdûr.
(85) 930 Of the 4th Crown - Uninterested in the Crown taken from Marilliath’s projected image, Iki Moko surrenders his part of the Crown to Florienne of the Sylvan Lands.
(85) 930 Minas Emras, Maedus ad Morgul - The depleted houses of Zem, Rodrus and Ishtur set about restoring their ancestral homes.
(86) 931 Dordraug’s Flight - The Hearth - Ythanos constantly harries the enemy. Not given a chance to recoup his strength, Dordraug is forced to retreat from Kaled Zem, returning to Minas Aarda. He hides the Hearth in Amras Aarda hoping to return it to Orcus at a later date. Ythanos discovers what is left of Mariku and, before dying, she warns him of the loss of the shards.
(86) 931 Marilliath - Significantly weakened and holed up in Olga, Marilliath is unwilling to come to the aid of Dordraug; instead, she concentrates on creating elaborate defences of the Minas and using the Palantir to discover the whereabouts of the Artefacts.
(86) 931 Ythanos marries Catherin of Alon.
(86-95) 931-940 Siege of Minas Aarda and the rise of Gloun - For 9 years Eomere’s armies lay siege to Minas Aarda, trying to break Dordraug. Without strong leaders in the Houses of Balem and Hama’Las the siege tires and many of Eomere’s forces return to their homes. Gloun a young dwarf from Hama’Las takes up the task of rallying his folk in an attempt to take back their lands.
(87) 932 Under Mala, the dwarves from the House of Zem take back their halls in the mts of Kaled Zem and fortify their southern borders against Dordraug.
(90) 935 Silmar is born - Silmar is born to Ythanos and Catherin.
(90) 935 Minas Morgul is Rebuilt - The House of Ishtur come to power in Minas Morgul once again.
(91) 936 The 4th Crown - Marilliath discovers that the Sylvan Elves have the 4th Part of the Crown. Her projected form strikes out and, killing Florienne, takes the Crown back to Olga.
(93) 938 Morwath Stormbringer is born.
(95) 940 Iki Enters Minas Aarda - The Rings of Air and Earth – Rakos - Led by Gloun, he and Iki find a secret way into the labyrinth beneath Minas Aarda. Whilst Eomere redoubles his effort to gain access to the Tower, Iki and many of the House of Hamar attack from within. Whilst the force is not able to kill Dordraug, Iki cuts off the Rings from his hand, causing the evil mage to drop Rakos and flee, taking his staff with him.
(95) 940 Rakos and the shards of Lastar’s Gem - Rakos is delivered to Gloun. The dwarves also discover the Gem of Mischief and Strife hidden in the vaults of Minas Aarda. They give the Gem to Iki who promises to take it to Sutur. Iki Moko returns to the Castle with all four Rings and the shard. By some strange misfortune, Dordraug still has the other shards (the Gem of Life and the Gem of Law) with him as he flees.
(96) 941 Dordraug enters the Sylvan Lands - Fleeing certain death in Aarda, Dordraug escapes to the Sylvan lands and bargains for his life. He offers the Crowns in exchange for free passage to Amarsland. Whilst in captivity Dordraug bends his will over the Gem of Mischief and Strife ensuring that Iki Moko does not divulge it to Eomere at Sutur. Refusing to be bought, the Elves imprison Dordraug, strip him of his artefacts and attempt to return him to Eomere’s control at Sutur.
(96) 941 Minas Aarda is rebuilt - Gloun and his family return to their home after living in exile in Minas Maedus. Gloun’s father Bragfor dies before he sees his ancestral home rebuilt.
(97) 942 Dordraug Escapes - The 7th Crown - Inevitably, Dordraug was strong enough to escape the elves. He also managed to take the 7th Crown with him in his flight to Olga, killing many of his captors. The Sylvan Elves are distraught at their failure. Dordraug’s belongings were brought before the Queen of the Sylvan Elves, Lucielle, who contemplated their next course of action.
(97) 942 The 5th Crown - The Gem of Law and the Gem of Life - The Staff of Lastar - Dormarie, oldest of those entrusted with guarding Dordraug was given the 5th Crown and was tasked with finding Dordraug and bringing him back to justice at Sutur. Knowing enough to realise the importance of the stones, Lucielle seeks the counsel of her great ally, Essulim of the Vikriain. Wary of Iki’s sudden ascension, Essulim agrees to meet, not in Sutur but in the recently captured Minas Aarda together with many of the most powerful in the land.
(98) 943 Dordraug Flees to Ashoria - The Hearth - Fearing what doom Dordraug might bring upon her, Marilliath smuggles him to Ashoria, disguised as a wealthy human warrior, where he might get passage to Amarsland. Dordraug explains where the Hearth is and that it must be returned to Orcus. Dormarie learns of his escape to Ashoria and requests the help of the Sea Elves to locate him.
(100) 945 The Council of Aarda - The Council convened and comprised: Essulim of the Vikriain; Shono Na of the Monastery; Lucielle of the Sylvan Lands; Ythanos, son of Eomere; Haemrandir of Numenorea; Gloun of Hama’Las; and Grobdûr of Fangor Rodrus. It determined that the Gems were indeed of Lastar’s make and that they were to be protected. They are reminded of Kular’s death and his loss of the Gem of Benevolence to Demogorgan. Ythanos tells Mariku’s story as far as he can and invited the council to peruse the great library at Sutur. However, Essulim decides to keep the shards hidden for the time being. Considering what he knew (or guessed) of their alignment, Essulim gives the Gem of Law to Shono Na and the Gem of Life to Lucielle. Lucielle presents the staff to the council who (having no wizard present) decide to pass it to Haemrandir for study and safe keeping. The council make finding Dordraug a high priority.
(100-135) 945-980 The Harsh Rule of Law - Perverted by the Gem, Iki Moko imposes a harsh law on the land dividing him and Eomere. Iki leaves Sutur returning to Alon and eventually Nega where he becomes an extremely powerful Shogun. He rules the southern lands with tyrannical fanaticism which is only blunted by his repeated failed attempts to take Olga from Marilliath.
(105-110) 950-955 Siege of Minas Tiris - Having defeated much of the evil in the land, Eomere his son Ythanos and his grandson Silmar (just 15), turn their attention to the plight of the dwarves of Dor. Believing Dordraug to have fled north, it is easy for Eomere to enlist the help of the Vikriain, Numenorean half-elves, led by Haemrandir, men from Gorgoroth, Pelanor and Alon, the dwarves of Rodrus and Ishtur, and Sea Elves of Ashoria, led by Agrion. Dormarie accompanies the nobles, also believing that Dordraug may have fled north. Together they lay siege to the Great Wyrm’s lair and scour the land for the evil mage. Despite searching the forgotten lands for Kular’s shard they fail to find anything. Fearing that the Army is looking for him, Dordraug hides in Ashoria.
(108) 953-990 Iki enters Sutur - Welcomed by its occupants, Iki leads a strong force of Samurai into Sutur and takes control of all the surrounding lands, imposing his harsh rule of law. For 37 years Iki rules the land from Sutur, making vast improvements to its defences and its monastery. Learning how to use the Palantir, with his knowledge of the Pentagram and driven by the Gem, Iki sets about discovering the rest of the Sarnim Stone.
(110) 955 Betrayal of Dragor and the battle of Ashoria - The 3rd Crown - The 5th Crown - Believing that he could make Rantor help retrieve the Gem from Incharan, bane of Kagrash, Dragor II travels to Tiris. In exchange for assistance, Rantor convinces the dwarf to use his Orb to summon the aid of many ancient dragons from the inner planes. These flock to Rantor and strike out at the huge force surrounding the Castle, decimating it. Renash, by now a powerful Mage, saves Eomere’s life during one monumental battle with an ancient Green Dragon. Hillock of Ishtur and Grobdûr of Rodrus are both killed by dragons. Grobdûr’s crown passes to his son Hasfast. Dormarie is killed by Dragor, who takes up her crown, despite receiving protection from Haemrandir with the Staff.
(111) 956 The Hearth - Having been forgotten, Marilliath capitalises on the confusion and discovers the Hearth in Amras Aarda, where Dordraug had left it, and in return for more power gives it to Orcus.
(111) 956 Flight to Amarsland - Fearing for their lives, many flee to Amarsland on Agrion’s ships. Haemrandir, the Half-Elf Druid, leads the exodus and keeps peace in Amarsland through skilful diplomacy.
(111) 956 Dragor Returns - Full of guilt for what he had done and fearing retribution, Dragor returns to the Dragorald on the back of an ancient Black Dragon. Despising what Dragor II has done, Kagrall takes many of his folk North, becoming the first of the ‘lost souls’ – those who turn their back on Hel.
(115) 960 Dordraug travels to Amarsland - Having witnessed the battle, the subsequent exodus and the flight of Dragor, Dordraug, believing he can turn the mortals to him, follows them to Amarsland. Changing his name to Guerin, he draws the disillusioned men to his side. He rallies the men in an unsuccessful rebellion against Haemrandir. Guerin flees deep into Keffendir. Recognising the artefacts, Haemrandir is convinced that Guerin is Dordraug.
(115) 960 Eomere’s return - Having returned to Sutur, with what was left of his army, Eomere discovers that Iki Moko has taken control. His military strength depleted, Eomere can do nothing about Iki’s harsh justice.
(115) 960 The Gem of Benevolence - A young Ishtur dwarf named Pralk discovers the Gem of Benevolence in the forgotten lands. The great dwarven houses are rebuilt, leaving Zundar in Balem unoccupied, Tiris held by Rantor and Olga by Marilliath.

History of the 4th Age as know to Milai:

The Sea Elves travel routinely between Amorsland and Eriador and learn much of both lands. They discover that the Keffendir dwarves’ deep excavations unearth a mighty Demon - Incharan.

Encouraged by Demogorgon and bored of the bargain struck with the dwarves of Dor, Rantor decides to attack Endor. Once again, Dragor attempts to reason with the Dragon, bribing him with treasures found in the Mts of Keffendir in Amarsland. Instead of peace, Rantor kills the King and takes the Ring of Water as a prize. Malanor, the new King and Lord of Dor lays siege to the ancient tower but is unable to avenge his father’s death. Moreover, Taneth dies in the Battle with the Red Dragon in the Bay of Ashore and his son Agrion takes up the Sword of Agan. A few years later Milai is born.

Milai understands now that, during one of Rantor’s sorties, Iki comes to Minas Tiris. Believing it to be his destiny, Iki finds and takes the Ring of Water without Rantor’s knowledge. Discovering that his Ring is missing, Rantor destroys the army that is laying siege to Tiris and wreaks vengeance across Dor. Many more dwarves now flee to Keffendir and, with Agrion’s blessing, many of the Sea Elves move to Amorsland and take up home near Findorsveldt. Much of Milai’s life is spent travelling between Findorsveldt and Celin, often conducting diplomatic activity on her father’s behalf.

Milai learns that Dragor II and Kagrash collectively attempt to create an Orb of the Dragon Kind to control Rantor; however, Milai believes that the Gem corrupted the magic, turning both dwarf and orb to evil. Later Incharan killed Kagrash deep within Keffendir and took his Gem. Many dwarves took the Keys that they discovered in Kagrash’s belongings without knowing their true value. (However, one key – to Nagrad – finds it way into the hands of the Sea Elves nearly 90 years after Kagrash’s death. And another – to Balem – finds its way into the hands of Elerienne after the battle of Eriador.) Battling with Incharan for control, Dragor II created the Dragorald in Keffendir. As yet unable to use the Orb to its full potential, he concentrated on finding darker powers within Keffendir and retrieving his brother’s Gem.

The elves learn of Imrahir’s death at the hand of an emergent evil – Dordraug. Believing that the time had come to move away from Everinstar, many elves leave their ancient woodland home bound for Amorsland. Nevertheless Dordraug was eventually put to flight, arriving in the Sylvan Lands where he attempted to bargain Lastar’s artefacts for his freedom. Much later Milai discovered that he slipped the Sylvan Elves’ bonds escaping to Olga. Here, Marilliath smuggled Dordraug to Ashoria, disguised as a wealthy human warrior, where he was able to get passage to Amorsland. Dormarie, eldest daughter of Lucielle (Queen of the Sylvan Lands) learned of Dordraug’s flight to Ashoria and requested the help of the Sea Elves to locate him.

Having defeated much of the evil in the land, Eomere, his son Ythanos and his grandson Silmar (just 15) turn their attention to the plight of the dwarves of Dor. Believing Dordraug to have fled north, it is easy for Eomere to enlist the help of the Vikriain, Numenorean half-elves, led by Haemrandir, men from Gorgoroth, Pelanor and Alon, the dwarves of Rodrus and Ishtur, and Sea Elves of Ashoria, led by Agrion. Together they lay siege to the Great Wyrm’s lair and scour the land for the evil mage. Rightly fearing that the Army is looking for him, Dordraug hid in Ashoria waiting for his passage.

Believing that he could make Rantor help retrieve the Gem from Incharan, bane of Kagrash, Dragor II travelled to Tiris. In exchange for assistance, Rantor convinced the dwarf to use his Orb to summon the aid of many ancient dragons from the inner planes. These flocked to Rantor and struck out at the huge force surrounding the Minas, decimating it. Renash, by now a powerful Mage, saved Eomere’s life during one monumental battle with an ancient Green Dragon. Hillock of Ishtur and Grobdûr of Rodrus are both killed by dragons. Dormarie is killed by Dragor, despite having received protection from Haemrandir who Milai believed to have wielded the Staff of Lastar.

Fearing for their lives, many fled to Amorsland on Agrion’s ships. Haemrandir, the Half-Elf Druid, lead the exodus, keeping peace amongst the nations in Amorsland through skilful diplomacy. Full of guilt for what he had done and fearing retribution, Dragor II returned to the Dragorald on the back of an ancient Black Dragon. Kagrall, Dragor’s older brother, discovered what had happened and took many of his folk north, becoming the first of the ‘lost souls’ – those who turned their back on Hel.

Having witnessed the battle, the subsequent exodus and the flight of Dragor, Dordraug, believing he could turn the mortals to him, travelled to Amarsland. Changing his name to Guerin, he drew the disillusioned men to his side and rallied them in an unsuccessful rebellion against Haemrandir. Guerin then fled deep into Keffendir. Recognising the artefacts, Haemrandir is convinced that Guerin is Dordraug and tells the Sea Elves as much.